[siesta-commit] siesta/website/php _footer.php,NONE,1.1 _header.php,NONE,1.1 _navigation.php,NONE,1.1 _quick_formatter.php,NONE,1.1 admin.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_create.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_details.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_main.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_modules.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_tasks.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_users.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_install.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_tasks.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_add.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_details.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_main.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_modules.php,NONE,1.1 index.php,NONE,1.1 siesta.css,NONE,1.1 siesta.zip,NONE,1.1 siesta_404.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_500.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_about.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_help.php,NONE,1.1 test.php,NONE,1.1 user.php,NONE,1.1 user_details.php,NONE,1.1 user_list_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 user_list_modules.php,NONE,1.1 user_lists.php,NONE,1.1 user_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 user_modules.php,NONE,1.1 user_password.php,NONE,1.1

[prev] [thread] [next] [lurker] [Date index for 2003/03/14]

From: muttley
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta/website/php _footer.php,NONE,1.1 _header.php,NONE,1.1 _navigation.php,NONE,1.1 _quick_formatter.php,NONE,1.1 admin.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_create.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_details.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_main.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_modules.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_tasks.php,NONE,1.1 admin_list_users.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_install.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_tasks.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_add.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_details.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_list.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_main.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 admin_user_modules.php,NONE,1.1 index.php,NONE,1.1 siesta.css,NONE,1.1 siesta.zip,NONE,1.1 siesta_404.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_500.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_about.php,NONE,1.1 siesta_help.php,NONE,1.1 test.php,NONE,1.1 user.php,NONE,1.1 user_details.php,NONE,1.1 user_list_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 user_list_modules.php,NONE,1.1 user_lists.php,NONE,1.1 user_module_settings.php,NONE,1.1 user_modules.php,NONE,1.1 user_password.php,NONE,1.1
Date: 14:40 on 14 Mar 2003
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta/website/php
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30203

Added Files:
	_footer.php _header.php _navigation.php _quick_formatter.php 
	admin.php admin_list_create.php admin_list_details.php 
	admin_list_list.php admin_list_main.php 
	admin_list_module_settings.php admin_list_modules.php 
	admin_list_tasks.php admin_list_users.php 
	admin_module_install.php admin_module_list.php 
	admin_module_settings.php admin_tasks.php admin_user_add.php 
	admin_user_details.php admin_user_list.php admin_user_main.php 
	admin_user_module_settings.php admin_user_modules.php 
	index.php siesta.css siesta.zip siesta_404.php siesta_500.php 
	siesta_about.php siesta_help.php test.php user.php 
	user_details.php user_list_module_settings.php 
	user_list_modules.php user_lists.php user_module_settings.php 
	user_modules.php user_password.php 
Log Message:
A php prototype of the web site. 

--- NEW FILE: _footer.php ---
		<td colspan='3' width='50%'></td>
	<tr><td colspan='6'><img src='dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan='6' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan='6' bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></td></tr>
		<td colspan='6' bgcolor='#8a7b68' align='center'>
			<span class='clsSmall'><a href=''>Siesta v0.1</a></span> 
			&nbsp; | &nbsp; 
			<span class='clsSmall'>Powered by <a href=''>Perl Template Toolkit</a></span> 
			&nbsp; | &nbsp; 
			<span class='clsSmall'>© Copyright <a href=''>SlutCorp</a> 2003</span>
	<tr><td colspan='6' bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></td></tr>

