rev 1841 - in trunk/buscador: . lib lib/Buscador lib/Email lib/Email/Store

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1841 - in trunk/buscador: . lib lib/Buscador lib/Email lib/Email/Store
Date: 12:54 on 08 Feb 2005
Author: simon
Date: 2005-02-08 12:54:42 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005)
New Revision: 1841

Split everything into various modules

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+package Buscador::Addressing;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Addressing - A Buscador plugin to deal with presentin entities
+Email::Store has the concept of Entities. An Entity can have multiple
+names and multiple email addressess. This pluign allows you to do
+    ${base}/entity/view/<id>
+    ${base}/entity/view/<name>
+    ${base}/entity/view/<email>
+    ${base}/name/view/<id>
+    ${base}/name/view/<name>
+    ${base}/address/view/<id>
+    ${base}/address/view/<email>
+to get various relevant information.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+"What is a person?"
+=head1 AUTHOR(S)
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with additional work from
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright (c) 2004, Simon Cozens
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+__PACKAGE__->set_sql(mentioned_entity => qq{
+    SELECT DISTINCT mail.message_id 
+    FROM named_entity, mail, mail_date
+    WHERE
+        description = ?
+    AND mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
+    AND thing = ?
+    AND mail.message_id = named_entity.mail
+# This is an evil hack
+Email::Store::Entity::Name->set_sql(most_common => qq{
+    SELECT name id, count(*) total
+        FROM addressing
+    WHERE entity = ?
+    GROUP BY name
+    ORDER BY total
+    LIMIT 1
+Email::Store::Entity::Address->set_sql(most_common => qq{
+    SELECT address id, count(*) total
+        FROM addressing
+    WHERE entity = ?
+    GROUP BY address
+    ORDER BY total
+    LIMIT 1
+my $sorted = qq{
+    FROM addressing, mail_date
+    WHERE %s = ?
+     AND addressing.mail = mail_date.mail
+Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(name_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "name"));
+Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(entity_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "entity"));
+Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(address_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "address"));
+# the whole gumpf to retrieve the id if it's not a number
+# should be stuck somewhere as a subroutine
+package Email::Store::Entity::Name;
+use Email::Store::Entity;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my ($class, $r, $name) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
+     my $id    = $r->args->[0] || $name->id || 0;
+     if ($id !~ /^\d+$/) {
+        my ($tmp) = __PACKAGE__->search_like( name => $id );
+        $id = 0;
+        if (defined $tmp) { 
+            $id   = $tmp->id;
+            $name = $tmp;
+        }
+     }
+    $r->{template_args}{name} = $name;
+    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
+        [ $pager->search_name_sorted($name->id) ];
+sub mentioned_mails {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %mails;
+    return unless $self->name;
+    for ($self->addressings) {
+        $mails{$_->mail->id} = {
+            mail => $_->mail,
+            role => $_->role
+        }
+    }
+    my @ment = 
+        grep {!exists $mails{$_->id}}
+    Email::Store::Mail->search_mentioned_entity("person", $self->name);
+    #for (@ment) {
+    #    $mails{$_->id} ||= {
+    #        mail => $_,
+    #        role => "mentioned"
+    #    }
+    #}
+    #sort {$b->{mail}->date cmp $a->{mail}->date} values %mails;
+package Email::Store::Entity::Address;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my ($class, $r, $self) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
+     my $id    = $r->args->[0] || $self->id || 0;
+     if ($id !~ /^\d+$/) {
+        my ($tmp) = __PACKAGE__->search( address => $id );
+        $id = 0;
+        if (defined $tmp) { 
+            $id   = $tmp->id;
+            $self = $tmp;
+        }
+     }
+    $r->{template_args}{address} = $self;
+    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
+        [$pager->search_address_sorted($self->id) ];
+package Email::Store::Entity;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my ($class, $r, $self) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
+    my $id    = $r->args->[0] || $self->id || 0;
+    goto END if $id =~ /^\d+$/;    
+    my $field  = 'name'; 
+    my $method = 'search_like';
+    if ($id =~ /@/) {
+        $field  = 'address';
+        $method = 'search';
+    }
+    my $class =  "Email::Store::Entity::".ucfirst($field);
+    my ($obj) =  $class->$method( $field => $id );
+    goto END unless $obj;
+    my $tmp   =  $obj->addressings()->first->entity;
+    $id = 0;
+    if (defined $tmp) {
+        $id   = $tmp->id;
+        $self = $tmp;
+    }
+    END:
+    $r->{template_args}{entity} = $self;
+    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
+        [$pager->search_entity_sorted($id)];
+sub most_common_name { Email::Store::Entity::Name->search_most_common(shift->id)->first }
+sub most_common_address { Email::Store::Entity::Address->search_most_common(shift->id)->first }
+package Email::Store::Addressing;
+use Class::DBI::Pager;
+sub do_pager {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    if ( my $rows = $r->config->{rows_per_page}) {
+        return $r->{template_args}{pager} = $self->pager($rows, $r->query->{page});
+    } else { return $self }

