[siesta-commit] siesta/t 01compile.t,1.3,1.4 02all_plugins.t,1.3,1.4 07list.t,1.20,1.21 07user.t,1.7,1.8 08config.t,1.9,1.10 09plugin_order.t,1.1,1.2 10plugin_checkuser.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_membersonly.t,1.5,1.6 10plugin_replyto.t,1.3,1.4 10plugin_simplesig.t,1.5,1.6 10plugin_subjecttag.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_subscribe.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_unsubscribe.t,1.1,1.2

[prev] [thread] [next] [lurker] [Date index for 2002/09/12]

From: clampr
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta/t 01compile.t,1.3,1.4 02all_plugins.t,1.3,1.4 07list.t,1.20,1.21 07user.t,1.7,1.8 08config.t,1.9,1.10 09plugin_order.t,1.1,1.2 10plugin_checkuser.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_membersonly.t,1.5,1.6 10plugin_replyto.t,1.3,1.4 10plugin_simplesig.t,1.5,1.6 10plugin_subjecttag.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_subscribe.t,1.2,1.3 10plugin_unsubscribe.t,1.1,1.2
Date: 13:55 on 12 Sep 2002
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv17424/t

Modified Files:
	01compile.t 02all_plugins.t 07list.t 07user.t 08config.t 
	09plugin_order.t 10plugin_checkuser.t 10plugin_membersonly.t 
	10plugin_replyto.t 10plugin_simplesig.t 10plugin_subjecttag.t 
	10plugin_subscribe.t 10plugin_unsubscribe.t 
Log Message:

Index: 01compile.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/01compile.t,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- 01compile.t	3 Sep 2002 22:42:06 -0000	1.3
+++ 01compile.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.4
@@ -17,4 +17,3 @@

Index: 02all_plugins.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/02all_plugins.t,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- 02all_plugins.t	3 Sep 2002 22:42:06 -0000	1.3
+++ 02all_plugins.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.4
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 my @files = find( name => '*.pm', in => 'blib/lib/Siesta/Plugin' );
 require Test::More;
-Test::More->import(tests => @files * 3);
+Test::More->import( tests => @files * 3 );
 for my $file (@files) {
     $file =~ s{blib/lib/(.*).pm}{$1};