--- NEW FILE: _header.php ---

	include ("_navigation.php");
	include ("_quick_formatter.php");
	function print_header( $page_title, $page_description, $breadcrumbs, $signed_in ){
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>
	<title>Siesta - $page_title</title>
	<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/>
	<link href='siesta.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'/>
	<table width='100%' height='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68' width='50%'><a href=''><img src='images/siesta_logo.gif' border='0' width='165' height='117'/></a></td>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68'>
				<table width='400' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
					<tr><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='400' height='2'/></td></tr>
						<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='80'/></td>
						<td bgcolor='#978d72' width='396'>
							<div class='clsBreadcrumbs'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='1'/>".$breadcrumbs."</div>
							<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></div>
							<div class='clsPageTitle'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='1'/>".$page_title."</div>
							<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></div>
							<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='1'/>".$page_description."</div>
						<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<tr><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td></tr>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68' width='50%'>
				<div align='right'>
				<table width='200' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
					<tr><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='200' height='2'/></td></tr>
						<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='95'/></td>
						<td bgcolor='#978d72' width='196'>
							if ( $signed_in == 1 ){
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
									<div class='clsAuthStatus'>&nbsp;&nbsp; signed in as: admin</div>
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='4'/></div>
									<div class='clsAuthEmail'>&nbsp;&nbsp; simon@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx</div>
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
									<div align='right'><a href=''><img src='images/sign_out.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
							} else if ( $signed_in == 2 ){
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
									<div class='clsAuthStatus'>&nbsp;&nbsp; signed in as: user</div>
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='4'/></div>
									<div class='clsAuthEmail'>&nbsp;&nbsp; simon@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx</div>
									<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
									<div align='right'><a href=''><img src='images/sign_out.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
							} else {
									<div align='center'>
										<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
											<tr align='right'>
												<td align='right' class='clsLoginText'>email</td>
												<td>&nbsp;<input type='text' class='clsLoginBox'/><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='1'/></td>
												<td align='right' class='clsLoginText'>password</td>
												<td>&nbsp;<input type='password' class='clsLoginBox'/><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='20'/></td>
											<tr><td colspan='2'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></td></tr>
												<td><a href=''>register</a><br/><a href='user.php'>user</a></td>
												<td align='right'><a href='admin.php'><img src='images/sign_in.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></td>
						<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<tr><td colspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td></tr>
			<td bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
		<tr height='2'><td colspan='6' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td><tr>
		<tr><td colspan='6'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></td><tr>
		<tr height='100%' valign='top'>
			<td colspan='2' width='50%' valign='top'>
				".build_navigation( $page_title, $page_description, $signed_in )."
				<div><img src='images/dot_invis' width='400' height='1'/></div>
				<div class='text'>

--- NEW FILE: _navigation.php ---

	function build_navigation( $page_title, $page_description, $signed_in ){
		$buffer = "";
		$buffer .= "

			<table width='200' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
				<tr><td colspan='7'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></td></tr>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
					<td colspan='5' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='20' height='2'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='30'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72' width='396'>
						<div class='clsParagraphTitle'>siesta <img src='images/help_small.gif' width='19' height='19' style='position:relative;top:3'/></div>
						<hr />
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
						if ( $signed_in == 1 ){
							$buffer .= "
								<div><a href='admin.php' class='clsNavFirst'>home</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='admin_tasks.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- admin tasks</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='admin_list_list.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- manage lists</a></div>
								<div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href='admin_list_create.php' class='clsNavThird'>- create a new list</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='admin_user_list.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- manage users</a></div>
								<div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href='admin_user_add.php' class='clsNavThird'>- add a new user</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='admin_module_list.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- manage modules</a></div>
								<div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href='admin_module_install.php' class='clsNavThird'>- install new modules</a></div>
						} else if ( $signed_in == 2 ){
							$buffer .= "
								<div><a href='user.php' class='clsNavFirst'>home</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='user_details.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- edit details</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='user_password.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- change password</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='user_lists.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- manage lists</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div>&nbsp; <a href='user_modules.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- default list settings</a></div>
						} else {
							$buffer .= "
								<div><a href='siesta_register.php' class='clsNavFirst'>register</a></div>
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<hr />
								<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
								<div><a href='siesta_signin.php' class='clsNavFirst'>sign in</a></div>
		$buffer .= "
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
						<hr />
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
						<div><a href='user.php' class='clsNavFirst'>siesta</a></div>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
						<div>&nbsp; <a href='siesta_about.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- about</a></div>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
						<div>&nbsp; <a href='siesta_help.php' class='clsNavSecond'>- help</a></div>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td colspan='5' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
				<tr><td colspan='7'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></td></tr>
		return $buffer;

--- NEW FILE: _quick_formatter.php ---


if ($included==1) {


function print_paragraph_title( $para_name, $para_description ){
			<table width='400' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
				<tr><td colspan='5' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='400' height='2'/></td></tr>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='30'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72' width='396'>
						<div class='clsParagraphTitle'>".$para_name." <img src='images/help_small.gif' width='19' height='19' style='position:relative;top:3'/></div>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
					<td bgcolor='#978d72'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
				<tr><td colspan='5' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td></tr>

function print_plugin_admin_list( $plugin_name, $plugin_description ){
	print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, "admin_list_module_settings.php", true, true );

function print_plugin_user( $plugin_name, $plugin_description ){
	print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, "user_module_settings.php", false, false );

function print_plugin_user_list( $plugin_name, $plugin_description ){
	print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, "user_list_module_settings.php", false, false );

function print_plugin_admin_user( $plugin_name, $plugin_description ){
	print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, "admin_user_module_settings.php", false, false );

function print_plugin_default( $plugin_name, $plugin_description ){
	print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, "admin_module_settings.php", false, false );

function print_plugin( $plugin_name, $plugin_description, $button_URL, $display_enable, $display_userconfig ){