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+package Buscador::Atom;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Atom - a plugin to provide atom feeds for Buscador
+This provides four different Atom feeds for a B<Buscador> system -
+Most recent mails in the whole system
+=head2 Available through
+    ${base}/atom.xml
+    ${base}/mail/atom
+=head2 Most recent mails for a list
+    ${base}/list/atom/<id>
+=head2 Most recent mails for an entity
+    ${base}/entity/atom/<id>
+=head2 Most recent mails for a thread
+    ${base}/mail/thread/atom/<id>
+    ${base}/mail/thread_atom/<id>
+Where C<id> is any message-id from that thread.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wistow <>
+Copyright (c) 2004, Simon Wistow
+sub parse_path_order { 13 }
+sub parse_path {
+    my ($self, $buscador) = @_;
+    $buscador->{path} =~ s!atom.xml$!mail/atom/!;
+    $buscador->{path} =~ s!mail/thread/atom/!mail/thread_atom/!;
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use Date::Parse qw( str2time );
+sub atom :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    my $pager = $self->do_pager($r);
+    $r->{content_type}         = "application/xml";
+    $r->{objects}              = [ $pager->search_recent ];
+    $r->{template_args}{link}  = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    $r->{template_args}{title} = "Recent mails from ".Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    $r->{template}             = "custom/atom";
+sub extract_time {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $container = shift;
+    my $date = Mail::Thread->_get_hdr( $container->message, 'date' );
+    return str2time( $date );
+sub thread_atom :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    my $base       = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    my $mail       = $r->objects->[0];
+    my $root       = $mail->container->root;
+    # get all the mails in this thread
+    my @messages;
+    $root->iterate_down(
+        sub {
+            my ($c, $d) = @_;
+            push @messages, $c if $c->message;
+        } );
+    # okay, wander them in date order
+    @messages = 
+                sort { $self->extract_time( $a ) <=>
+                       $self->extract_time( $b ) } @messages;
+    my @return;
+    my $count = 0;
+    for (@messages) {
+        my $mess = Email::Store::Mail->retrieve($_->message->id);
+        next unless $mess;
+        push @return, $mess;
+        last if $count++ > Buscador->config->{rows_per_page};
+    }
+    $base =~ s!/\s*$!!;
+    $r->{content_type}         = "application/xml";
+    $r->{objects}              = [ @return ];
+    $r->{template_args}{link}  = "$base/mail/thread/".$mail->id;
+    $r->{template_args}{title} = "Recent mails from $base/mail/thread/".$mail->id;
+    $r->{template}             = "atom";
+package Email::Store::List;
+sub atom :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r, $list) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Mail->do_pager($r);
+    $r->{content_type}         = "application/xml";
+    $r->{template_args}{link}  = Buscador->config->{uri_base}."list/view/".$list->id;
+    $r->{template_args}{mails} = [ $pager->search_recent_posts($list->id) ];
+    $r->{template_args}{title} = "Recent mails from ".$list->name;
+    $r->{template}             = "custom/atom";
+package Email::Store::Entity; 
+sub atom :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r, $name) = @_;
+    my $pager     = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
+    my @mails     = $pager->search_name_sorted($name->id);
+    $r->{template_args}{mails} = [ map { $_->mail } @mails ];
+    # find the first name available to us
+    my $person;
+    foreach my $mail (@mails) {
+        $person = $mail->name->name;
+        last if $person && $person !~ /^\s*$/;
+    }
+    $r->{content_type}         = "application/xml";
+    $r->{template_args}{link}  = Buscador->config->{uri_base}."entity/view/".$name->id;
+    $r->{template_args}{title} = "Recent mails from $person";
+    $r->{template}             = "custom/atom";

