rev 1278 - trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Plugin

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1278 - trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Plugin
Date: 09:17 on 01 Aug 2003
Author: simon
Date: 2003-08-01 09:17:25 +0100 (Fri, 01 Aug 2003)
New Revision: 1278

Templated message footers

Added: trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Plugin/
--- trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Plugin/	2003-07-31 14:08:13 UTC (rev 1277)
+++ trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Plugin/	2003-08-01 08:17:25 UTC (rev 1278)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+package Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter;
+use strict;
+use Siesta::Plugin;
+use base 'Siesta::Plugin';
+use Siesta;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+sub description {
+    'Add a message footer';
+sub process {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $mail = shift;
+    my $list = $self->list;
+    # get the raw footer or return
+    my $rawfooter = $self->pref('footer') || return 0;
+    # from 
+    #
+    my %vars = (  'real_name'      => $list->name,
+                  'list_name'      => $list->name,
+                  # For backwards compatibility
+                  '_internal_name' => $list->name,
+                  'host_name'      => $self->pref('host_name'),
+                  'web_page_url'   => $self->pref('web_page_url'),
+                  'description'    => $self->pref('description'),
+                  'info'           => $self->pref('info'),
+                  'cgiext'         => $self->pref('cgiext'),
+                  'list'           => $list,
+            );
+    # bake it
+    my $footer    = Siesta->bake(\$rawfooter, %vars);
+    # and add it to the end of the mail
+    $mail->body_set($mail->body()."\n$footer");
+    # and bug out
+    return 0;
+sub options {
+    +{
+      'footer'
+      => {
+          'description' =>
+          'a footer to add to the end of every mail. See Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter for more details',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => '',
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+      'host_name'
+      => {
+          'description' => 
+           'the hostname (default is the hostname worked out by Sys::Hostname)',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => hostname,
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+      'web_page_url'
+      => {
+          'description' =>
+          'the url of of the list web page',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => '',
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+      'cgiext'
+      => {
+          'description' =>
+          'cgi extension',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => '',
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+      'description'
+      => {
+          'description' =>
+          'a short description of the list',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => '',
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+      'info'
+      => {
+          'description' =>
+          'a longer description of the list',
+          'type'    => 'text',
+          'default' => '',
+          'widget'  => 'textbox',
+         },
+     };
+=head1 NAME
+Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter - add a configurable footer to the end of every mail.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    The   [% real_name %] list :
+    Web   [% web_page_url %]
+    Owner [% %]
+This allows you to put configurable footers at the end of every mail.
+The variables passed to the I<Template::Toolkit> style footer are listed below.
+Most are provided for Mailman backwards compatability.
+=over 4
+=item real_name 
+The name of the list
+=item list_name
+=item _internal_name
+erm, ditto again
+=item host_name
+The 'host_name' preference or the system's hostname as worked out 
+by I<Sys::Hostname>.
+The hostname preference can be set using the web interface or by using 
+    % nacho modify-plugin MessageFooter <list name> host_name <insert your hostname here>
+=item web_page_url
+The 'web_page_url' preference.
+=item description
+The 'description' preference.
+=item list
+A copy of the list object that this plugin is being called from.
+(c)opyright 2003 - The Siesta Dev Team

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52