		<div><img src='dot_invis.png' width='2' height='5'/></div>
			<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='400'>
					<td colspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td rowspan='3' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/plugin_scoop.gif' width='100' height='43'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td colspan='2' bgcolor='#8a7b68' width='100%' class='clsPluginTitle'> &nbsp; ".$plugin_name." <img src='images/help_small.gif' width='19' height='19' style='position:relative;top:3'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td colspan='2' bgcolor='#8a7b68'> &nbsp; &nbsp;- ".$plugin_description."</td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td rowspan='2' bgcolor='#8a7b68'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='25' height='25'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#8a7b68' width='100%' valign='bottom'>");
						if ($display_enable){
							<input type='checkbox'/>enable");
					<td rowspan='2' bgcolor='#8a7b68' align='left'>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></div>
						<div><a href='".$button_URL."'><img src='images/button_settings.gif' width='97' height='25' border='0' /></a></div>
						<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></div>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
					<td bgcolor='#8a7b68' valign='top'>");
						if ($display_userconfig){
							<input type='checkbox'/>user configurable");
					<td bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td>
				<tr><td colspan='5' bgcolor='#4c4c4c'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='2'/></td></tr>

function print_plugin_ok( $ok_action, $comment_text ){

			<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='400'>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='308' height='1'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='1'/></td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='82' height='1'/></td>
					<td align='right'>".$comment_text."</td>
					<td><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='10' height='1'/></td>
					<td><a href='".$ok_action."'><img src='images/button_ok.png' width='57' height='57' border='0'/></a><img src='dot_invis.png' width='25' height='2'/></td>


--- NEW FILE: admin.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>home</b>";
	print_header($HTTP_HOST." admin","You're signed in as administrator",$breadcrumbs,1);

	You're now logged in with administrator privilages. Tread carefully,
	for few paths lead to enlightenment.
	Last logged in: Fri 3rd January 2003.

<? print_paragraph_title("admin tasks","Manage system requests"); ?>

	<li>You have <a href='admin_tasks.php'><b>5 Administrative tasks pending</b></a>.</li>

<? print_paragraph_title("lists","Mailing list details and settings"); ?>

	<li><a href="admin_list_create.php"><b>Create</b> a new list</a></li>
	<li><a href="admin_list_list.php"><b>Manage</b> an existing list</a></li>

<? print_paragraph_title("users","Subscriber details and settings"); ?>

	<li><a href="admin_user_add.php"><b>Add</b> a new user</a></li>
	<li><a href="admin_user_list.php"><b>Manage</b> an existing user</a></li>

<? print_paragraph_title("modules","Manage default module settings"); ?>

	<li><a href="admin_module_list.php"><b>Manage</b> default module configurations</a></li>
	<li><a href="">Learn how to install a new module</a></li>

<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<tr height="2">
		<td colspan='2' bgcolor="#4d4d4d"></td>
	<tr height="10">
		<td colspan='2'></td>
		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_create.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<b>create list</b>";
	print_header("create list","Make a new mailing list",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<? print_paragraph_title("list name","Type in a name and hit the button to create a list"); ?>

	Names must be alphanumerical (only contain letters and numbers). No spaces or other characters
	are allowed.

<form action="admin_list_details.php">
<div>List name : <input type='text' size='30'/></div>
<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='92' height='10' border="0"/></div>
<div align='right'><input type="image" src="images/create.png" width="92" height="25" border="0"/></div>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_details.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_lists_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'>[list_name]</a> / <b>edit details</b>";
	print_header("edit list details","Change basic values and settings",$breadcrumbs, 1);

	<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='400'>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><? print_paragraph_title("basic details","Name and description"); ?></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
			<td width='1'>Name:&nbsp;</td>
			<td colspan='2'>
				<div><input type='text' size='40' /></div>
				<div class='clsSmall'>(Up to 30 alphanumeric characters)</div>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
			<td colspan='2'>
				<div><textarea rows='5' cols='35'/></textarea></div>
				<div class='clsSmall'>(Up to 1000 characters of any type)</div>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><? print_paragraph_title("privacy options","Name and description"); ?></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
			<td>Mode: </td>
			<td nowrap>
					&nbsp;<input name='privacy' type="radio" checked /> Public
		    <td width='300'><div class='clsSmall'>- available to anyone registered on this server</div></td>
			<td nowrap>
					&nbsp;<input name='privacy' type="radio" /> Private
		    <td width='300'><div class='clsSmall'>- available only to specific users</div></td>
			<td nowrap>
					&nbsp;<input name='privacy' type="radio" /> Invite only &nbsp;
		    <td width='300'><div class='clsSmall'>- available only to invited users</div></td>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
		<tr><td colspan='3'>[WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "private" AND "invite only"?]</td><tr>
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='10'/></td><tr>
			<td colspan="3">
				<div align='right'>
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a>
					<img src='dot_invis.png' width='10' height='2'/>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_list.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<b>manage lists</b>";
	print_header("manage lists","Choose a list to administer",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<? print_paragraph_title("select list","Find the mailing list in the drop-down box"); ?>

	<form action="admin_list_main.php">
	<input type="submit" value="manage">

	Should the number of lists be greater than (pulling numbers out of arse) 
	50 or 100 it would probably be best to implement a different method
	of selecting your desired list (see commented-out stuff below).


