[siesta-commit] siesta/lib/Siesta/Storage DBI.pm,1.18,1.19 Volatile.pm,1.3,1.4

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From: clampr
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta/lib/Siesta/Storage DBI.pm,1.18,1.19 Volatile.pm,1.3,1.4
Date: 19:24 on 10 Sep 2002
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/lib/Siesta/Storage
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19714/Siesta/Storage

Modified Files:
	DBI.pm Volatile.pm 
Log Message:

Index: DBI.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/lib/Siesta/Storage/DBI.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- DBI.pm	10 Sep 2002 16:57:36 -0000	1.18
+++ DBI.pm	10 Sep 2002 18:24:30 -0000	1.19
@@ -5,67 +5,67 @@
 use base 'Siesta::Storage';
 use DBI;
-use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ '_dbh' ];
+use Class::MethodMaker get_set => ['_dbh'];
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
-    my $dbh = DBI->connect(@_);
+    my $dbh   = DBI->connect(@_);
     return unless $dbh;
     bless { _dbh => $dbh }, $class;
 # yes kids, it's yet another cheesy query builder
 sub _get_rows {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %args = @_;
-    my %where   = %{ $args{where}  || {} };
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my %args    = @_;
+    my %where   = %{ $args{where} || {} };
     my @columns = @{ $args{columns} };
-    my $sql = join ('',
-                    "SELECT ", join(', ', @columns), " FROM ", $args{table},
-                   );
+    my $sql =
+      join ( '', "SELECT ", join ( ', ', @columns ), " FROM ", $args{table}, );
-    $sql .= join ('',
-                  " WHERE ", join(' AND ', 
-                                  map { "$_ = '$where{$_}'" } keys %where)
-                 ) if %where;
+    $sql .= join ( '',
+                   " WHERE ",
+                   join ( ' AND ', map { "$_ = '$where{$_}'" } keys %where ) )
+      if %where;
     return map {
         my %foo;
         @foo{@columns} = @$_;
-    }  @{ $self->_dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) };
+    } @{ $self->_dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) };
 sub get_lists {
     my $self = shift;
-    return map { Siesta::List->new_from_hash($_) } 
-      $self->_get_rows(table   => 'lists',
-                       columns => \@Siesta::List::fields);
+    return map { Siesta::List->new_from_hash($_) } $self->_get_rows(
+                                               table   => 'lists',
+                                               columns => \@Siesta::List::fields
+                                               );
 sub get_users {
     my $self = shift;
-    return map { Siesta::User->new_from_hash($_) }
-      $self->_get_rows(table   => 'users',
-                       columns => \@Siesta::User::fields);
+    return map { Siesta::User->new_from_hash($_) } $self->_get_rows(
+                                               table   => 'users',
+                                               columns => \@Siesta::User::fields
+                                               );
 sub get_lists_of_user {
     my $self    = shift;
     my $user_id = shift;
     # make sure we've got the id
-    $user_id = (ref ($user_id))? $user_id->id() : $user_id;
+    $user_id = ( ref($user_id) ) ? $user_id->id() : $user_id;
     my @returns;
-    foreach my $list ($self->get_lists()) {
+    foreach my $list ( $self->get_lists() ) {
         push @returns, $list
-          if $self->member_of_list($list->id(), $user_id);
+          if $self->member_of_list( $list->id(), $user_id );
     return @returns;
@@ -75,54 +75,62 @@
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = shift;
-    my @fields =  @Siesta::User::fields;
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'users',
-                                   where   => { id => $user },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @fields = @Siesta::User::fields;
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'users',
+                                    where   => { id => $user },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
     return unless @results;
     return %{ $results[0] };
 sub save_user {
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = shift;
     return unless defined $user;
-    my @fields =  @Siesta::User::fields;
+    my @fields = @Siesta::User::fields;
     my $sql;
     # if it already exists then we're updating 
-    if (Siesta->storage->load_user($user->id())) {
-        $sql = join ( '',
+    if ( Siesta->storage->load_user( $user->id() ) ) {
+        $sql = join (
+                      '',
                       "UPDATE users SET ",
-                      join (',',
-                            map { "$_=".$self->_dbh->quote($user->$_()) } @fields
-                           ),
-                      " WHERE id=", $self->_dbh->quote($user->id())
-                    );
+                      join ( ',',
+                             map { "$_=" . $self->_dbh->quote( $user->$_() ) }
+                               @fields ),
+                      " WHERE id=",
+                      $self->_dbh->quote( $user->id() )
+                      );
     else {
         # inserting
-        $sql    = join ( '',
-                         "INSERT INTO users (", join (',', @fields), ") ",
-                         "VALUES (", join( ',', map { $self->_dbh->quote($user->$_()) } @fields) ,")"
-                       ) ;
+        $sql = join ( '',
+                "INSERT INTO users (",
+                join ( ',', @fields ),
+                ") ",
+                "VALUES (",
+                join ( ',', map { $self->_dbh->quote( $user->$_() ) } @fields ),
+                ")" );
     return $self->_dbh->do($sql)
       or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