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package Buscador::Attachment;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Attachment - Buscador plugin to access attachments
+This plugin allows you to do
+    ${base}/attachment/view/<id>
+And either download or view an attachment. It sets the 
+filename correctly using B<Content-Disposition>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with work from 
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Cozens
+package Email::Store::Attachment;
+use strict;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r, $att) = @_;
+    $r->ar->headers_out->set("Content-Disposition" => "inline; filename=".$att->filename) if $a;
+    $r->{content_type} = $att->content_type;
+    $r->{output} = $att->payload;

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+use strict;
+package Buscador::Build;
+use Module::Build;
+use File::Find qw(find);
+use IO::File;
+use base 'Module::Build';
+use vars qw/$FAKE/;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Build - utility routines for Build.PL
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Richard Clamp - we ripped this off Siesta::Build
+# ripped off the Siesta build system
+sub create_build_script {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->SUPER::create_build_script;
+    # check for incompatible steps
+    my $module = $self->{properties}{module_name};
+    if (my $version = $self->check_installed_version($module, 0)) {
+        print "Upgrading from $module $version\n";
+        my $fh = IO::File->new('Changes');
+        my $chunk = '';
+        my $this;
+        while (<$fh>) {
+            if (/^(\S+)/) {
+                print "Incompatible change introduced in version $this:\n", $chunk
+                    if $chunk =~ /INCOMPATIBLE/;
+                $this = $1;
+                last if $self->check_installed_version( $module, $this );
+                $chunk = '';
+            }
+            $chunk .= $_;
+        }
+    }
+sub ACTION_install {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->SUPER::ACTION_install;
+    $self->ACTION_install_extras;
+sub ACTION_fakeinstall {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->SUPER::ACTION_fakeinstall;
+    local $FAKE = 1;
+    $self->ACTION_install_extras;
+sub ACTION_install_extras {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $path = $self->{config}{__extras_destination};
+    my @files = $self->_find_extras;
+    print "installing extras to $path\n";
+    for (@files) {
+        $FAKE
+          ? print "$_ -> $path/$_ (FAKE)\n"
+          : $self->copy_if_modified($_, $path);
+    }
+sub ACTION_cover {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->depends_on('build');
+    system qw( cover -delete );
+    # sometimes we get failing tests, which makes Test::Harness
+    # die.  catch that
+    eval {
+        local $ENV{PERL5OPT} = "-MDevel::Cover=-summary,0";
+        $self->ACTION_test(@_);
+    };
+    system qw( cover -report html );
+sub _find_extras {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @files;
+    find(sub {
+             $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d && /^\.svn$/;
+             return if -d;
+             return if /~$/;
+             push @files, $File::Find::name;
+         }, @{ $self->{config}{__extras_from} });
+    return @files;

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package Buscador::Config;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(%config);
+use Apache;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use Cwd;
+    my $home;
+    # h-h-h-ack!
+    eval {
+        my $r = Apache->request;
+        $home = $r->document_root.$r->location;
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+        $home = getcwd();    
+    }
+    chdir $home;
+    $config{home} = $home;
+    open (CONF, "buscador.config") || die "Can't open config file: $!\n";
+    while (<CONF>) {
+        chomp;
+        next if /^\s*#/;
+        next if /^\s*$/;
+        s!(^\s*|\s*$)!!;
+        my ($key, $val) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
+        $config{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    close CONF;
+   our ($AUTOLOAD);
+   no strict 'refs';
+   my $tag = $AUTOLOAD;
+   $tag =~s/.*:://;
+   my $joined = join ",", keys %config;
+   croak "No such method $tag try one of $joined" unless $config{$tag};
+   *$AUTOLOAD = sub {
+        my $self = shift;
+        if (@_) {
+            my $val  = shift;
+            $config{$tag} = $val;
+            return $val;
+        }
+        return $config{$tag};
+   };
+   goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Config - provide config values
+=head1 SYNPOSIS
+    use Buscador::Config;
+    print Buscador::Config->dsn;
+This works out the current directory (dependent on whether 
+the module is working under Apache or not), reads in a 
+C<buscador.config> file and turns every C<key=value> pair
+into a subroutine C<Buscador::Config->key>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Wistow