<? print_paragraph_title("[not yet] Search","Find mailing list by name"); ?>
	<form action="admin_list_main.php">
		<input type='text'/>
		<input type='submit' value='search'/>

<? print_paragraph_title("Browse","Find it alphabetically"); ?>

	<a href='admin_list_main.php'>A-C</a> | 
	<a href='admin_list_main.php'>D-F</a> | 
	<a href='admin_list_main.php'>whatever</a>


		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_main.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
	print_header("[list_name]","The email list for people who like email lists",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<? print_paragraph_title("details",""); ?>

<div align='center'>
	<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
			<td align='right' valign='top'><b>Description :</b></td>
				This is a list for hairy people like hairy Simon, 
				who are also hairy, like wot he is. They
				must be shaved.
		<tr><td colspan='3'><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='1' height='5'/></td></tr>
			<td align='right' valign='top'><b>Subscription :</b></td>
				Invite only
<div align='right'><a href='admin_list_details.php'>Edit list details</a></div>

<? print_paragraph_title("admin tasks",""); ?>

<p>This list has <b>7</b> admin tasks pending</p>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_tasks.php'>Manage list admin tasks</a></p>

<? print_paragraph_title("subscribers",""); ?>

<p>There are currently <b>34 subscribers</b> to this list.</p>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_users.php'>Manage list subscribers</a></p>

<? print_paragraph_title("modules",""); ?>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_modules.php'>Manage list modules</a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_module_settings.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'>[list_name]</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_modules.php'>modules</a> / <b>[module_name]</b>";
	print_header("edit modules","Edit module configuration for this list",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<p>This edits the <b>per-list</b> options for [ plugin_name ].</p>

	This can be overridden by the <b>per-user</b> 
	or <b>per-user-per-list</b> configuration.

<? print_paragraph_title("module settings","Default settings for the [module_name] module"); ?>

	This is the module that filters out all of the hair that Simon
	seems to leave all over his emails. That's what happens if you're
	as hairy as he is.

			<td>Some Detail </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Something else</td>
				&nbsp;foo:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;bar:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;qux:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
			<td>Drop Down List </td>
			<td>Checkbox </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_modules.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_modules.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'>[list_name]</a> / <b>modules</b>";
	print_header("manage modules","Control the way this list behaves",$breadcrumbs, 1);

	Siesta modules are configurable filters that process incoming messages and send them
	on to list subscribers.

	<? print_paragraph_title("preprocessors","These filters are applied to mail as it arrives at the server"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "pgp decrypt", "decrypts mails based on list private key" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "strip html", "removes HTML formatting" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_list_main.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("validators","These filters remove unwanted messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "members only", "blocks incoming mail from non-subscribers" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "spam", "identifies and blocks spam messages" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_list_main.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("postprocessors","These filters make final preparations and send the messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "reply-to munging", "reply-to list instead of to individual" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "sig adding", "adds list signatures to messages" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "subject line munging", "adds list ID to subject" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_list( "pgp encrypt", "encrypts messages using users' public keys" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_list_main.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_tasks.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'>[list_name]</a> / <b>tasks</b>";
	print_header("admin tasks","Jobs that require the list admin's attention",$breadcrumbs, 1);

	When the system needs clarification from the LIST administrator, this is where
	requests appear.

<? print_paragraph_title("tasks","Get of your arse, you lazy bum!"); ?>

<p>You have <b>no</b> administrative tasks remaining.</p>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_main.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_list_users.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_list.php'>manage lists</a> / 
					<a href='admin_list_main.php'>[list_name]</a> / <b>manage users</b>";
	print_header("manage users","Control your minions",$breadcrumbs, 1);
	This page allows you to subscribe and unsubscribe users from this list, as
	well as manage list-specific settings for that user.

<? print_paragraph_title("select user","Find the user in the drop-down box"); ?>

	<form action="list_about.php">
	<input type="button" value="manage settings">
	<input type="button" value="unsubscribe">

	Here you can only edit a user's LIST-SPECIFIC settings.
	To edit their DEFAULT settings you must go to the <a href='admin_user.php'>user management pages</a>.