 sub delete_user {
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = shift;
-    $user = (ref $user)? $user->id : $user;
+    $user = ( ref $user ) ? $user->id : $user;
-    return $self->_dbh->do(qq{DELETE FROM users
-                              WHERE id = '$user'});
+    return $self->_dbh->do(
+        qq{DELETE FROM users
+                              WHERE id = '$user'} );
 sub load_list {
@@ -130,14 +138,15 @@
     my $id   = shift;
     my @fields = @Siesta::List::fields;
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'lists',
-                                   where   => { id => $id },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'lists',
+                                    where   => { id => $id },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
     return unless @results == 1;
     return %{ $results[0] };
 sub save_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
@@ -148,118 +157,129 @@
     my $sql;
     # if it already exists then we're updating 
-    if (Siesta->storage->load_list($list->id)) {
-        $sql = join( '', 
-                     "UPDATE lists SET ",
-                     join(',', 
-                           map { 
-                               "$_ = ".$self->_dbh->quote($list->$_()) 
-                           } @fields),
-                     " WHERE id=", $self->_dbh->quote($list->id())
-                   );
-    } 
+    if ( Siesta->storage->load_list( $list->id ) ) {
+        $sql = join (
+                      '',
+                      "UPDATE lists SET ",
+                      join ( ',',
+                             map { "$_ = " . $self->_dbh->quote( $list->$_() ) }
+                               @fields ),
+                      " WHERE id=",
+                      $self->_dbh->quote( $list->id() )
+                      );
+    }
     else {
         # inserting 
-        $sql = join( '',
-                     "INSERT INTO lists (", join (',', @fields), ") ",
-                     "VALUES (", join( ',', map { $self->_dbh->quote($list->$_()) } @fields) ,")"
-                   ) ;
+        $sql = join ( '',
+                "INSERT INTO lists (",
+                join ( ',', @fields ),
+                ") ",
+                "VALUES (",
+                join ( ',', map { $self->_dbh->quote( $list->$_() ) } @fields ),
+                ")" );
     return $self->_dbh->do($sql)
       or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
 sub delete_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     # make sure we've got the id 
-    $list = (ref $list)? $list->id : $list;
+    $list = ( ref $list ) ? $list->id : $list;
-    return $self->_dbh->do(qq{DELETE FROM lists
-                              WHERE id = '$list'});
+    return $self->_dbh->do(
+        qq{DELETE FROM lists
+                              WHERE id = '$list'} );
 sub member_of_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
-    my @fields =  qw( id list_id user_id );
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'list_users',
-                                   where   => { list_id => $list,
-                                                user_id => $user },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @fields = qw( id list_id user_id );
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table => 'list_users',
+                                    where => {
+                                               list_id => $list,
+                                               user_id => $user
+                                    },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
     return scalar @results;
 sub add_member_to_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
-    $self->_dbh->do(qq{INSERT INTO list_users (list_id, user_id)
-                       VALUES ('$list', '$user')})
+    $self->_dbh->do(
+        qq{INSERT INTO list_users (list_id, user_id)
+                       VALUES ('$list', '$user')} )
       or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
     return 1;
 sub remove_member_from_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
-    return $self->_dbh->do(qq{DELETE FROM list_users
-                              WHERE list_id = '$list' AND user_id = '$user'});
+    return $self->_dbh->do(
+        qq{DELETE FROM list_users
+                              WHERE list_id = '$list' AND user_id = '$user'} );
 sub list_members {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
-    my @fields =  qw( id list_id user_id );
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'list_users',
-                                   where   => { list_id => $list },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @fields = qw( id list_id user_id );
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'list_users',
+                                    where   => { list_id => $list },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
     return map { Siesta::User->new_from_hash($_) } @results;
 sub list_plugins {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
-    my @fields =  qw( id list_id plugin_id );
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'list_plugins',
-                                   where   => { list_id => $list },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @fields = qw( id list_id plugin_id );
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'list_plugins',
+                                    where   => { list_id => $list },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
     return map { $_->{plugin_id} } @results;
 sub user_lists {
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = shift;
     my @fields = qw( list_id );
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table   => 'list_users',