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+package Buscador::Date;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Date - a plugin to provide date pages for Buscador
+This provides pages which "do the right thing" for
+    ${base}/date/view/<year>
+    ${base}/date/view/<year>/<month>
+    ${base}/date/view/<year>/<month>/<day>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wistow <>
+Copyright (c) 2004, Simon Wistow
+# put path munging stuff here
+sub parse_path_order { 13 }
+sub parse_path {
+    my ($self, $buscador) = @_;
+    $buscador->{path} =~ s!date/!mail_date/!;
+package Email::Store::Date;
+use strict;
+use Time::Piece;
+use Time::Seconds;
+use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->list(@_);
+sub list :Exported {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($r)  = @_;
+    my @objects    = @{$r->args};
+    $r->{path} =~ s!mail_date/!date/!;
+    $r->{template_args}{ordinate} = sub { ordinate(shift) };
+    return if @objects==1 && $self->year($r,  @objects);
+    return if @objects==2 && $self->month($r, @objects);
+    return $self->day($r, @objects);
+sub day {
+    my ($self,$r, @objects) = @_;
+     $self = $self->do_pager($r);
+    my $deftime    = localtime;
+    my $time;
+    my $s = sprintf "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d", $objects[0], $objects[1], $objects[2];
+    eval {
+            $time      = Time::Piece->strptime($s, "%Y-%m-%d");
+    };
+    $time = undef if $@ || $s ne $time->strftime("%Y-%m-%d");
+    $time                      = $deftime unless defined $time;
+    my @mails                  =  map { $_->mail } 
+                                  $self->search(  year => $time->year, month => $time->mon, day => $time->mday );
+    $r->{template}             = "list";
+    $r->{template_args}{mails} = \@mails;
+    $r->{template_args}{date}  = $time;
+    $r->{template_args}{tomorrow}  = Time::Piece->new($time + ONE_DAY); 
+    $r->{template_args}{yesterday} = Time::Piece->new($time - ONE_DAY);
+sub month {
+    my ($self,$r, @objects) = @_;
+    my $year  = $objects[0];
+    my $month = $objects[1];
+    my $s     = sprintf "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d", $year, $month, 15;
+    my $date  = Time::Piece->strptime($s, "%Y-%m-%d");
+    my @days;
+    for my $day (1..$date->month_last_day) {
+        $days[$day-1] = scalar Email::Store::Date->search(  year => $year, month => $month, day => $day );
+    }
+    $r->{template}             = "month";
+    $r->{template_args}{days}  = \@days;
+    $r->{template_args}{date}  = $date;
+    $r->{template_args}{next_month} = Time::Piece->new($date + ONE_MONTH);
+    $r->{template_args}{last_month} = Time::Piece->new($date - ONE_MONTH);
+    return 1;
+sub year {
+    my ($self,$r, @objects) = @_;
+    my @months;
+    my $year = $objects[0];
+    for my $m (1..12) {
+        $months[ $m - 1 ] = scalar Email::Store::Date->search( year => $year, month => $m );
+    }
+    $r->{template}              = "year";
+    $r->{template_args}{months} = \@months;
+    $r->{template_args}{year}   = $objects[0];
+    $r->{template_args}{next}   = Time::Piece->strptime($year+1, "%Y");
+    $r->{template_args}{prev}   = Time::Piece->strptime($year-1, "%Y");
+    return 1;
+use Class::DBI::Pager;
+sub do_pager {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    if ( my $rows = $r->config->{rows_per_page}) {
+        return $r->{template_args}{pager} = $self->pager($rows, $r->query->{page});
+   } else { return $self }