Index: 07list.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/07list.t,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.20 -r1.21
--- 07list.t	10 Sep 2002 19:08:16 -0000	1.20
+++ 07list.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.21
@@ -6,111 +6,102 @@
 use Siesta::List;
 use Data::Dumper;
-Siesta->connect( DBI=> "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
+Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
-my $list = Siesta::List->new( 'dealers' );
+my $list = Siesta::List->new('dealers');
 isa_ok( $list, "Siesta::List", );
-ok( $list, "list created" );
+ok( $list,     "list created" );
-is( $list->id, "dealers" );
+is( $list->id,           "dealers" );
 is( $list->owner,        'jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' );
 is( $list->post_address, 'dealers@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' );
 is( $list->return_path,  'dealers-bounce@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' );
 ok( $list->is_member('jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), "jay is a member" );
-ok( !($list->is_member('brodie@comic-store')),   "brodie isn't on any lists" );
-ok( !($list->is_member('dante@quick-stop')),     "dante isn't on this list" );
+ok( !( $list->is_member('brodie@comic-store') ), "brodie isn't on any lists" );
+ok( !( $list->is_member('dante@quick-stop') ),   "dante isn't on this list" );
-my $user1 = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( id  => sub { 'jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' } );
+my $user1 =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' } );
 ok( $list->is_member($user1), "jay member (object)" );
-my $user2 = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( id  => sub { 'brodie@comic-store' } );
-ok( !($list->is_member($user2)), 'brodie (object)' );
+my $user2 = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'brodie@comic-store' } );
+ok( !( $list->is_member($user2) ), 'brodie (object)' );
-is (scalar($list->members()), 2, "only two members");
+is( scalar( $list->members() ), 2, "only two members" );
 my $flag = 1;
-foreach my $member ($list->members()) {
+foreach my $member ( $list->members() ) {
     $flag = $flag && $list->is_member($member);
-ok($flag, "->is_member agrees with ->members");
+ok( $flag, "->is_member agrees with ->members" );
 # removal
-my $old_cnt = scalar($list->members());
+my $old_cnt = scalar( $list->members() );
 ok( $list->is_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), "unsub - bob is a member" );
 ok( $list->remove_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), "remove successful" );
 ok( !$list->remove_member('dante@quick-stop'),   "remove of non-member" );
 ok( !$list->remove_member('brodie@comic-store'), "remove of a system nobody" );
-is(scalar($list->members()),  $old_cnt - 1, "members count went down");
-ok (!($list->is_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx')), "bob no longer a member");
-ok ($list->is_member('jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), "jay still is");
+is( scalar( $list->members() ), $old_cnt - 1, "members count went down" );
+ok( !( $list->is_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx') ),
+    "bob no longer a member" );
+ok( $list->is_member('jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), "jay still is" );
 # add
 my $count = scalar $list->members;
-ok( $list->add_member( 'bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' ), 'was able to add bob' );
+ok( $list->add_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx'), 'was able to add bob' );
 is( scalar $list->members, $count + 1 );
-ok( $list->is_member( 'bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' ) );
+ok( $list->is_member('bob@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx') );
 # test instantiating from hash
-my $test_list = Siesta::List->new_from_hash(
-                                            id    => 'testing',
-                                            owner => 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx',
-                                           );
+my $test_list = Siesta::List->new_from_hash( id    => 'testing',
+                                             owner => 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx', );
-ok ($test_list, "list created from hash");
-isa_ok ($test_list, "Siesta::List");
+ok( $test_list,     "list created from hash" );
+isa_ok( $test_list, "Siesta::List" );
 # save that
+ok( Siesta->storage->save_list($test_list) );
 $test_list = undef;
 # now reload it
 $test_list = Siesta::List->new('testing');
-ok ($test_list, "list reloaded");
-isa_ok($test_list, "Siesta::List");
-is($test_list->owner(), 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx', "correct data");
+ok( $test_list, "list reloaded" );
+isa_ok( $test_list, "Siesta::List" );
+is( $test_list->owner(), 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx', "correct data" );
 # now delete it
+ok( Siesta->storage->delete_list($test_list) );
 $test_list = Siesta::List->new('testing');
-is($test_list, undef);
+is( $test_list, undef );
 # now try all those again with class methods
-my $again = Siesta::List->new_from_hash(
-                                        id    => 'testing',
-                                        owner => 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx',
-                                        );
+my $again = Siesta::List->new_from_hash( id    => 'testing',
+                                         owner => 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx', );
-isa_ok($again, "Siesta::List");
+isa_ok( $again, "Siesta::List" );
+ok( $again->save );
 $again = undef;
 $again = Siesta::List->new('testing');
-is($again->owner(), 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx');
+is( $again->owner(), 'test@xxxxxxx.xxx' );
+ok( $again->delete() );
 $test_list = Siesta::List->new('testing');
-is($test_list, undef);
+is( $test_list, undef );
 # make sure that we insert when there's nothing there
 # before and update when there is
 my $us = Siesta::List->new_from_hash( id => 'caitlin' );
-ok($us->save(), "saved 'caitlin'");
+ok( $us->save(), "saved 'caitlin'" );
 $flag = 0;
-foreach my $list (Siesta->storage->get_lists())
-        $flag++ if ($list->id() eq 'caitlin');
+foreach my $list ( Siesta->storage->get_lists() ) {
+    $flag++ if ( $list->id() eq 'caitlin' );
-is ($flag, 1, "inserted");
+is( $flag, 1, "inserted" );
+ok( $us->owner('test') );
+ok( $us->save() );
 $flag = 0;
-foreach my $list (Siesta->storage->get_lists())
-        $flag++ if ($list->id() eq 'caitlin');
+foreach my $list ( Siesta->storage->get_lists() ) {
+    $flag++ if ( $list->id() eq 'caitlin' );
-is($flag, 1, "updated");
-is($us->owner(), 'test');
+is( $flag, 1, "updated" );
+is( $us->owner(), 'test' );

