encoding issue with other maliing list software

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From: Gabor Szabo
Subject: encoding issue with other maliing list software
Date: 20:02 on 03 Sep 2003
On the israeli linux mailing list we just encountered this issue.
I am sending this in only in order to note that it would be good if
Siesta, or the evil advertiser plug-in would deal with all the
encodings correctly.  At some point in its life.
-- Gabor
ps. I am back from my vacation and once I can clean my desk a bit
I'll upload the new bundle and invest some energy in Siesta as well.

> > Your one-line Hebrew answer was followed by two lines of unintelligible
> > crap, that I couldn't figure out. Was that supposed to be Hebrew too? In
> > what encoding? It doesn't appear to be either ISO-8859-8 or UTF-8...
> The encoding to blame is actually base64, along with the list's tailer.
> Here is the relevant part of the message (raw):

[cut out]

Or - the list administrator could fix the list software not to append its
postfix to base64 encoded messages (at all, or encode it into the encoded
message or attach it as a part of a multipart/mixed MIME message).
There's more then one way to do it.

Generated at 13:56 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52