rev 1267 - in trunk/siesta: . bin t

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1267 - in trunk/siesta: . bin t
Date: 13:23 on 30 Jul 2003
Author: simon
Date: 2003-07-30 13:23:20 +0100 (Wed, 30 Jul 2003)
New Revision: 1267

Add in stuff for list footers

Modified: trunk/siesta/Build.PL
--- trunk/siesta/Build.PL	2003-07-28 19:10:09 UTC (rev 1266)
+++ trunk/siesta/Build.PL	2003-07-30 12:23:20 UTC (rev 1267)
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
          license     => 'perl',
          scripts     => [ 'bin/tequila', 'bin/nacho' ],
          requires    => { 'Test::More' => 0,
+                          'Apache::Session::SharedMem' => 0,
                           'Class::Accessor::Fast' => 0,
-                          'Mail::Address' => 0,
+                          'Digest::MD5' => 0,
                           'Email::Simple' => '1.4',
                           'Email::LocalDelivery' => '0.05',
                           'Class::DBI::BaseDSN' => 0,
@@ -16,17 +17,17 @@
                           'File::Path' => 0,
                           'File::Basename' => 0,
                           'File::Find::Rule' => 0,
-                          'UNIVERSAL::require' => 0,
-                          'Template' => 0,
-                          'Digest::MD5' => 0,
+                          'Mail::Address' => 0,
                           'Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser' => 0,
                           # Module::Build 0.18 is the first release with
                           # working scripts shebang rewriting
                           'Module::Build' => '0.18',
+                          'Storable' => 0,
                           'String::ShellQuote' => 0,
+                          'Sys::Hostname' => 0,
                           'Tie::IxHash' => 0,
-                          'Storable' => 0,
-                          'Apache::Session::SharedMem' => 0,
+                          'Template' => 0,
+                          'UNIVERSAL::require' => 0,
          create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
          dynamic_config => 1,

Modified: trunk/siesta/bin/bandito
--- trunk/siesta/bin/bandito	2003-07-28 19:10:09 UTC (rev 1266)
+++ trunk/siesta/bin/bandito	2003-07-30 12:23:20 UTC (rev 1267)
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 use Siesta; 
 use Siesta::List; 
 use Siesta::Member; 
 use Python::Serialise::Marshal; 
-use Data::Dumper; 
+use Email::Folder;
+use Email::LocalDelivery;
 use POSIX qw/strftime/;
@@ -28,7 +30,8 @@
 importing them into Siesta. At the moment it only does Mailman but will 
 eventually also do Ezmlm and Majordomo and anything else people want.
-It handles most thing - however it won't be able to handle things like 
+It handles most thing - including moving your old archives across and
+setting up the list footers. However it won't be able to handle things like 
 digest members until Siesta gets digests.
 See the TODO section below.
@@ -37,12 +40,14 @@
 =over 4
-=item move archives across
+=item digest members
-=item sig gussying
+=item welcome/farewell messages
-=item digest members
+=item max message size
+=item bouncing
@@ -118,7 +123,7 @@
 print "Adding plugins : ";
-my @plugins = qw(Debounce MembersOnly Moderated ListHeaders ReplyTo SubjectTag Send Archive);
+my @plugins = qw(Debounce MembersOnly Moderated ListHeaders ReplyTo SubjectTag MessageFooter Send Archive);
 print join ", ", @plugins;
 print "\n\n";
 $list->set_plugins( post => @plugins );
@@ -157,10 +162,53 @@
 $plugins{'Moderated'}->pref('tell_user', 1);  
+# the message footer
+my $footer = $data->{'msg_footer'};
+if ($footer && $footer !~ /^\s+$/m) {
+    $footer =~ s!%\(([^\)]+)\)!\[% $1 %\]!gm;
+    $plugins{'MessageFooter'}->pref('footer',$footer);
+foreach my $key (qw(info description web_page_url host_name cgiext)) {
+    my $val = $data->{$key};
+    $plugins{'MessageFooter'}->pref($key, $val)
+            if ($val && $val !~ /^\s+$/m);
+print "MessageFooter => ",$data->{'description'},"\n";
 # now copy across the archives
+# where are we going to get the mails from
+my $in     = $data->{'public_archive_file_dir'};
+my $folder = Email::Folder->new($in);
+unless($folder) {
+    warn "Couldn't open '$in' to read archives from\n";
+    goto FAIL;
+# work out where to stick them
+my $name = $list->name;
+my $path = "$Siesta::Config::ARCHIVE/$name/";
+# and then deliver each one
+foreach my $mail ($folder->messages()) {
+    unless (Email::LocalDelivery->deliver( $mail->as_string, $path )) {
+        warn "local delivery into '$path' failed - couldn't copy archives from '$in'\n";
+        goto FAIL;
+    }
+# yay!
+print "Successfully copied archives from '$in' to '$path'\n";
+# erk
 print "\n\nNow paste this into your aliases file :\n\n\n"; 
 print $list->alias("bandito (the Siesta config stealing tool)");

Added: trunk/siesta/t/10plugin_messagefooter.t
--- trunk/siesta/t/10plugin_messagefooter.t	2003-07-28 19:10:09 UTC (rev 1266)
+++ trunk/siesta/t/10plugin_messagefooter.t	2003-07-30 12:23:20 UTC (rev 1267)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!perl -w
+# $Id: $
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use Siesta::Test;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use Siesta::List;
+use Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter;
+my %message;
+my $list   = Siesta::List->load('dealers');
+my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin::MessageFooter->new( queue => 'test',
+                                                 list => $list );
+my $list_id   = $list->name;
+my $hostname  = hostname();
+my $message = new_mail();
+$plugin->pref("footer","List footer for [% real_name %]");
+ok( !$plugin->process($message), "processed mail" );
+like( $message->body(), qr{List footer for $list_id}, "added list name" );
+$message = new_mail();
+$plugin->pref("footer","[% host_name %]");
+ok( !$plugin->process($message));
+like( $message->body(), qr{$hostname}, "added host name" );
+$message = new_mail();
+$plugin->pref("host_name","a random host name ");
+ok( !$plugin->process($message));
+like( $message->body(), qr{a random host name}, "overrode host name" );
+sub new_mail { 
+return Siesta::Message->new(<<'MAIL');
+From: dante@quick-stop

Modified: trunk/siesta/t/20fullsend.t
--- trunk/siesta/t/20fullsend.t	2003-07-28 19:10:09 UTC (rev 1266)
+++ trunk/siesta/t/20fullsend.t	2003-07-30 12:23:20 UTC (rev 1267)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     for (Siesta->available_plugins) {
         print "# adding $_\n";
+		next if $_ =~ /Footer/;
         $list->add_plugin( post => $_ );

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52