Index: 07user.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/07user.t,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- 07user.t	10 Sep 2002 19:08:17 -0000	1.7
+++ 07user.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.8
@@ -5,76 +5,74 @@
 use Siesta;
 use Siesta::User;
-Siesta->connect( DBI=> "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
+Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
 my $user = Siesta::User->new('jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx');
-ok( $user, "user created" );
+ok( $user,     "user created" );
 isa_ok( $user, "Siesta::User", );
 # test new from hash
-my $other = Siesta::User->new_from_hash( id=>'bluntman@xxxxxxx.xxx', forename=>'bluntman', surname=>'chronic' );
-ok( $other, "user created from hash");
-isa_ok ( $other, "Siesta::User");
+my $other = Siesta::User->new_from_hash(
+                                         id       => 'bluntman@xxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                         forename => 'bluntman',
+                                         surname  => 'chronic'
+                                         );
+ok( $other, "user created from hash" );
+isa_ok( $other, "Siesta::User" );
 # save that
+ok( Siesta->storage->save_user($other) );
 $other = undef;
 # we now reload that user
 $other = Siesta::User->new('bluntman@xxxxxxx.xxx');
-ok( $other, "user reloaded");
-isa_ok ( $other, "Siesta::User");
-is($other->forename(), 'bluntman', "correct data");
+ok( $other, "user reloaded" );
+isa_ok( $other, "Siesta::User" );
+is( $other->forename(), 'bluntman', "correct data" );
 # now delete it
-ok (Siesta->storage->delete_user($other));
+ok( Siesta->storage->delete_user($other) );
 $other = Siesta::User->new('bluntman@xxxxxxx.xxx');
-# now reload it
-is ($other, undef);
+# now reload it
+is( $other, undef );
 # now try all these as User class methods
-my $again = Siesta::User->new_from_hash( id=>'chronic@xxxxxxx.xxx', 
-                                           forename=>'charles', 
-                                           surname=>'hronic' );
-ok ($again);
-isa_ok ($again, 'Siesta::User');
-ok ($again->save);
+my $again = Siesta::User->new_from_hash(
+                                         id       => 'chronic@xxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                         forename => 'charles',
+                                         surname  => 'hronic'
+                                         );
+isa_ok( $again, 'Siesta::User' );
+ok( $again->save );
 $again = undef;
 $again = Siesta::User->new('chronic@xxxxxxx.xxx');
-is ($again->forename(), 'charles');
-ok ($again->delete());
+is( $again->forename(), 'charles' );
+ok( $again->delete() );
 $again = Siesta::User->new('charles@xxxxxxx.xxx');
-is($again, undef);
+is( $again, undef );
 # make sure that we insert when there's nothing there 
 # before and update when there is
-my $us = Siesta::User->new_from_hash( id=>'test@test' );
-ok($us->save(), "saved 'test\@test'");
+my $us = Siesta::User->new_from_hash( id => 'test@test' );
+ok( $us->save(), "saved 'test\@test'" );
 my $flag = 0;
-foreach my $user (Siesta->storage->get_users())
-        $flag++ if ($user->id() eq 'test@test');
+foreach my $user ( Siesta->storage->get_users() ) {
+    $flag++ if ( $user->id() eq 'test@test' );
-is ($flag, 1, "inserted");
+is( $flag, 1, "inserted" );
+ok( $us->forename('test') );
+ok( $us->save() );
 $flag = 0;
-foreach my $user (Siesta->storage->get_users())
-        $flag++ if ($user->id() eq 'test@test');
+foreach my $user ( Siesta->storage->get_users() ) {
+    $flag++ if ( $user->id() eq 'test@test' );
-is($flag, 1, "updated");
-is($us->forename(), 'test');
+is( $flag, 1, "updated" );
+is( $us->forename(), 'test' );
 # option
 # config