-                                   where   => { user_id => $user },
-                                   columns => \@fields);
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'list_users',
+                                    where   => { user_id => $user },
+                                    columns => \@fields
+                                    );
-    return map { Siesta::List->new($_->{list_id}) } @results;
+    return map { Siesta::List->new( $_->{list_id} ) } @results;
 sub config {
     my $self = shift;
-    my ($namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key, $value) = @_;
+    my ( $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key, $value ) = @_;
     $user_id = ref $user_id ? $user_id->id : $user_id;
     $list_id = ref $list_id ? $list_id->id : $list_id;
@@ -269,39 +289,44 @@
     $list_id ||= '';
     # if we haven't been passed a value then fetch and return it
-    return $self->get_config($namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key)
+    return $self->get_config( $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key )
       unless defined $value;
     # otherwise we need to check to see if it's been defined 
     # explicitly for this particular tuple and update or insert
     # appropriately.
-    my $return = $self->get_config_explicitly($namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key);
+    my $return =
+      $self->get_config_explicitly( $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key );
     my $sql;
     # are we updating
-    if (defined $return) {
-        $sql = sprintf( "UPDATE config set value = %s where
+    if ( defined $return ) {
+        $sql = sprintf(
+            "UPDATE config set value = %s where
                         namespace = %s AND user_id = %s AND
                         list_id = %s AND key = %s",
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($value),
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($namespace),
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($user_id),
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($list_id),
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($key),
-                      );
+            $self->_dbh->quote($value),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($namespace),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($user_id),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($list_id),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($key),
+            );
     else {
         # ... or inserting
-        $sql = sprintf( "INSERT INTO config 
+        $sql = sprintf(
+            "INSERT INTO config 
                         (namespace, user_id, list_id, key, value) 
                         VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($namespace), 
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($user_id), 
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($list_id), 
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($key), 
-                        $self->_dbh->quote($value)
-                      );
+            $self->_dbh->quote($namespace),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($user_id),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($list_id),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($key),
+            $self->_dbh->quote($value)
+            );
     return $self->_dbh->do($sql)
@@ -320,121 +345,117 @@
 #              default
 sub get_config {
-    my ($self, $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key ) = @_;
     $user_id ||= '';
     $list_id ||= '';
-    unless ($user_id eq '' || $list_id eq '') {
-        my $return = $self->get_config_explicitly($namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key);
+    unless ( $user_id eq '' || $list_id eq '' ) {
+        my $return =
+          $self->get_config_explicitly( $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key );
         return $return
           if defined $return;
-    unless  ($user_id eq '') {
-        my $return = $self->get_config_explicitly($namespace, $user_id, '', $key);
-        return $return 
+    unless ( $user_id eq '' ) {
+        my $return =
+          $self->get_config_explicitly( $namespace, $user_id, '', $key );
+        return $return
           if defined $return;
-    unless ($list_id eq '') {
-        my $return = $self->get_config_explicitly($namespace, '', $list_id,  $key);
+    unless ( $list_id eq '' ) {
+        my $return =
+          $self->get_config_explicitly( $namespace, '', $list_id, $key );
         return $return
           if defined $return;
-    return $self->get_config_explicitly($namespace, '', '', $key);
+    return $self->get_config_explicitly( $namespace, '', '', $key );
 # explicitly look up a config value for a given
 # namespace, user, list, key tuple.
 sub get_config_explicitly {
-    my ($self, $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $namespace, $user_id, $list_id, $key ) = @_;
     # just to be sure
     $user_id ||= '';
     $list_id ||= '';
-    my $where = { user_id   => $user_id,
+    my $where = {
+                  user_id   => $user_id,
                   list_id   => $list_id,
                   key       => $key,
-                  namespace => $namespace };
+                  namespace => $namespace
+                  };
-    my @results = $self->_get_rows(table  => 'config',
-                                   where  => $where,
-                                   columns => ['value']);
+    my @results = $self->_get_rows(
+                                    table   => 'config',
+                                    where   => $where,
+                                    columns => ['value']
+                                    );
     return $results[0]->{value};
