Re: [siesta-dev] Deferred messages

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] Deferred messages
Date: 07:30 on 16 Feb 2004
On 10 Feb 2004, at 12:26, Jody Belka wrote:
> Hi,
> As currently written, the deferred message system doesn't make a note 
> of
> which list a message is associated with, just which member. Now, 
> although
> the record of plugins that is made indirectly holds this information,
> right now it is not the easiest thing you could do to get from a 
> deferred
> message back to a list.

Okay.  But why would you want to?  More importantly do you do that 
enough to make it worth adding inflexibility by denormalising the 
database when you can actually discover it really easily from perl 

> Attached is a patch which makes the necessary changes to add this
> functionality. If you could take a look and give me some feedback when 
> you
> have a chance i would be grateful.

So far I can only guess at the perceived need for this, which doesn't 
put me in a good position to give you useful feedback.

Richard Clamp <>

Generated at 13:56 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52