Index: 08config.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/08config.t,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- 08config.t	9 Sep 2002 08:43:38 -0000	1.9
+++ 08config.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.10
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 use Siesta::User;
 use Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo;
-Siesta->connect( DBI=> "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
+Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
 my $value;
@@ -15,94 +15,116 @@
 # insert
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge', 0));
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge', 0 ) );
 # check
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge');
-is($value, 0, "insert default");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge' );
+is( $value, 0, "insert default" );
 # per list
 # insert
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1));
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1 ) );
 # check
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge');
-is($value, 1, "insert per list");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev',
+                                          'munge' );
+is( $value, 1, "insert per list" );
 # per user
 # insert
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge', 0));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge',
+                             0
+    )
+    );
 # check
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge');
-is($value, 0, "insert per user");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                          undef, 'munge' );
+is( $value, 0, "insert per user" );
 # list/user
 # insert
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'munge',
+                             1
+    )
+    );
 # check
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev', 'munge');
-is($value, 1, "insert per user, per list");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                          'siesta-dev', 'munge' );
+is( $value, 1, "insert per user, per list" );
 # updating
 # default
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge', 0));
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge', 0 ) );
 # per list
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1));
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1 ) );
 # per user
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge', 0));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge',
+                             0
+    )
+    );
 # per-user, per-list
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev', 'munge', 1));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'munge',
+                             1
+    )
+    );
 # checking
 # default
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge');
-is($value, 0, "check default");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'munge' );
+is( $value, 0, "check default" );
 # per list
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'munge');
-is($value, 1, "check per list");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev',
+                                          'munge' );
+is( $value, 1, "check per list" );
 # per user
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'munge');
-is($value, 0, "check per user");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                          undef, 'munge' );
+is( $value, 0, "check per user" );
 # per-user, per-list
-$value = Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev', 'munge');
-is($value, 1, "check per user, per list");
+$value =
+  Siesta->storage->get_config_explicitly( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                                          'siesta-dev', 'munge' );
+is( $value, 1, "check per user, per list" );
 # fall through
@@ -119,45 +141,91 @@
 #                 |
 #           system default
 # set the default and everything else should fall down to that
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test', 'fallthrough'));
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test'), 'fallthrough');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test'), 'fallthrough');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test'), 'fallthrough');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev',  'test'), 'fallthrough');
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test', 'fallthrough' ) );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test' ), 'fallthrough' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test' ),
+    'fallthrough' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test' ),
+    'fallthrough' );
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'test'
+    ),
+    'fallthrough'
+    );
 # set per list. This means that per-user,per-list will be updated
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test', 'per list'));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test',
+                             'per list'
+    )
+    );
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test'), 'fallthrough');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test'), 'per list');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test'), 'fallthrough');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev',  'test'), 'per list');
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test' ), 'fallthrough' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test' ),
+    'per list' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test' ),
+    'fallthrough' );
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'test'
+    ),
+    'per list'
+    );
 # update default, check per-ser again
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test', 'default'));
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test'), 'default');
+ok( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test', 'default' ) );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test' ),
+    'default' );
 # set per user and per-user,per-list will be updated
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test', 'per user'));
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             undef,     'test',
+                             'per user'
+    )
+    );
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test'), 'default');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test'), 'per list');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test'), 'per user');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev',  'test'), 'per user');
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test' ), 'default' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test' ),
+    'per list' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test' ),
+    'per user' );
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'test'
+    ),
+    'per user'
+    );
 # finally set per-user, per-list and check that
-ok(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev', 'test', 'per user per list'));
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test'), 'default');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test'), 'per list');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test'), 'per user');
-is(Siesta->storage->config('ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', 'siesta-dev',  'test'), 'per user per list');
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'test',
+                             'per user per list'
+    )
+    );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, undef, 'test' ), 'default' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', undef, 'siesta-dev', 'test' ),
+    'per list' );
+is( Siesta->storage->config( 'ReplyTo', 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx', undef, 'test' ),
+    'per user' );
+    Siesta->storage->config(
+                             'ReplyTo',    'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx',
+                             'siesta-dev', 'test'
+    ),
+    'per user per list'
+    );
 # as a plugin method
@@ -165,43 +233,38 @@
 my $plugin = new Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo();
-my $user    = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id   => sub { 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx'   } );
-my $list    = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id   => sub { 'siesta-dev'   } );  
+my $user = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx' } );
+my $list = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'siesta-dev' } );
-my $default   = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { undef }); 
-   $default->mock( user => sub { undef } );
+my $default = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { undef } );
+$default->mock( user => sub { undef } );
-my $peruser   = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { undef });
-   $peruser->mock( user => sub { $user } );
+my $peruser = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { undef } );
+$peruser->mock( user => sub { $user } );
-my $perlist   = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list });
-   $perlist->mock( user => sub { undef } );
-my $listuser  = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list });
-   $listuser->mock( user => sub { $user } );
+my $perlist = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list } );
+$perlist->mock( user => sub { undef } );
+my $listuser = Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list } );
+$listuser->mock( user => sub { $user } );
 # default
-ok($plugin->config($default, 'foo', 1));
-$value = $plugin->config($default, 'foo');
-is($value, 1, "plugin check default");
+ok( $plugin->config( $default, 'foo', 1 ) );
+$value = $plugin->config( $default, 'foo' );
+is( $value, 1, "plugin check default" );
 # per list
-ok($plugin->config($perlist,  'foo', 0));
-$value = $plugin->config($perlist, 'foo');
-is($value, 0, "plugin check per list");
+ok( $plugin->config( $perlist, 'foo', 0 ) );
+$value = $plugin->config( $perlist, 'foo' );
+is( $value, 0, "plugin check per list" );
 # per user
-ok($plugin->config($peruser, 'foo',1));
-$value = $plugin->config($peruser, 'foo');
-is($value, 1, "plugin check per user");
+ok( $plugin->config( $peruser, 'foo', 1 ) );
+$value = $plugin->config( $peruser, 'foo' );
+is( $value, 1, "plugin check per user" );
 # per-user, per-list
-ok($plugin->config($listuser, 'foo',0));
-$value = $plugin->config($listuser, 'foo');
-is($value, 0, "plugin check per user, per list");
+ok( $plugin->config( $listuser, 'foo', 0 ) );
+$value = $plugin->config( $listuser, 'foo' );
+is( $value, 0, "plugin check per user, per list" );

