[siesta-commit] siesta/doc MANUAL,NONE,1.1

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From: muttley
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta/doc MANUAL,NONE,1.1
Date: 12:14 on 11 Sep 2002
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/doc
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13551/doc

Added Files:
Log Message:
Split up the INSTALL file into INSTALL and MANUAL

This document should take you through setting up lists and users,  and 
generally administering your system.


Then use the nacho configuration tool to add new users and create new
lists. This will print out the appropriate aliases to put in your 
/etc/alias (or equivalent) file. This can be printed out again at any 
time by doing :

  % nacho new-list myfirstlist admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx \
                     myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx \ 

  Created the new list 'myfirstlist' <myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
  Paste this into your alias file to activate the list

  ## myfirstlist mailing list
  ## created: 06-Sep-2002 nacho (the siesta config tool)
  myfirstlist:       "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist"
  myfirstlist-sub:   "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist sub"
  myfirstlist-unsub: "/usr/bin/tequila myfirstlist unsub"
  myfirstlist-admin:  admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx 
  myfirstlist-bounce: admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx

  % nacho create-alias [list id]


You can either subscribe users manually by creating them and inserting 
them using nacho 

  % nacho new-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx Simon Wistow
  User Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx> added	

  % nacho add-user-list myfirstlist simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  User 'simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx' added to list 'myfirstlist'

By supply more than one id all the users will be subscribed.

  % nacho add-user-list myfirstlist richardc@xxxxxxxx.xxx greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
  User 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' added to list 'myfirstlist'
  User 'greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx' added to list 'myfirstlist'

Alternatively by supplying a new user id and new user will be created 

  # TODO!

Finally a user can subscribe by mailing myfirstlist-sub@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx 


You can get a list of every user that's on the system.

  % nacho show-users
  Greg McCarroll <greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx>
  Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
  Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>

... see what lists a user is on :

  % nacho show-lists-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx

  The user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx is on the following lists :

... see information about a particular user :

  % nacho show-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  id = simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  forename = Simon
  surname = Wistow
  password = FIXME
  bouncing =
  lastbounce =
  created =

and modify information about a user
  % nacho modify-user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx surname LeBon
  Property 'surname' set to 'LeBon' for user simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx

TIP : if you modify the id then what will actually happen is that a new 
user will be created with that id but with information exactly the same 
as the previous user.


Lists are, unsurprisingly, very similar to users.

  % nacho show-lists

  % nacho show-users-list myfirstlist
  Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx>
  Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>

  % nacho show-list myfirstlist
  id = myfirstlist
  post_address = myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  return_path = myfirstlist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  owner = admin@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  created =
  % nacho modify-list myfirstlist post_address myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
  Property 'post_address' set to 'myfirstlist@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' for the 
  list myfirstlist

Again, copying a set up by modifying the id will also work.


You can list all the plugins installed on the system.

  % nacho list-all-plugins

Since plugins are 'just' normal Perl modules you can write your own or 
download plugins other people have written and install them like any 
other module. Siesta will autmatically detect them.

To show what plugins (and in which order) a list is using ...

  % nacho list-plugins siesta-dev
  The list siesta-dev has these plugins activated :
  1) Debounce
  2) SimpleSig
  3) SubjectTag
  4) ListHeaders
  5) ReplyTo
  6) Archive
  7) Send

To set the plugin order explicity do 

  % nacho set-plugins siesta-dev Debounce SimpleSig SubjectTag Send
  Set the plugins for siesta-dev to be :
  1) Debounce
  2) SimpleSig
  3) SubjectTag
  4) Send

or to delete all the plugins just do an empty list

  % nacho set-plugins siesta-dev
  Deleted plugins from siesta-dev

To add a plugin onto the end of a list do

  % nacho add-plugin NewPlugin siesta-dev
  Successfully added in plugin NewPlugin to siesta-dev

or to insert it somewhere else on the list do ...

  % nacho add-plugin siesta-dev NewPlugin 3
  Successfully added in plugin NewPlugin to siesta-dev at position 3

It should be noted that you probably always want to have the Send plugin
(or a replacement plugin) as the last plugin.

To get more information about a plugin either do 

  % perldoc Siesta::Plugin::ReplyTo

or ...

  % nacho show-plugin-config-default ReplyTo

  The 'default' options for the plugin ReplyTo :
   - munge = 0

or ...

  % nacho show-plugin-config-list ReplyTo siesta-dev

  The 'per-list' options for the plugin ReplyTo :
  - munge = 1

or ...

  % nacho show-plugin-config-user ReplyTo simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
  The 'per-user' options for the plugin ReplyTo :
   - munge = 0

or ..

  % nacho show-plugin-config-userlist ReplyTo simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx siesta-dev

  The 'per-user-per-list' options for the plugin ReplyTo :
  - munge = 1

which will show you the current default, per-list, per-user and 
per-list-per-user configuration of a plugin respectively.

When sending a mail to a user the plugin will take into the 
per-list-per-user configuration or, if that's not available, the 
per-user configuration or, if that's not available, the per-list 
configuration. If none of those are set it falls back on defaults.

To modify configuration for any of those (apart from default, obviously) 
do ...

  % nacho set-plugin-config-default ReplyTo munge 1
  Set the default config option 'munge' to '1' for the plugin 'ReplyTo'

or ...

  % nacho set-plugin-config-list ReplyTo siesta-dev munge 1
  Set the per-list config option 'munge' to '1' for the plugin 'ReplyTo'

or ...

  % nacho set-plugin-config-user ReplyTo simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx munge 1
  Set the plugin-config-user option 'munge' to '1' for the plugin 'ReplyTo'

or ..

  % nacho set-plugin-config-userlist ReplyTo siesta-dev simon@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx munge 1
  Set the per-user-per-list option 'munge' to '1' for the plugin 'ReplyTo'


To remove a user from a list just do :

  % nacho remove-user-list myfirstlist greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
  User 'greg@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx' removed from list 'myfirstlist'


Deleting a user from the system will remove them from all the lists 
they're subscribed to and then deleted from the system.

  % nacho delete-user richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx 
  User 'richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx' deleted.


Similarly deleting a list will unsub all users from that list and then 
remove it from the system.
  % nacho delete-list myfirstlist
  List 'myfirstlist' deleted

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52