[siesta-commit] siesta INSTALL,1.1,1.2

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From: muttley
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta INSTALL,1.1,1.2
Date: 14:19 on 06 Sep 2002
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv14629

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Wrote very long installation guide and manual.

RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/INSTALL,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- INSTALL	20 Aug 2002 12:51:06 -0000	1.1
+++ INSTALL	6 Sep 2002 13:18:58 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+Currently just install like any other Perl module :
+% perl Makefile.PL
+% make
+% make test
+% su
+# make install
+Then use the nacho configuration tool to add new users and create new
+lists. This will print out the appropriate aliases to put in your 
+/etc/alias (or equivalent) file. This can be printed out again at any 
+time by doing :
+  % nacho new-list myfirstlist admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx \
+                     myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx \ 
+		     myfirstlist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  Created the new list 'myfirstlist' <myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
+  Paste this into your alias file to activate the list
+  ## myfirstlist mailing list
+  ## created: 06-Sep-2002 nacho (the siesta config tool)
+  myfirstlist:       "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist"
+  myfirstlist-sub:   "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist sub"
+  myfirstlist-unsub: "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist unsub"
+  myfirstlist-admin:  admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx 
+  myfirstlist-bounce: admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  % nacho create-alias [list id]
+You can either subscribe users manually by creating them and inserting 
+them using nacho 
+  % nacho new-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx Simon Wistow
+  User Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx> added	
+  % nacho add-user-list myfirstlist simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  User 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx' added to list 'myfirstlist'
+By supply more than one id all the users will be subscribed.
+  % nacho add-user-list myfirstlist richardc@xxxxxxxx.xxx greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
+  User 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' added to list 'myfirstlist'
+  User 'greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx' added to list 'myfirstlist'
+Alternatively by supplying a new user id and new user will be created 
+  # TODO!
+Finally a user can subscribe by mailing myfirstlist-sub@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx 
+You can get a list of every user that's on the system.
+  % nacho show-users
+  Greg McCarroll <greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx>
+  Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
+  Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
+... see what lists a user is on :
+  % nacho show-lists-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  The user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx is on the following lists :
+  ----
+  siesta-dev
+  myfirstlist
+... see information about a particular user :
+  % nacho show-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  id = simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  forename = Simon
+  surname = Wistow
+  password = FIXME
+  bouncing =
+  lastbounce =
+  created =
+and modify information about a user
+  % nacho modify-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx surname LeBon
+  Property 'surname' set to 'LeBon' for user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+TIP : if you modify the id then what will actually happen is that a new 
+user will be created with that id but with information exactly the same 
+as the previous user.
+Lists are, unsurprisingly, very similar to users.
+  % nacho show-lists
+  siesta-dev
+  myfirstlist
+  % nacho show-users-list myfirstlist
+  Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
+  Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
+  % nacho show-list myfirstlist
+  id = myfirstlist
+  post_address = myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  return_path = myfirstlist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  owner = admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  created =
+  % nacho modify-list myfirstlist post_address myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
+  Property 'post_address' set to 'myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' for the 
+  list myfirstlist
+Again, copying a set up by modifying the id will also work.
+You can list all the plugins installed on the system.
+  % nacho list-all-plugins
+  Archive
+  CheckUser
+  Debounce
+  Domo
+  ListHeaders
+  MembersOnly
+  ReplyTo
+  Send
+  SimpleSig
+  SpamAssassin
+  SubjectTag
+  Subscribe
+  UnSubscribe
+Since plugins are 'just' normal Perl modules you can write your own or 
+download plugins other people have written and install them like any 
+other module. Siesta will autmatically detect them.
+To show what plugins (and in which order) a list is using ...
+  % nacho list-plugins siesta-dev
+  The list siesta-dev has these plugins activated :
+  1) Debounce
+  2) SimpleSig
+  3) SubjectTag
+  4) ListHeaders
+  5) ReplyTo
+  6) Archive
+  7) Send
+To add a plugin onto the end of a list do
+  % nacho add-plugin siesta-dev NewPlugin
+  # TODO!
+or to insert it somewhere else on the list do ...
+  % nacho add-plugin siesta-dev NewPlugin 3
+It shoudl be noted that you probably always want to have the Send plugin
+(or a replacement plugin) as the last plugin.
+To get more information about a plugin either do 
+  % perldoc Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo
+or ...
+  % nacho show-plugin-config-list siesta-dev ReplyTo
+  # TODO
+or ...
+  % nacho show-plugin-config-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx ReplyTo
+  # TODO 
+or ..
+  % nacho show-plugin-config-list-user siesta-dev simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx ReplyTo
+  # TODO 
+which will show you the current per-list, per-user and 
+per-list-per-user configuration of a plugin.
+When sending a mail to a user the plugin will take into the 
+per-list-per-user configuration or, if that's not available, the 
+per-user configuration or, if that's not available, the per-list 
+configuration. If none of those are set it falls back on defaults.
+To modify configuration for any of those (apart from default, obviously) 
+  % nacho modify-plugin-config-list siesta-dev ReplyTo munge 1
+  # TODO
+or ...
+  % nacho modify-plugin-config-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx ReplyTo munge 1
+  # TODO
+or ..
+  % nacho modify-plugin-config-list-user siesta-dev simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx\ 
+                                                         ReplyTo munge 1
+  # TODO
+None of this is actually implemented yet.
+To remove a user from a list just do :
+  % nacho remove-user-list myfirstlist greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
+  User 'greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx' removed from list 'myfirstlist'
+Deleting a user from the system will remove them from all the lists 
+they're subscribed to and then deleted from the system.
+  % nacho delete-user richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx 
+  User 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' deleted.
+Similarly deleting a list will unsub all users from that list and then 
+remove it from the system.
+  % nacho delete-list myfirstlist
+  List 'myfirstlist' deleted

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52