[siesta-commit] siesta/t 10plugin_subscribe.t,1.5,1.6

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From: muttley
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta/t 10plugin_subscribe.t,1.5,1.6
Date: 14:29 on 20 Sep 2002
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv4423/t

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Subscribe now challenges the user with a unique number.

Index: 10plugin_subscribe.t
RCS file: /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/t/10plugin_subscribe.t,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- 10plugin_subscribe.t	15 Sep 2002 11:34:06 -0000	1.5
+++ 10plugin_subscribe.t	20 Sep 2002 13:29:39 -0000	1.6
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!perl -w
 use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
 use Test::MockObject;
 use Siesta::Plugin::Subscribe;
@@ -8,26 +8,109 @@
 Siesta->connect( DBI => "dbi:SQLite:t/test.db" );
 my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::Subscribe->new;
-my $list   =
+# set up the mock objects
+my $reply;
+my $subject = "";
+my $user    = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'suzanne@lab' } );
+my $juser   = Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'jay@jail' } );
+my $list =
   Test::MockObject->new->mock( id => sub { 'escapees' } )
   ->mock( owner      => sub { 'houdini@elsewhere' } )
-  ->mock( add_member => sub { $_[1] eq 'suzanne@lab' } );
+  ->mock( add_member => sub { $_[1] eq 'suzanne@lab' || $_[1] eq 'foo@bar' } )
+  ->mock( members    => sub { return ($juser) } );
-my $reply;
 my $mail =
   Test::MockObject->new->mock( list => sub { $list } )
   ->mock( from  => sub { 'suzanne@lab' } )
+  ->mock( user  => sub { $user } )
+  ->mock( subject => sub { shift; 
+			   my $nsubject = shift;
+			   $subject = $nsubject if (defined $nsubject); 
+			   return $subject;
+			 } )
   ->mock( reply => sub { shift; $reply = {@_}->{body} } );
+$mail ->mock( clone => sub { $mail } );
+# try an initial sub mail
 ok( $plugin->process($mail), "request handled" );
 like( $reply,
-      qr/You have been successfully subscribed to escapees/,
-      "subscribed suzanne" );
+      qr/You have requested to be subscribed to/,
+      "challenged suzanne" );
+# now try again 
+$subject = "FOO BAR";
+ok( $plugin->process($mail), "request handled" );
+like( $reply,
+      qr/You have requested to be subscribed to/,
+      "not fooled by repeated requests" );
+# now try a fake subscriber key
+my $tmp   = $subject; # save the valid subscribers key
+$subject  = 'SUBSCRIBE foobar';      
+like( $reply,
+      qr/The subscribe key you gave was invalid/,
+      "invalid key" );
+# try again with a valid key
+$subject = $tmp;
+like( $reply,
+      qr/You have been successfully subscribed to/,
+      "valid key" );
+# try faking with a previously valid key
+$mail->mock( from => sub { 'foo@bar' } );
+like( $reply,
+      qr/The subscribe key you gave was invalid/,
+      "none existent key" );
+# try a previously subscribed user
+$user = $juser;
 $mail->mock( from => sub { 'jay@jail' } );
-ok( $plugin->process($mail) );
+$subject = 'Foo';
 like( $reply,
-      qr/You could not be subscribed to escapees./,
-      "subscribing jay failed" );
+      qr/Maybe you are already subscribed/,
+      "already subbed" );
+# try an invalid user (only invalid cos we say it is)
+$mail->mock( from => sub { 'bob@jail' } );
+$subject = 'Bar';
+$user = Test::MockObject->new()->mock( id => sub { 'bob@jail' } ); 
+	qr/You have requested to be subscribed to/,
+	"trying to sub bob");
+# send it right back at them
+ok($plugin->process($mail),"processed again");
+like( $reply,
+      qr/Maybe you are already subscribed/,
+      "force failure" );

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52