<p align='right'><a href='admin_list_main.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_module_install.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='admin_module_list.php'>manage modules</a> /
					<b>install new modules</b>";
	print_header( "install new modules","How to install a new module",$breadcrumbs,1);

	Instructions for finding, downloading, and installing new modules

	Online resources:
		<li>master module list</li>
		<li>configuration advice per-module</li>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_module_list.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<b>manage modules</b>";
	print_header( "manage modules","Choose a plugin to configure",$breadcrumbs,1);

	Use this area to set defaults for modules. These can be overridden either 
	<a href="admin_list_list.php"><b>per-list</b></a> or
	for individual <a href="admin_user_list.php"><b>users</b></a>.

	<? print_paragraph_title("preprocessors","These filters are applied to mail as it arrives at the server"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "pgp decrypt", "decrypts mails based on list private key" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "strip html", "removes HTML formatting" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("validators","These filters remove unwanted messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "members only", "blocks incoming mail from non-subscribers" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "spam", "identifies and blocks spam messages" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("postprocessors","These filters make final preparations and send the messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "reply-to munging", "reply-to list instead of to individual" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "sig adding", "adds list signatures to messages" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "subject line munging", "adds list ID to subject" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_default( "pgp encrypt", "encrypts messages using users' public keys" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_module_settings.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<a href='admin_module_list.php'>manage modules</a> / 
	print_header("edit module defaults","Change default configuration options",$breadcrumbs, 1);	

<p>This edits the <b>default</b> options for [ module_name ].</p>

	This can be overridden by the <b>per-list</b>, <b>per-user</b> 
	or <b>per-user-per-list</b> configuration.

<? print_paragraph_title("module settings","Default settings for the [module_name] module"); ?>

	This is the module that filters out all of the hair that Simon
	seems to leave all over his emails. That's what happens if you're
	as hairy as he is.

			<td>Some Detail </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Something else</td>
				&nbsp;foo:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;bar:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;qux:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
			<td>Drop Down List </td>
			<td>Checkbox </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_module_list.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_tasks.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
	print_header("admin tasks","Jobs that require the list admin's attention",$breadcrumbs, 1);

	When the system needs clarification from the SERVER administrator, this is where
	requests appear.

<? print_paragraph_title("tasks","Get of your arse, you lazy bum!"); ?>

<p>You have <b>no</b> administrative tasks remaining.</p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_add.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> / 
					<b>add user</b>";
	print_header("add user","add a new user",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<? print_paragraph_title("user name","Type in a name and hit the button to create a user"); ?>

	Names must be alphanumerical (only contain letters and numbers). No spaces or other characters
	are allowed.

<form action="admin_user_main.php">
<div>User name : <input type='text' size='30'/></div>
<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='92' height='10' border="0"/></div>
<div align='right'><input type="image" src="images/create.png" width="92" height="25" border="0"/></div>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_details.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='users_list.php'>manage user</a> /
	print_header("manage user","Edit details for user [user_name]",$breadcrumbs,1);

<? print_paragraph_title("details","Edit user's particulars"); ?>

<p align='center'>
			<td align='right'>Name&nbsp;</td><td><input type="text" /></td>
			<td align='right'>Email Address&nbsp;</td><td><input type="text" /></td>
			<td align='right'>Password&nbsp;</td><td><input type="password" /></td>
			<td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td>
			<td align='right' valign='top'>Admin password&nbsp;</td>
				<div><input type="password" /></div>
				<div class='clsSmall'>(required to change user login details)</div>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_user_main.php", "Save changes to user details:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_list.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<b>manage user</b>";
	print_header("manage user","Choose user to edit",$breadcrumbs,1);

<? print_paragraph_title("search for user","Find the user by name or email"); ?>

	<form action="list_about.php">
		Search for: 
			<option>email address</option>
		&nbsp;containing: <input type='text'/>
	<div><img src='images/dot_invis.png' width='2' height='10'/></div>
	<div align='right'>
		<a href='admin_user_main.php'><img src='images/button_search_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a>

<? print_paragraph_title("browse for user","Find the user alphabetically"); ?>

	<a href='admin_user_main.php'>A-C</a> | 
	<a href='admin_user_main.php'>D-F</a> | 
	<a href='admin_user_main.php'>whatever</a>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_main.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_list.php'>manage user</a> /
	print_header("manage user","Edit details for user [user_name]",$breadcrumbs,1);

<? print_paragraph_title("details","Name, email, etc."); ?>

<p align='center'>
			<td>Simon T Slag</td>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_user_details.php'><img src='images/button_update_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

<? print_paragraph_title("lists","Manage current list memberships"); ?>

<p align='center'>
			<td>Rich's Toe Sucking List&nbsp;</td>
			<td>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href='#'>per-list settings</a></td>
			<td>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href='#'>unsubscribe</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td>
			<td>Simian Tending&nbsp;</td>
			<td>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href='#'>per-list settings</a></td>
			<td>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href='#'>unsubscribe</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td>

<? print_paragraph_title("modules","Manage default settings for this user"); ?>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_user_modules.php'>edit default module settings</a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_module_settings.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_list.php'>manage user</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_main.php'>[username]</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_modules.php'>modules</a> /
	print_header("edit module defaults","Change default configuration options",$breadcrumbs, 1);	

<p>This edits the <b>default</b> options for [ module_name ].</p>

	This can be overridden by the <b>per-list</b>, <b>per-user</b> 
	or <b>per-user-per-list</b> configuration.