Index: 09plugin_order.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/09plugin_order.t,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- 09plugin_order.t	11 Sep 2002 11:13:32 -0000	1.1
+++ 09plugin_order.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.2
@@ -6,15 +6,11 @@
 use Siesta::User;
 use Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo;
-Siesta->connect( DBI=> "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
+Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
 # create a new, virgin list
-my $list = Siesta::List->new_from_hash (  
-						id=>'pluginorder',
-						'owner' => 'foo',
-					 );
+my $list = Siesta::List->new_from_hash( id      => 'pluginorder',
+                                        'owner' => 'foo', );
@@ -23,89 +19,82 @@
 # the list of plugins should be empty
-is(Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list), 0, "empty list");
+is( Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list), 0, "empty list" );
 my @plugins = qw(Bounce ReplyTo);
 # set the list of plugins
-ok(Siesta->storage->set_plugins($list, @plugins));
+ok( Siesta->storage->set_plugins( $list, @plugins ) );
-my @new = Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list->id());
+my @new = Siesta->storage->list_plugins( $list->id() );
 my $flag = 1;
-foreach my $p (@new)
-	$flag &&= ($p eq shift @plugins);
+foreach my $p (@new) {
+    $flag &&= ( $p eq shift @plugins );
-is ($flag, 1, "set the plugins");
+is( $flag, 1, "set the plugins" );
 # add one at the end 
-ok(Siesta->storage->add_plugin_to_list($list, 'Send'));
+ok( Siesta->storage->add_plugin_to_list( $list, 'Send' ) );
-@plugins = Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list->id());
+@plugins = Siesta->storage->list_plugins( $list->id() );
 my $last = pop @plugins;
-is ($last, 'Send', "Add on the end");
+is( $last, 'Send', "Add on the end" );
 # add at the start
-ok(Siesta->storage->add_plugin_to_list($list, 'First', 1));
+ok( Siesta->storage->add_plugin_to_list( $list, 'First', 1 ) );
-@plugins = Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list->id());
+@plugins = Siesta->storage->list_plugins( $list->id() );
 my $first = shift @plugins;
-is ($first, 'First', "Add at the start");
+is( $first, 'First', "Add at the start" );
 # now delete them all
-ok(Siesta->storage->set_plugins($list, qw()));
+ok( Siesta->storage->set_plugins( $list, qw() ) );
 # the list of plugins should be empty
-is(Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list), 0, "empty list again");
+is( Siesta->storage->list_plugins($list), 0, "empty list again" );
 # now do it all again but with the list interface
 # the list of plugins should be empty
-is($list->plugins(), 0, "empty list");
+is( $list->plugins(), 0, "empty list" );
 @plugins = qw(Bounce ReplyTo);
 # set the list of plugins
+ok( $list->set_plugins(@plugins) );
 @new = $list->plugins();
 $flag = 1;
-foreach my $p (@new)
-        $flag &&= ($p eq shift @plugins);
+foreach my $p (@new) {
+    $flag &&= ( $p eq shift @plugins );
-is ($flag, 1, "set the plugins");
+is( $flag, 1, "set the plugins" );
 # add one at the end
+ok( $list->add_plugin('Send') );
 @plugins = $list->plugins();
 $last = pop @plugins;
-is ($last, 'Send', "Add on the end");
+is( $last, 'Send', "Add on the end" );
 # add at the start
-ok($list->add_plugin('First', 1));
+ok( $list->add_plugin( 'First', 1 ) );
 @plugins = $list->plugins();
-$first = shift @plugins;
-is ($first, 'First', "Add at the start");
+$first   = shift @plugins;
+is( $first, 'First', "Add at the start" );
 # now delete them all
+ok( $list->set_plugins(qw()) );
 # the list of plugins should be empty
-is($list->plugins(), 0, "empty list again");
+is( $list->plugins(), 0, "empty list again" );

