Re: [siesta-dev] deferred expiry

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] deferred expiry
Date: 14:51 on 10 Sep 2003
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 09:27:07PM +0100, Andrew Wilson wrote:
> You're about to probably also get the Belfast linux users.  We're moving
> our list to a different server and I've convinced them to use siesta.
> It isn't set up yet, so this isn't going to affect us (this time).

Tom tried an install earlier today, though he hit a snag with mysql
which I've not seen on either of my boxes.  Even given that I'd still
recommend going with mysql or postgres (though the schema needs
massaging for it I think) as that gives you a couple of ways to try an
upgrade, from the backup restore thing I want for regular users
through to running alter table statements in by hand.

> Of course, now I've written this I'm wondering why I thinks it's
> relevant.

Well it might give us a deadline for making sure that the
create-backup thing actually worked, assuming we don't plough in and
change the schemas right now.

Plus users are always relevant.

Richard Clamp <>
There's stuff above here

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