 # add plugin into the processing queue for a list
 # providing a number will insert at that position.
 # otherwise it will be added at the end. Position 
 # is indexed from 1. Returns 1 on success or undef
 # on failure.
-sub add_plugin_to_list
-	my ($self, $list, $plugin, $position) = @_;
+sub add_plugin_to_list {
+    my ( $self, $list, $plugin, $position ) = @_;
-	# make sure we've got a list object
-	unless (ref $list) {	
-		$list = Siesta->storage->load_list($list) || return undef;
-	} 
+    # make sure we've got a list object
+    unless ( ref $list ) {
+        $list = Siesta->storage->load_list($list) || return undef;
+    }
-	my @plugins = $list->plugins();
+    my @plugins = $list->plugins();
-	# if it looks hacky, then that's because it is
-	if (defined $position) {
-		push @plugins, ($plugin, splice (@plugins, $position));
-	} else {
-		push @plugins, $plugin;
-	}
+    # if it looks hacky, then that's because it is
+    if ( defined $position ) {
+        push @plugins, ( $plugin, splice( @plugins, $position ) );
+    }
+    else {
+        push @plugins, $plugin;
+    }
-	return $self->set_plugins ($list, @plugins);
+    return $self->set_plugins( $list, @plugins );
 # sets the order of the plugins for a list
-sub set_plugins 
-	my $self = shift;
-	my $list = shift;
-	my @plugins = @_;
-	# make sure we've got a list object
-	unless (ref $list) {
-                $list = Siesta->storage->load_list($list) || return undef;
-        }
+sub set_plugins {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my $list    = shift;
+    my @plugins = @_;
+    # make sure we've got a list object
+    unless ( ref $list ) {
+        $list = Siesta->storage->load_list($list) || return undef;
+    }
-	# get rid of the exisiting list.	
-	my $sql = sprintf "DELETE from list_plugins where list_id=%s", 
-			$self->_dbh->quote($list->id());
-	$self->_dbh->do($sql) 
- 		or die $self->_dbh->errstr;	
+    # get rid of the exisiting list.	
+    my $sql = sprintf "DELETE from list_plugins where list_id=%s",
+      $self->_dbh->quote( $list->id() );
+    $self->_dbh->do($sql)
+      or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
-	my $a = 1;
-	foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
-		my $isql = sprintf "INSERT INTO list_plugins 
+    my $a = 1;
+    foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
+        my $isql = sprintf "INSERT INTO list_plugins 
 				    ( id, plugin_id , list_id )
-        		 	    VALUES (%d, %s, %s )",
-				        $a++, 
-					$self->_dbh->quote($plugin), 
-					$self->_dbh->quote($list->id());
+        		 	    VALUES (%d, %s, %s )", $a++, $self->_dbh->quote($plugin),
+          $self->_dbh->quote( $list->id() );
-		$self->_dbh->do($isql)
-			or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
-	}
+        $self->_dbh->do($isql)
+          or die $self->_dbh->errstr;
+    }
-	return 1;
+    return 1;

Index: Volatile.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/lib/Siesta/Storage/Volatile.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- Volatile.pm	7 Sep 2002 15:18:22 -0000	1.3
+++ Volatile.pm	10 Sep 2002 18:24:32 -0000	1.4
@@ -13,51 +13,44 @@
     my $class = shift;
     my $self  = {};
-    $self->{users} = [];
-    $self->{lists} = [];
-    $self->{list_users} = [];
+    $self->{users}        = [];
+    $self->{lists}        = [];
+    $self->{list_users}   = [];
     $self->{list_plugins} = [];
 sub load_user {
     my $self = shift;
     my $user = shift;
 sub load_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $id   = shift;
 sub member_of_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
 sub add_member_to_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
 sub remove_member_from_list {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
     my $user = shift;
 sub list_members {
     my $self = shift;
     my $list = shift;
 sub list_plugins {
     my $self = shift;

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52