Index: 10plugin_checkuser.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_checkuser.t,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- 10plugin_checkuser.t	23 Aug 2002 16:28:50 -0000	1.2
+++ 10plugin_checkuser.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.3
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 use Siesta::Plugin::CheckUser;
 my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::CheckUser->new;
-my $me = Test::MockObject->new->mock( from => sub { 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' } );
+my $me =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( from => sub { 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' } );
 my $sb = Test::MockObject->new->mock( from => sub { 'silent_bob@xxxxx.xxxx' } );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $me ), "accept me" );
-ok(  $plugin->process( $sb ), "reject silent_bob" );
+ok( !$plugin->process($me), "accept me" );
+ok( $plugin->process($sb), "reject silent_bob" );

Index: 10plugin_membersonly.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_membersonly.t,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- 10plugin_membersonly.t	28 Aug 2002 10:05:24 -0000	1.5
+++ 10plugin_membersonly.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.6
@@ -7,26 +7,25 @@
 use Siesta::List;
 use Siesta::Plugin::MembersOnly;
-Siesta->connect( DBI=> "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
+Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
 my $message;
 my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::MembersOnly->new;
-my $list = Siesta::List->new( 'dealers' );
-my $mail = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( from  => sub { 'dante@quick-stop' } )
+my $list   = Siesta::List->new('dealers');
+my $mail   =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( from => sub { 'dante@quick-stop' } )
   ->mock( reply => sub { $message = join '', @_ } )
-  ->mock( list  => sub { $list } );
+  ->mock( list => sub { $list } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ), "rejected dante" );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "rejected dante" );
 like( $message, qr{Non-member posting is disabled}, "said why" );
-$mail->mock( from  => sub { 'jack.black@holywood' } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ),
-    "jack.black isn't even on the system" );
+$mail->mock( from => sub { 'jack.black@holywood' } );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "jack.black isn't even on the system" );
-$mail = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( from  => sub { 'jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' } )
-  ->mock( list  => sub { $list } );
+$mail =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( from => sub { 'jay@xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx' } )
+  ->mock( list => sub { $list } );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ), "accepted jay" );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail), "accepted jay" );

Index: 10plugin_replyto.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_replyto.t,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- 10plugin_replyto.t	10 Sep 2002 09:20:34 -0000	1.3
+++ 10plugin_replyto.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.4
@@ -7,21 +7,20 @@
 Siesta->connect( DBI => 'dbi:SQLite:t/test.db' );
 use Siesta::Message;
 use Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo;
-my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo->new;
+my $plugin       = Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo->new;
 my $POST_ADDRESS = 'foo@xxx.xxx';
 my $mail = Siesta::Message->new();
 my $list = Test::MockObject->new();
-$list->mock( post_address => sub { $POST_ADDRESS } ) ;
-$list->mock( id => sub { 'test' } );
-$mail->list( $list ); 
-$mail->user( undef );
+$list->mock( post_address => sub { $POST_ADDRESS } );
+$list->mock( id           => sub { 'test' } );
-is ($mail->head->get("Reply-To"), undef, "blank");
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
-is ($mail->head->get("Reply-To"), "$POST_ADDRESS\n", "munged once");
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
-is ($mail->head->get("Reply-To"), "$POST_ADDRESS\n", "munged again");
+is( $mail->head->get("Reply-To"), undef, "blank" );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
+is( $mail->head->get("Reply-To"), "$POST_ADDRESS\n", "munged once" );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
+is( $mail->head->get("Reply-To"), "$POST_ADDRESS\n", "munged again" );

