rev 1353 - in trunk/siesta: messages web-frontend/siesta

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1353 - in trunk/siesta: messages web-frontend/siesta
Date: 15:27 on 14 Aug 2003
Author: simon
Date: 2003-08-14 15:27:29 +0100 (Thu, 14 Aug 2003)
New Revision: 1353

Sort out stuff for challenge things

Modified: trunk/siesta/messages/challenge
--- trunk/siesta/messages/challenge	2003-08-14 09:48:12 UTC (rev 1352)
+++ trunk/siesta/messages/challenge	2003-08-14 14:27:29 UTC (rev 1353)
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-In order to complete the requested action either reply to this mail,
-or go to this web page.
+In order to complete the requested action either reply to this mail, 
+leaving the following line in tact :
 resume [% %] [% deferred.hash %]
+or go to this web page :
+[% %]
+REMEMBER! You *must* log in to acknowledge this message.
 [% IF newmember %]You have been assigned the password [% deferred.who.password %][% END %]

Modified: trunk/siesta/web-frontend/siesta/resume.tt2
--- trunk/siesta/web-frontend/siesta/resume.tt2	2003-08-14 09:48:12 UTC (rev 1352)
+++ trunk/siesta/web-frontend/siesta/resume.tt2	2003-08-14 14:27:29 UTC (rev 1353)
@@ -2,16 +2,26 @@
 [% INCLUDE _header.tt2 %]
 [% IF Siesta.success %]
-	message set on its way
+    message set on its way
 [% ELSE %]
-	[% deferred = Siesta.deferred( cgi.param('id') ) %]
+    [% deferred = Siesta.deferred( cgi.param('id') ) %]
+[% IF deferred %]
 [% deferred.message.as_string | html %]
 <form><input type="hidden" name="id" value="[% cgi.param('id') %]">
 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send on">
+[% ELSE %]
+    [% IF session.user %]    
+    There are no deferred messages for you.
+    [% ELSE %]
+    You need to log in to see your deferred messages.
+    [% END %]
 [% END %]
+[% END %]
 [% INCLUDE _footer.tt2 %]

Generated at 13:57 on 01 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.52