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package Buscador::Decorate;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Decorate - mark a mail body up in HTML
+This provides a method C<format_body> for B<Email::Store::Mail>
+which marks up the body of a mail as HTML including making links
+clickable, highlighting quotes, and correctly providing links for
+names and addresses that we've seen before.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with work from
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Cozens
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+use Text::Decorator;
+use Text::Autoformat;
+use HTML::Scrubber;
+sub format_body {
+    my $mail = shift;
+    my $html = ($mail->html)[0];
+    return $html->scrubbed if defined $html;
+    my $body = $mail->body || "";
+    my $decorator = Text::Decorator->new($body);
+    my %seen;
+    my @names =
+                grep {!$seen{$_->thing}++}
+                grep {$_->thing =~ / /}
+                grep {$_->score > 6}
+                $mail->named_entities(description => "person");
+    my @addresses = Email::Store::Entity::Address->retrieve_all;
+    $decorator->add_filter("Quoted", begin => '<div class="level%i">',
+                                     end   => '</div>');
+    $decorator->add_filter("URIFind")                             unless $html;
+    $decorator->add_filter("TTBridge" => "html" => "html_entity") unless $html;
+    $decorator->add_filter("NamedEntity" => @names) if @names;
+    $decorator->add_filter("Addresses" => @addresses) if @addresses;
+    $decorator->format_as("html");
+package Text::Decorator::Filter::NamedEntity;
+$INC{"Text/Decorator/Filter/"}++; # for ->require
+use Text::Decorator::Group;
+use base 'Text::Decorator::Filter';
+use HTML::Entities;
+sub filter_node {
+    my ($class, $args, $node) = @_;
+    my (@entities) = @$args;
+    # Prepare it.
+    $node->{representations}{html} = $node->format_as("html");
+    my $test = join "|", map {quotemeta($_->thing)} @entities;
+    my $base = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    my $img  = Buscador->config->{img_base};
+    return $node unless $node->{representations}{html} =~ m{\b($test)\b}ims;
+    for my $entity (@entities) {
+        my ($name) = Email::Store::Entity::Name->search(name => $entity->thing);
+        if ($name) {
+            my $nn = encode_entities($name->name);
+            my $id = $name->id;
+            $node->{representations}{html} =~ s{\b\Q$nn\E\b}
+                {<A HREF="${base}name/view/$id" class="personknown"> <SUP><IMG SRC="$img/personknown.gif"> </SUP>$nn</A>}gmsi;
+#        } elsif ($entity->score >= 20) { # Have to be damned sure
+#            my $nn = encode_entities($entity->thing);
+#            $node->{representations}{html} =~ s{\b\Q$nn\E\b}
+#                {<span class="personunknown"> <SUP><IMG SRC="$img/personunknown.gif"> </SUP>$nn</span>}gims;
+        }
+    }
+    return $node;
+package Text::Decorator::Filter::Addresses;
+$INC{"Text/Decorator/Filter/"}++; # for ->require
+use base 'Text::Decorator::Filter';
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Email::Find;
+sub filter_node {
+    my ($class, $args, $node) = @_;
+    my %addresses             = map { $_->address => $_ } @$args;
+    $node->{representations}{html} = $node->format_as("html");
+    my $base = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    my $img  = Buscador->config->{img_base};
+     my $finder = Email::Find->new(
+        sub {
+            my($email, $orig_email) = @_;
+            if ($addresses{$orig_email}) {
+                my $add = $addresses{$orig_email};
+                my $id  = $add->id;
+                return "<A HREF='${base}address/view/$id' class='personknown'>".
+                       " <SUP><IMG SRC='$img/personknown.gif'> </SUP>$orig_email</A>"
+            } else {
+                return "<SUP><IMG SRC='$img/personunknown.gif'> </SUP>$orig_email";
+            }
+    });
+    $finder->find(\$node->{representations}{html});    
+    return $node;

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package Buscador::Raw;
+use strict;
+# put path munging stuff here
+sub parse_path_order { 13 }
+sub parse_path {
+    my ($self, $buscador) = @_;
+    $buscador->{path} =~ s!raw/!mail_raw/!;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Raw - Buscador plugin to provide a raw version of a mail
+This prints out a raw message when you do
+    ${base}/mail/raw/<id>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Wistow
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+sub mail_raw :Exported {
+      my ($self,$r, $mail)  = @_;
+    my $output;
+    if (defined $mail) {
+        $output         = $mail->raw || $mail->message;
+    }
+    $output = "[ no content ]" unless defined $output;
+    $r->{content_type} = "text/plain";
+    $r->{output}       = $output;    

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package Buscador::Recent;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Recent - provide a list of recent mails for the system and lists
+This allows you to do
+    ${base}/mail/recent/
+which is also the default if there's no path parsed, e.g
+    ${base}
+and also
+    ${base}/list/recent/<id>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with work from
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Cozens
+sub parse_path_order { 1 }
+sub parse_path {
+    my ($self, $buscador) = @_;
+    $buscador->{path} ||= "/mail/recent";
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+sub recent :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    $self = $self->do_pager($r);
+    $r->{template_args}{mails} = [ $self->search_recent ];
+__PACKAGE__->set_sql(recent_posts => qq{
+    SELECT mail.message_id
+    FROM list_post, mail_date, mail
+    WHERE
+         list_post.list = ?
+     AND mail.message_id = list_post.mail
+     AND mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
+__PACKAGE__->set_sql(recent => qq{
+    SELECT mail.message_id
+    FROM mail_date, mail
+    WHERE mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
+package Email::Store::List;
+sub view :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r, $tmp) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Mail->do_pager($r);
+    my $id    = $r->args->[0] || $tmp->id || 0;
+    if ($id !~ /^\d+$/) {
+        my ($list) = __PACKAGE__->search_like( name => $id );
+        $id = 0;
+        if (defined $list) {
+            $id   = $list->id;
+            $self = $list; 
+            $r->{template_args}{list}    = $self;
+        }
+    }
+    $r->{template_args}{recent} = [ $pager->search_recent_posts($id) ];