<? print_paragraph_title("module settings","Default settings for the [module_name] module"); ?>

	This is the module that filters out all of the hair that Simon
	seems to leave all over his emails. That's what happens if you're
	as hairy as he is.

			<td>Some Detail </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Something else</td>
				&nbsp;foo:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;bar:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;qux:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
			<td>Drop Down List </td>
			<td>Checkbox </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='admin_user_modules.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: admin_user_modules.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='admin.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_list.php'>manage user</a> /
					<a href='admin_user_main.php'>[username]</a> /
	print_header( "manage modules","Choose a plugin to configure",$breadcrumbs,1);

	Use this area to set defaults for user. These override all settings except
	for <a href="admin_user_main.php"><b>per-user per-list settings</b></a>.

	<? print_paragraph_title("preprocessors","These filters are applied to mail as it arrives at the server"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "pgp decrypt", "decrypts mails based on list private key" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "strip html", "removes HTML formatting" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_user_main.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("validators","These filters remove unwanted messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "members only", "blocks incoming mail from non-subscribers" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "spam", "identifies and blocks spam messages" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_user_main.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("postprocessors","These filters make final preparations and send the messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "reply-to munging", "reply-to list instead of to individual" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "sig adding", "adds list signatures to messages" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "subject line munging", "adds list ID to subject" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_admin_user( "pgp encrypt", "encrypts messages using users' public keys" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "admin_user_main.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: index.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>not signed in</b>";
	print_header( $HTTP_HOST." siesta server","Siesta mailing list manager",$breadcrumbs,0);
		Siesta is a highly configurable and extensable, open-source mailing list manager.
		If you do not have a login already you may be able to create one yourself, 
		as long as the <a href='mailto:'>system administrator</a> allows it.
	<? print_paragraph_title("public mailing lists","Publically visible mailing lists on the system"); ?>
		These are the publicly available mailing lists on this system -
		some of them may have publicly available archive.
		By logging in you may be able to see more mailing lists and view more archives.
				<td class='clsSubNav'>Rich's Toe Sucking List</td>
				<td class='clsDescription'>&nbsp;I like to suck toes</td>
				<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp; &lt;n/a&gt;</td>
				<td class='clsSubNav'>Monkeys and how to keep them</td>
				<td class='clsDescription'>&nbsp;Simian tending</td>
				<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp; &lt; <a href=#>archives</a> &gt;</td>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: siesta.css ---
 *   Standard tags

body {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: 			smaller;
	color: 				#333333;
	background-color:	#7b8cf7;
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p {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	color: 				#333333;
td {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: 			smaller;
	color: 				#333333;
li {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	text-align: 		justify;
	color: 				#333333;
a {
	color: 				#FFFFFF;
a:visited {
	color: 				#FFFFFF;
a:hover {
	color: 				#000099;

 *   Custom classes

/***********   Page header classes  ***************/

.clsPageTitle {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: 			large;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	color:				white;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	font-weight: 		bold;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	width: 				100px;
	border: 			2px solid #4c4c4c;
	font-weight: 		bold;

/***********   Navigation classes  ***************/

.clsNavFirst {
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	font-weight: 		bold;
	font-size: 			smallest;
	color:				white;
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	text-decoration: 	none;
	font-size: 			smallest;
	color:				white;
	font-family: 		Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: 			smallest;
	text-decoration:	none;
	color:				white;

/***********   Page body classes  *****************/

.clsParagraphTitle {
	font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: large;
	font-weight: normal;
.clsBlockTitle {
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	font-weight: normal;
.clsSmall {
	font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: smaller;
	text-decoration: none;

/*********** Plugin page classes ****************/

	font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica;
	font-size: 14pt;
	text-decoration: none;

--- NEW FILE: siesta.zip ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: siesta_404.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>not signed in</b>";
	print_header( "404","Dude, where's my page?",$breadcrumbs,0);


		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: siesta_500.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>not signed in</b>";
	print_header( "500","Dude, sweet, dude, sweet, dude, sweet...",$breadcrumbs,0);


		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: siesta_about.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>not signed in</b>";
	print_header( "about siesta","Siesta mailing list manager",$breadcrumbs,0);

