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Yum. The Fedora package manager. Feature of hates past and surely hates future. Today, it is my hate. A Linux distribution has many thousands of files. Nevertheless, they are generally organised in reasonable groupings [1]. Yum, however, has its configuration files organised as follows: /etc |-- yum | |-- pluginconf.d | | `-- installonlyn.conf | `-- yum-daily.yum |-- yum.conf |-- yum.conf.bak `-- yum.repos.d |-- atrpms.repo |-- dag.repo |-- dries.repo ... Yes, although there is an /etc/yum directory, the yum.conf file (_and_ backup copy) float next to it in /etc itself; and then there is _another_ directory, /etc/yum.repos.d, wherein yum's knowledge of repositories resides. The net result is that I can't easily tab-complete the path to various parts of the yum config and have to remember how it's arranged, which is fucking stupid. Would it have been _too_ hard for whatever team of monkeys filled with crack it is that writes this application to have put everything in /etc/yum? IS THAT TOO FUCKING OBVIOUS FOR YOU? Talking of /etc/yum.repos.d (proof of my point: my fingers just tried to type /etc/yum/repos.d), it contains one file per repository, because they are written in what appears to be .ini format and are INCREDIBLY VERBOSE. Here's a snippet: [core] name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch #baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/$releasever/$basearch/os/ mirrorlist=http://fedora.redhat.com/download/mirrors/fedora-core-$releasever enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY Yes, it's doing some kind of crap involving interpolation of variables from who-knows-where. Note the nice use of an "enabled" flag, but also a line being commented out. What does that mean? I haven't got a clue. But what I do know is that you're fucked if you expect to be able to add repositories with a single line of text, apt-style. CRAP FOUNTAIN. [1] Or not? Place your hates now! -- Earle Martin http://downlode.org/ http://purl.org/net/earlemartin/
Generated at 18:01 on 08 Nov 2006 by mariachi 0.52