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package Buscador::Root;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw($root);
+$root = '';
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Root - information about where default Buscador files are installed
+=head1 SYNOPIS
+    require Buscador::Root;
+    print $Buscador::Root::root; # prints 
+=head1 CREATION
+This file is autogenerated from when you run Build.PL

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package Buscador::Search;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Search - allow searching from within Buscador
+Provides various methods so that you can do
+    ${base}/mail/search/[terms]
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with work from
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Cozens
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+use Text::Context;
+use HTML::Entities;
+sub search :Exported {
+    return shift->SUPER::search(@_) if caller ne "Maypole::Model::Base";
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    $self = $self->do_pager($r);
+    $r->objects([ $self->plucene_search( $r->{query}{terms} ) ]);
+} # Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?
+sub _unlucene {
+    my ($asset_terms) = @_;
+    use Data::Dumper;
+    return map {
+        $_->{query}     eq "SUBQUERY" ? _unlucene($_->{subquery})
+            : $_->{query} ne "PHRASE"   ? $_->{term}
+            : (split /\s+/, $_->{term})    }
+            grep
+                { $_->{type} ne "PROHIBITED" and (!exists($_->{field}) or $_->{field} eq "text")}
+            @{$asset_terms};
+sub parsed_query {
+    my ($q) = @_;
+    my $parser = Plucene::QueryParser->new({
+            analyzer => Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer->new(),
+            default  => "text",
+        });
+    $parser->parse($q, 1);
+sub contextualize_result {
+    my ($mail, $terms) = @_;
+    my @terms = _unlucene(parsed_query($terms));
+    my $body = $mail->body;
+    Text::Context->new($body, @terms)->as_html( start=> "<b>", end => "</b>" )
+    || encode_entities($mail->original);

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package Buscador::Thread;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::Thread - provide some thread views for Buscador
+This provides two different thread views for Buscador - traditional 
+'JWZ' style view and a rather funky looking 'lurker' style. They can be 
+accessed using 
+    ${base}/mail/thread/<id>
+    ${base}/mail/lurker/<id>
+where C<id> can be the message-id of any message in the thread. neat, huh?
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+JWZ style message threading
+Lurker style
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Wistow <>
+Copyright (c) 2004, Simon Wistow
+package Mail::Thread; # Fscking hack!
+no warnings 'redefine';
+sub _get_hdr {
+    my ($class, $msg, $hdr) = @_;
+    $msg->simple->header($hdr) || '';
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+use Mail::Thread::Chronological;
+sub lurker :Exported {
+   my ($self,$r)  = @_;
+   my $mail       = $r->objects->[0];
+   my $root       = $mail->container->root;
+    while (1) {
+        last if $root->message->date;
+        my @children = $root->children;
+        last if (@children>1);
+        $root = $children[0];
+    }
+   my $lurker     = Mail::Thread::Chronological->new;
+   my @root       = $lurker->arrange( $root );
+   $r->{template_args}{root} = \@root;
+sub thread :Exported {
+    my ($self,$r)  = @_;
+   my $mail       = $r->objects->[0];
+   my $root       = $mail->container->root;
+    while (1) {
+        last if $root->message->date;
+        my @children = $root->children;
+        last if (@children>1);
+        $root = $children[0];
+    }
+   $r->{template_args}{thread} = $root;
+sub thread_as_html {
+    my $mail = shift;
+    my $cont = $mail->container;
+    my $orig = $cont;
+    my %crumbs;
+    # We can't use ->root here, because we want to keep track of the
+    # breadcrumbs, and this way is more efficient.
+    while (1) {
+        $crumbs{$cont}++;
+        if ($cont->parent) { $cont = $cont->parent } else { last }
+    }
+    while (1) {
+        last if $cont->message->date;
+        my @children = $cont->children;
+        last if (@children>1);
+        $cont = $children[0];
+    }
+    my $html = "<UL class=\"mktree\">\n";
+    my $add_me;
+    my $base = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
+    $add_me = sub {
+        my $c = shift;
+        $html .= "<li ".(exists $crumbs{$c} && "class=\"liOpen\"").">";
+        # Bypass has-a because we might not really have it!
+        my $mess = Email::Store::Mail->retrieve($c->message->id);
+        if (!$mess) { $html .= "<i>message not available</i>" }
+        elsif ($c == $orig) { $html .= "<b> this message </b>" }
+        else {
+            $html .= qq{<A HREF="${base}mail/view/}.$mess->id.q{">}.
+        $mess->subject."</A>\n";
+        $html .= "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp<SMALL>".eval {$mess->addressings(role =>"From")->first->name->name}."</SMALL>\n";
+        }
+        if ($c->children) {
+            $html .="<ul>\n";
+            $add_me->($_) for $c->children;
+            $html .= "</ul>\n";
+        }
+        $html .= "</li>\n";
+    };
+    $add_me->($cont);
+    $html .="</ul>";
+    return $html;