		[MOCKUP-FLAW] Navigating to this page signs you out, which it obviously shouldn't.
	<? print_paragraph_title("about siesta","Probably the best mailing list manager in the world"); ?>

		This is what it's all about, init! Shake it about baby yeah! We is tha mac daddies!
	<? print_paragraph_title("tasks completed","Stuff I've done since Perigian"); ?>
	<p><b>- Filenames reorganised</b> so that they reflect their breadcrumbs values.</p>
	<p><b>- Text is now relatively sized</b> so that people with poor vision can resize it.</p>
	<p><b>- 'Plugin' changed to 'module'</b> throughout.</p>
		<b>- Breadcrumbs re-organised</b> so that 'home' takes you to either 'admin home' or 'user home'
		depending on your login. This means that the breadcrumbs no longer appear to sign you out.
	<p><b>- Persistent navigation added</b>. I don't think we can justify leaving it out any more.</p>
		<b>- References to multiple admins removed</b>. Things like changing list passwords and stuff
		doesn't seem applicable since ... oh shit... I suppose list passwords might be needed to make lists
		invite only/members only... oops.
		<b>- Listing mechanisms rationalised</b> so that only the most applicable ways of finding 
		users/lists are shown.
		<b>- Refactored the include files</b> so that pages only need to include '_header.php', and code 
		replication is reduced in '_quick_formatter.php'.
		<b>- Tinkered with some interface elements</b>, because I like to fiddle.
	<? print_paragraph_title("tasks left to-do","We can keep a list here while we're working on it"); ?>
		<b>- Mock up error pages</b> so that it looks nice when everything goes wrong.
		<b>- Mock up help system</b>. All these little question marks have to point somewhere useful.
		<b>- Sign in, sign up, and sign in failure pages</b> for completeness.
		<b>- UI for subscribing</b> to a particular list from scratch, including configuring
		plugins used by that list. Some kind of wizard like a good idea.

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: siesta_help.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>not signed in</b>";
	print_header( "siesta help","Siesta mailing list manager",$breadcrumbs,0);

		[MOCKUP-FLAW] Navigating to this page signs you out, which it obviously shouldn't.
	<? print_paragraph_title(" = admin ? admin docs : user docs","Docs appropriate to wot you is signed in as, innit"); ?>

		This is what it's all about, init! Shake it about baby yeah! We is tha mac daddies!
	<? print_paragraph_title("sign-in help","Problems signing in"); ?>

		This is what it's all about, init! Shake it about baby yeah! We is tha mac daddies!
	<? print_paragraph_title("modules help","The module system and how to use it"); ?>
		It's up to you if you want to leave it in the final version though...
		<li>mock up error pages</li>
		<li>sign in and sign in failure pages (email your password, etc.)</li>
		<li>mock up some kind of subscription UI</li>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: test.php ---


<? print 'foo' ?>


--- NEW FILE: user.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<b>home</b>";
	print_header( "[user_name] home","Your place to change subscriptions and settings",$breadcrumbs,2);

<p>Last logged in: Fri 3rd January 2003</p>

<? print_paragraph_title("details","Housekeeping stuff"); ?>
			<td>Simon T Slag</td>
	<a href="user_details.php"><b>Edit</b> your details.</a> &nbsp; | &nbsp; <a href="user_password.php"><b>Change</b> your password.</a>

<? print_paragraph_title("subscriptions","Manage subscriptions and per-list settings"); ?>
			<td>Dirty arse banditos</td>
			<td>The only dedicated gay moustache fetish list...</td>
			<td>Turkish prisons</td>
			<td>Middle-east incarceration gossip and photos ...</td>
			<td>The Hairy Ones</td>
			<td>Simon's group for folicle-based discussions a...</td>
	<a href="user_lists.php"><b>Manage</b> lists.</a> <br/>

<? print_paragraph_title("modules","Change default settings"); ?>
	Manage your <a href="user_modules.php"><b>default settings</b></a> here. For per-list 
	exceptions, check the subscriptions section above.

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_details.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<b>edit details</b>";
	print_header( "edit details","Change login names and passwords and stuff",$breadcrumbs,2);

	Change any details you wish altered, then click 'OK'.

<? print_paragraph_title("details","Change your particulars"); ?>

			<td>Name </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Email Address </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
		<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>
			<td>Password </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="password" /></td>
<p align='right'><a href='user.php'><img src='images/button_ok.png' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_list_module_settings.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='user_lists.php'>manage lists</a> /
					<a href='user_lists.php'>[list_name]</a> /
					<a href='user_list_modules.php'>settings</a> /
	print_header("Edit Plugins","Edit plugin configuration for this list",$breadcrumbs, 1);

<p>This edits the <b>default</b> options for [ module_name ].</p>

	This can be overridden by the <b>per-list</b>, <b>per-user</b> 
	or <b>per-user-per-list</b> configuration.

