[siesta-commit] siesta Build.PL,NONE,1.1

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From: clampr
Subject: [siesta-commit] siesta Build.PL,NONE,1.1
Date: 23:17 on 14 Mar 2003
Update of /cvsroot/siesta/siesta
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19159

Added Files:
Log Message:
mmm, newfangled crack

--- NEW FILE: Build.PL ---
use Module::Build;

my $build = Module::Build
  ->new( module_name => "Siesta",
         license     => 'perl',
         scripts     => [ 'bin/tequila', 'bin/nacho' ],
         requires    => { Test::More => 0,
                          Test::MockObject => 0,
                          Class::MethodMaker => 0,
                          Mail::Internet => 0,
                          Mail::Address => 0,
                          DBD::SQLite => 0,
                          File::Path => 0,
                          File::Basename => 0,
                          File::Find::Rule => 0,
                          Storable => 0,
         dynamic_config => 1,
         sign => 1,

$|= 1;
print "Checking for existing Siesta::Config... ";

my $D_ROOT = '/usr/local/siesta';
eval {
    require Siesta::Config;
    print "found. setting defaults based on existing install\n";
    $D_ROOT = $Siesta::Config::ROOT;

print "failed. selecting regular defaults\n"
  if $@;

my $ROOT = $build->prompt("where do we install to guv?", $D_ROOT);

print "Generating Siesta::Config from your answers\n";
open(IN,  "<Config.pm.in")
  or die "couldn't open Config.pm.in: $!";
open(OUT, ">lib/Siesta/Config.pm")
  or die "couldn't open Config.pm for write: $!";
while (<IN>) {
    print OUT $_;
close IN  or die "error closing Config.pm.in: $!";
close OUT or die "error closing Config.pm: $!";


Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52