Index: 10plugin_simplesig.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_simplesig.t,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- 10plugin_simplesig.t	10 Sep 2002 09:20:34 -0000	1.5
+++ 10plugin_simplesig.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.6
@@ -26,19 +26,17 @@
 my $reply;
-my $list = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( owner => sub { "Daddy" } )
+my $list =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( owner => sub { "Daddy" } )
   ->mock( id => sub { 'test' } );
+my $mail =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( body => sub { [@mail] } )
+  ->mock( reply => sub { $reply = join '', @_ } )->mock( list => sub { $list } )
+  ->mock( user => sub { undef } );
-my $mail = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( body  => sub { [ @mail ] } )
-  ->mock( reply => sub { $reply = join '', @_ } )
-  ->mock( list  => sub { $list } )
-  ->mock( user  => sub { undef } );
-my $plugin =  new Siesta::Plugin::SimpleSig;
+my $plugin = new Siesta::Plugin::SimpleSig;
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ), "reject super-long sig" );
-like( $reply, qr{Daddy has set this list to have a maximum .sig}, "explain why" );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "reject super-long sig" );
+like( $reply, qr{Daddy has set this list to have a maximum .sig},
+      "explain why" );

Index: 10plugin_subjecttag.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_subjecttag.t,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- 10plugin_subjecttag.t	23 Aug 2002 18:45:19 -0000	1.2
+++ 10plugin_subjecttag.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.3
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
 $mail->subject("Mark Hamill\n");
 is( $mail->subject, "Mark Hamill\n", "before" );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
 is( $mail->subject, "[cockknocker] Mark Hamill\n", "added tag after" );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
 is( $mail->subject, "[cockknocker] Mark Hamill\n", "added tag once" );
-$mail->subject( "Re: [cockknocker] Mark Hamill\n" );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
+$mail->subject("Re: [cockknocker] Mark Hamill\n");
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
 is( $mail->subject, "Re: [cockknocker] Mark Hamill\n", "okay with Re: lines" );
-$mail->subject( "" );
-ok( !$plugin->process( $mail ) );
+ok( !$plugin->process($mail) );
 is( $mail->subject, "[cockknocker] no subject\n", "null subject handling" );

Index: 10plugin_subscribe.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_subscribe.t,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- 10plugin_subscribe.t	26 Aug 2002 17:34:52 -0000	1.2
+++ 10plugin_subscribe.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.3
@@ -6,22 +6,26 @@
 use Siesta::Plugin::Subscribe;
 my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::Subscribe->new;
-my $list = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( id         => sub { 'escapees' } )
+my $list   =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'escapees' } )
   ->mock( owner      => sub { 'houdini@elsewhere' } )
   ->mock( add_member => sub { $_[1] eq 'suzanne@lab' } );
 my $reply;
-my $mail = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( list  => sub { $list } )
+my $mail =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list } )
   ->mock( from  => sub { 'suzanne@lab' } )
-  ->mock( reply => sub { shift; $reply = { @_ }->{body} } );
+  ->mock( reply => sub { shift; $reply = {@_}->{body} } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ), "request handled" );
-like( $reply, qr/You have been successfully subscribed to escapees/, "subscribed suzanne" );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "request handled" );
+like( $reply,
+      qr/You have been successfully subscribed to escapees/,
+      "subscribed suzanne" );
 $mail->mock( from => sub { 'jay@jail' } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ) );
-like( $reply, qr/You could not be subscribed to escapees./, "subscribing jay failed" );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail) );
+like( $reply,
+      qr/You could not be subscribed to escapees./,
+      "subscribing jay failed" );

Index: 10plugin_unsubscribe.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_unsubscribe.t,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- 10plugin_unsubscribe.t	24 Aug 2002 18:02:28 -0000	1.1
+++ 10plugin_unsubscribe.t	12 Sep 2002 12:55:32 -0000	1.2
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
 use Siesta::Plugin::UnSubscribe;
 my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::UnSubscribe->new;
-my $list = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( id            => sub { 'escapees' } )
+my $list   =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'escapees' } )
   ->mock( owner         => sub { 'houdini@elsewhere' } )
   ->mock( remove_member => sub { $_[1] eq 'suzanne@lab' } );
 my $reply;
-my $mail = Test::MockObject->new
-  ->mock( list  => sub { $list } )
+my $mail =
+  Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list } )
   ->mock( from  => sub { 'suzanne@lab' } )
   ->mock( reply => sub { $reply = join '', @_ } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ), "request handled" );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "request handled" );
 like( $reply, qr/You have been/, "unsubscribed suzanne" );
 $mail->mock( from => sub { 'jay@jail' } );
-ok( $plugin->process( $mail ) );
+ok( $plugin->process($mail) );
 like( $reply, qr/You could not be/, "unsubscribing jay failed" );

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52