rev 1788 - in trunk/siesta: . lib/Siesta

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From: richardc
Subject: rev 1788 - in trunk/siesta: . lib/Siesta
Date: 23:40 on 26 Jan 2005
Author: richardc
Date: 2005-01-26 23:40:41 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 1788

Log: is auto-generated no more

Modified: trunk/siesta/Build.PL
--- trunk/siesta/Build.PL	2005-01-26 22:18:05 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ trunk/siesta/Build.PL	2005-01-26 23:40:41 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -61,18 +61,6 @@
 my $ROOT = $build->prompt("where do we install to guv?", $D_ROOT);
-print "Generating Siesta::Config from your answers\n";
-open(IN,  "<")
-  or die "couldn't open $!";
-open(OUT, ">lib/Siesta/")
-  or die "couldn't open for write: $!";
-while (<IN>) {
-    s'@@ROOT@@'$ROOT'e;
-    print OUT $_;
-close IN  or die "error closing $!";
-close OUT or die "error closing $!";
 $build->{config}{__extras_destination} = $ROOT;

Deleted: trunk/siesta/
--- trunk/siesta/	2005-01-26 22:18:05 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ trunk/siesta/	2005-01-26 23:40:41 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- CPerl -*-
-# $Id$
-package Siesta::Config;
-use strict;
-use AppConfig qw(:expand :argcount);
-use base qw( AppConfig Exporter );
-our @EXPORT = qw( $config );
-our $config = Siesta::Config->new({
-    GLOBAL => {
-        EXPAND   => EXPAND_ALL,
-    },
-=head1 NAME
-Siesta::Config - organise the configuration of a Siesta install
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Siesta::Config;
- print $config->root; # /usr/local/siesta
-our $CONFIG_FILE = '@@ROOT@@/siesta.conf'
-  unless defined $CONFIG_FILE;
-=head1 Configuration file
-Where the config file is.  Currently
- @@ROOT@@/siesta.conf
-This can be overridden when using the command line tools by
- -f <new config file>
-or by calling
- $config->file( 'new config file' );
-=head1 Configuration variables
-=item root
-Where to install - the default base of everything.  The system default
-was set at install time to the value:
- @@ROOT@@
-$config->define( root => { DEFAULT => '@@ROOT@@' } );
-=item messages
-Where our message templates are stored.
-By default - @@ROOT@@/messages
-$config->define( messages => { DEFAULT => '@@ROOT@@/messages' } );
-=item archive
-Where we archive list mails.
-By default - @@ROOT@@/archive
-$config->define( archive => { DEFAULT => '@@ROOT@@/archive' } );
-=item digests
-Where we save our digest spools
-By default = @@ROOT@@/digests
-$config->define( digests => { DEFAULT => '@@ROOT@@/digests' } );
-=item log_path
-Where we log things
-By default - @@ROOT@@/error
-$config->define( log_path => { DEFAULT => '@@ROOT@@/error' } );
-=item log_level
-By default - 3
-$config->define( log_level => { DEFAULT => 3 } );
-=item storage_dsn
-The DSN for our local DB
-By default - dbi:SQLite:@@ROOT@@/database
-$config->define( storage_dsn => { DEFAULT => 'dbi:SQLite:@@ROOT@@/database' } );
-=item storage_user
-The user name for our DB
-By default - root
-$config->define( storage_user => { DEFAULT => 'root' } );
-=item storage_pass
-The password for our DB
-By default - undef
-$config->define( storage_pass => { DEFAULT => undef } );
-$config->define( log_config => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/log.conf' } );
-=head1 CREATION
-This file is autogenerated from when you run Build.PL
-sub load_from {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $file = shift;
-    $self->file($file) if -e $file;
-$config->load_from( $CONFIG_FILE );
-sub storage {
-    my $self = shift;
-    if (@_) {
-        my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @_;
-        $config->storage_dsn( $dsn );
-        $config->storage_user( $user );
-        $config->storage_pass( $pass );
-    }
-    return (
-        $config->storage_dsn, $config->storage_user, $config->storage_pass,
-       );

Property changes on: trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta
Name: svn:ignore


Added: trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/
--- trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/	2005-01-26 22:18:05 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/	2005-01-26 23:40:41 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+package Siesta::Config;
+use strict;
+use AppConfig qw(:expand :argcount);
+use base qw( AppConfig Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( $config );
+our $config = Siesta::Config->new({
+    GLOBAL => {
+        EXPAND   => EXPAND_ALL,
+    },
+=head1 NAME
+Siesta::Config - organise the configuration of a Siesta install
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Siesta::Config;
+ print $config->root; # /usr/local/siesta
+our $CONFIG_FILE = '/usr/local/siesta/siesta.conf'
+  unless defined $CONFIG_FILE;
+=head1 Configuration file
+Where the config file is.  Currently
+ /usr/local/siesta/siesta.conf
+This can be overridden when using the command line tools by
+ -f <new config file>
+or by calling
+ $config->file( 'new config file' );
+=head1 Configuration variables
+=item root
+Where to install - the default base of everything.  The system default
+was set at install time to the value:
+ /usr/local/siesta
+$config->define( root => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta' } );
+=item messages
+Where our message templates are stored.
+By default - /usr/local/siesta/messages
+$config->define( messages => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/messages' } );
+=item archive
+Where we archive list mails.
+By default - /usr/local/siesta/archive
+$config->define( archive => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/archive' } );
+=item digests
+Where we save our digest spools
+By default = /usr/local/siesta/digests
+$config->define( digests => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/digests' } );
+=item log_path
+Where we log things
+By default - /usr/local/siesta/error
+$config->define( log_path => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/error' } );
+=item log_level
+By default - 3
+$config->define( log_level => { DEFAULT => 3 } );
+=item storage_dsn
+The DSN for our local DB
+By default - dbi:SQLite:/usr/local/siesta/database
+$config->define( storage_dsn => { DEFAULT => 'dbi:SQLite:/usr/local/siesta/database' } );
+=item storage_user
+The user name for our DB
+By default - root
+$config->define( storage_user => { DEFAULT => 'root' } );
+=item storage_pass
+The password for our DB
+By default - undef
+$config->define( storage_pass => { DEFAULT => undef } );
+$config->define( log_config => { DEFAULT => '/usr/local/siesta/log.conf' } );
+=head1 CREATION
+This file is autogenerated from when you run Build.PL
+sub load_from {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $file = shift;
+    $self->file($file) if -e $file;
+$config->load_from( $CONFIG_FILE );
+sub storage {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+        my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @_;
+        $config->storage_dsn( $dsn );
+        $config->storage_user( $user );
+        $config->storage_pass( $pass );
+    }
+    return (
+        $config->storage_dsn, $config->storage_user, $config->storage_pass,
+       );

Generated at 00:00 on 27 Jan 2005 by mariachi 0.52