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package Buscador::UTF8;
+use utf8;
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador::UTF8 - Buscador plugin to encode the body of a message to UTF8
+This plugin provides a C<body> method to B<Email::Store::Mail>
+that returns a UTF-8 encoded body text.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, <>
+with work from 
+Simon Wistow, <>
+Copyright 2004, Simon Cozens
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+sub subject {
+    my $mail = shift;
+    my $mime = Email::MIME->new($mail->message);
+    my $subject = $mime->header('subject');
+    return $subject;
+sub body {
+    my $mail = shift;
+    my $mime = Email::MIME->new($mail->message);
+    my $body = $mail->simple->body;
+    my $charset = $mime->{ct}->{attributes}{charset};
+    if ($charset and $charset !~ /utf-?8/i) {
+        eval {
+            require Encode;
+            $body = Encode::decode($charset, $body);
+            #Encode::_utf8_off($body);
+        };
+    }
+    $body;

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Buscador/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package Buscador::Vote;
+package Email::Store::Mail;
+use strict;
+use Email::Store::Vote;
+sub vote :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r, $mail) = @_;
+    my $vote = Email::Store::Vote->create({ mail=>$mail->id });
+    my $loc = Buscador->config->{uri_base}; 
+    $loc =~ s!/+$!!;
+    $loc .= "/mail/view/".$mail->id;
+    $r->{template} = "view";
+    $r->location($loc);
+sub popular :Exported {
+    my ($self, $r) = @_;
+    my $pager = Email::Store::Mail->do_pager($r);
+    $r->{objects} = [$pager->search_popular  ];
+__PACKAGE__->set_sql( popular => qq{
+    SELECT mail.message_id, count(vote.mail) AS votes 
+    FROM mail, vote
+    WHERE mail.message_id = vote.mail
+    GROUP BY vote.mail 
+    ORDER BY votes DESC

