Re: [siesta-dev] MTA integration

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From: Ilya Martynov
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] MTA integration
Date: 15:53 on 17 Oct 2003
>>>>> "RC" == Richard Clamp <> writes:

RC> Okay, I know we talked about it aaages ago, but here's one of the
RC> things I want to try:

RC> Siesta::Integrate::Postfix - writes a mapping hash for the configured
RC> lists

RC> [..snip..]

RC> I think it's maybe as simple as 

RC>  alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/usr/local/siesta/postfix.db

RC> I'll spend some time with the Postfix docs sometime soon but can
RC> someone who's already done this tell me if I'm onto a sane train of
RC> thought here?  

It should work.

Ilya Martynov,
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