<? print_paragraph_title("module settings","Default settings for the [module_name] module"); ?>

	This is the module that filters out all of the hair that Simon
	seems to leave all over his emails. That's what happens if you're
	as hairy as he is.

			<td>Some Detail </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Something else</td>
				&nbsp;foo:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;bar:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;qux:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
			<td>Drop Down List </td>
			<td>Checkbox </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='user_list_modules.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_list_modules.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='user_lists.php'>manage lists</a> /
					<a href='user_lists.php'>[list_name]</a> /
	print_header( "per-list settings","Settings that apply only to [list_name]",$breadcrumbs,2);

	These settings override default settings, and do not effect any other lists
	you may be subscribed to.

	<? print_paragraph_title("preprocessors","These filters are applied to mail as it arrives at the server"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "pgp decrypt", "decrypts mails based on list private key" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "strip html", "removes HTML formatting" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user_lists.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("validators","These filters remove unwanted messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "members only", "blocks incoming mail from non-subscribers" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "spam", "identifies and blocks spam messages" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user_lists.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("postprocessors","These filters make final preparations and send the messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "reply-to munging", "reply-to list instead of to individual" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "sig adding", "adds list signatures to messages" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "subject line munging", "adds list ID to subject" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user_list( "pgp encrypt", "encrypts messages using users' public keys" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user_lists.php", "Module changes complete:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_lists.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<b>manage lists</b>";
	print_header( "Manage subscriptions","Subscribe to mailing lists",$breadcrumbs,2);

<? print_paragraph_title("Lists","manage your subscriptions"); ?>

	<table width='100%'>
			<td class='clsSubNav'>Rich's Toe Sucking List</td>
			<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp;<a href='#'>unsubscribe</a></td>
			<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp;<a href='user_list_modules.php'>module settings</a></td>
			<td class='clsSubNav'>Simian Tending</td>
			<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp;<a href='#'>unsubscribe</a></td>
			<td class='clsSmallLink'>&nbsp;<a href='user_list_modules.php'>module settings</a></td>

	include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_module_settings.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<a href='user_modules.php'>modules</a> /
	print_header("default module settings","Edit your default module configuration",$breadcrumbs,1);	

<p>This edits the <b>default</b> options for [ module_name ].</p>

	Options set here can be overridden on a per-list basis in
	the <a href='user_lists.php'>list management area</a>.

<? print_paragraph_title("module settings","Default settings for the [module_name] module"); ?>

	This is the module that filters out all of the hair that Simon
	seems to leave all over his emails. That's what happens if you're
	as hairy as he is.

			<td>Some Detail </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Something else</td>
				&nbsp;foo:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;bar:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
				&nbsp;qux:<input type="radio" name="foo"/>
			<td>Drop Down List </td>
			<td>Checkbox </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='user_list_modules.php'><img src='images/button_ok_long_blue.png' width='92' height='25' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_modules.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> / 
	print_header( "Default settings","Edit your default plugin settings",$breadcrumbs,2);

<div class='clsTitleDetail'>
		<p>This allows you to edit your default options for plugins.</p>
			This will override the  <b>default</b> and <b>per-list</b> options 
			set by the administrator but can be overridden on a 
			<a href='user_list_plugin_list.php'>per list basis</a>.

	<? print_paragraph_title("Preprocessors","These filters are applied to mail as it arrives at the server"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "pgp decrypt", "decrypts mails based on list private key" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "strip html", "removes HTML formatting" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("Validators","These filters remove unwanted messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "members only", "blocks incoming mail from non-subscribers" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "spam", "identifies and blocks spam messages" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

	<? print_paragraph_title("Postprocessors","These filters make final preparations and send the messages"); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "reply-to munging", "reply-to list instead of to individual" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "sig adding", "adds list signatures to messages" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "subject line munging", "adds list ID to subject" ); ?>
	<? print_plugin_user( "pgp encrypt", "encrypts messages using users' public keys" ); ?>

<? print_plugin_ok( "user.php", "Save changes to all module types:" ); ?>

		include ("_footer.php");

--- NEW FILE: user_password.php ---

	include ("_header.php");
	$breadcrumbs = "<a href='user.php'>home</a> /
					<b>change password</b>";
	print_header( "change password","Change login names and passwords and stuff",$breadcrumbs,2);

<? print_paragraph_title("new password","Enter your old password, then the new one"); ?>

	Passwords must be at least X characters long, and contain blah blah blah

			<td>Old password </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>New password </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>
			<td>Confirm new password </td><td>&nbsp;<input type="text" /></td>

<p align='right'><a href='user.php'><img src='images/button_ok.png' border='0'/></a></p>

		include ("_footer.php");

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52