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+package Buscador;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use base 'Maypole::Redirect';
+$VERSION = "0.7";
+# use Maypole::Cache;
+Buscador->config->{cache_options}{class} = "Cache::FileCache";
+use Buscador::Config;
+use Maypole::Constants;
+our $home;
+sub debug{0}
+    require Email::Store;
+    Email::Store->import(Buscador::Config->dsn, verbose => 1 );
+    use Module::Pluggable           search_path => [ "Email::Store" ], sub_name => 'stores', require => 1;
+    use Module::Pluggable::Ordered  search_path => [ "Buscador" ];
+    $home = Buscador::Config->home;
+    Buscador->config->{cache_options}{class} = "Cache::FileCache";
+    Buscador->config->{model} = "Maypole::Model::CDBI::Plain";
+    # this is a bit of an egregious hack
+    # perhaps plugins should specifically state whether they
+    # are capable of being set up or not
+    my @stores = sort grep { !/(DBI|Addressing)$/ }
+                      grep { !/SUPER$/ } 
+                      grep { $_->can("table") } 
+                                                    Buscador->stores;
+    # not needed any more
+    # my @setup =  sort qw/ Email::Store::Mail Email::Store::List  Email::Store::Date
+    # Email::Store::Entity Email::Store::Entity::Name Email::Store::Attachment
+    # Email::Store::Entity::Address Email::Store::NamedEntity Email::Store::Vote /;
+    Buscador->setup([ @stores ]); 
+Buscador->config->{rows_per_page}         = 10;
+Buscador->config->{template_root}         = "$home/templates";
+Buscador->config->{uri_base}              = Buscador::Config->uri;
+Buscador->config->{img_base}              = Buscador::Config->image_uri;
+Buscador->config->{uri_base} .= "/" unless Buscador->config->{uri_base} =~ m!/$!;
+Buscador->config->{img_base} .= "/" unless Buscador->config->{img_base} =~ m!/$!;
+$Email::Store::Plucene::index_path         = "$home/emailstore-index";
+$Plucene::QueryParser::DefaultOperator    = "AND";
+sub parse_path {
+    my $self = shift;
+    Buscador->call_plugins("parse_path", $self);
+    $self->SUPER::parse_path();
+=head1 NAME
+Buscador - a mail archiver with a twise
+Buscador is web based mail archival and retrieval tool based 
+around the concept of Intertwingle :
+In essence it provides a variety of different views on the mail
+using a system of plugins. Plugins provided include ones to
+show thread views, date views, seperation into mailing lists, 
+extraction of named entities and Atom feeds for recent mails,
+per thread, per list and per person and for handling mailing.
+=head1 INSTALL
+=head2 Install dependencies
+There's a C<Bundle::Buscador> available from
+however some people have had problems installing some of these. 
+    Apache::Request
+    Class::DBI::AsForm
+    Email::MIME
+    Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper
+    Mail::ListDetector
+And, in particular C<SQL::Translator>. C<SQL::Translator> 
+installs a lot of weird things such as C<GD>, C<Graphviz> 
+and C<Spreadsheet::ParseExcel>.
+A cut down version of C<SQL::Translator> without these 
+dependencies is available from
+=head2 Create config file
+Make a directory in your web root, cd into it and do
+    % buscador-import -init
+this will copy some templates and some images into the directory and 
+then generate a sample config file. You should edit the config file.
+You might want to move your chrome directory outside your new buscador 
+directory and alter your config accordingly. That way Maypole (which 
+Buscador is based on) doesn't try and first see if there's a table 
+called 'chrome' before passing through to the actual chrome directory
+and also won't fill your logs with errors.
+=head2 Import some mails
+        % buscador-import -setup
+and then
+        % buscador-import /path/to/mail/folder
+=head2 Create Apache config
+Something like
+   <Location /buscador>
+        SetHandler perl-script
+        PerlHandler Buscador
+   </Location>
+but changed to whatever directory yu wnat to install it under.
+If you're using the default SQLite db remember to make sure that
+the web server has enough access to read it and get a lock.
+=head1 PLUGINS
+The plugin system is based around C<Module::Pluggable::Ordered>.
+Each plugin get the chance to influence the path being passed in.
+The order that they are called in is set by the B<parse_path_order>
+method, the lower the return value the higher the priority.
+For example:
+    package Buscador::Foo;
+    # we're middling important
+    sub parse_path_order { 13 }     
+    sub parse_path {
+        my ($self, $buscador) = @_;
+        # buscador is an alias for search
+        $buscador->{path} =~ s!/buscador/!/search/!;
+    }
+    1;
+however they don't have to touch the path at all and can simply 
+install methods in other namespaces;
+    package Buscador::Bar;
+    # this is where path parsing methods would go
+    package Email::Store::Mail;
+    use Fortune;
+    sub bar :Exported {
+        my $fortune = Fortune ('fortunefile')->read_header()->get_random_fortune();
+        $r->{template_args}{fortune} = $fortune;
+        $r->{template}               = "fortune";
+    }
+    1;
+And now, if we write a 'fortune' template and go to 
+we'll be presented with a fortune.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, E<lt>simon@xxxx.xxxx<gt>
+Copyright 2004 by Simon Cozens
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: trunk/buscador/lib/Email/Store/
--- trunk/buscador/lib/Email/Store/	2005-02-08 12:53:01 UTC (rev 1840)
+++ trunk/buscador/lib/Email/Store/	2005-02-08 12:54:42 UTC (rev 1841)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package Email::Store::Vote;
+use base "Email::Store::DBI";
+use strict;
+__PACKAGE__->columns( Primary => qw[ id  ] );
+__PACKAGE__->columns( Other   => qw[ mail ] );
+__PACKAGE__->has_a(mail => "Email::Store::Mail");
+Email::Store::Mail->has_many(votes => "Email::Store::Vote");
+    id           integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
+    mail         varchar(255) NOT NULL

Generated at 13:00 on 08 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.52