rev 1794 - in trunk: . Siesta-Web Siesta-Web/lib Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta/Web Siesta-Web/lib/Template Siesta-Web/lib/Template/Plugin siesta siesta/lib/Siesta siesta/lib/Siesta/Web siesta/lib/Template/Plugin

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From: richardc
Subject: rev 1794 - in trunk: . Siesta-Web Siesta-Web/lib Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta/Web Siesta-Web/lib/Template Siesta-Web/lib/Template/Plugin siesta siesta/lib/Siesta siesta/lib/Siesta/Web siesta/lib/Template/Plugin
Date: 10:15 on 27 Jan 2005
Author: richardc
Date: 2005-01-27 10:15:10 +0000 (Thu, 27 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 1794

move Siesta-Web out of the core dist (fuck web sites)

Copied: trunk/Siesta-Web/cgi-bin (from rev 1792, trunk/siesta/cgi-bin)

Copied: trunk/Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta/Web/ (from rev 1792, trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Web/

Copied: trunk/Siesta-Web/lib/Siesta/ (from rev 1792, trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/

Copied: trunk/Siesta-Web/lib/Template/Plugin/ (from rev 1792, trunk/siesta/lib/Template/Plugin/

Copied: trunk/Siesta-Web/web-frontend (from rev 1792, trunk/siesta/web-frontend)

Modified: trunk/siesta/MANIFEST
--- trunk/siesta/MANIFEST	2005-01-27 10:07:59 UTC (rev 1793)
+++ trunk/siesta/MANIFEST	2005-01-27 10:15:10 UTC (rev 1794)
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@
@@ -79,22 +77,3 @@

Deleted: trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Web/
--- trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Web/	2005-01-27 10:07:59 UTC (rev 1793)
+++ trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/Web/	2005-01-27 10:15:10 UTC (rev 1794)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package Siesta::Web::FakeApache;
-use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( filename uri headers content_type ));
-sub new {
-    my $class = shift;
-    if (0) {
-        require YAML;
-        require CGI;
-        print CGI->header('text/plain');
-        print YAML::Dump(\%ENV );
-        exit;
-    }
-    $class->SUPER::new({
-        filename     => "$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}", # this is fragile
-        uri          => $ENV{REQUEST_URI},
-        headers      => [],
-        content_type => 'text/html',
-    });
-sub header_out {
-    my $self = shift;
-    push @{ $self->headers }, [ @_ ];
-sub send_http_header {
-    my $self = shift;
-    print "Content-Type: ", $self->content_type, "\r\n";
-    print "$_->[0]: $_->[1]\r\n" for @{ $self->headers };
-    print "\r\n";
-sub print {
-    my $self = shift;
-    print @_;
-sub log_reason {
-    shift;
-    print STDERR @_;
-package Apache::Constants;
-$INC{'Apache/'} = 1;
-sub import {
-    my $caller = caller;
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *{"$caller\::$_"} = sub {} for qw( DECLINED SERVER_ERROR OK );

Deleted: trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/
--- trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/	2005-01-27 10:07:59 UTC (rev 1793)
+++ trunk/siesta/lib/Siesta/	2005-01-27 10:15:10 UTC (rev 1794)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-package Siesta::Web;
-use Apache::Constants qw( :common );
-use Template;
-use Apache::Session::SharedMem;
-use CGI;
-use Siesta;
-use Siesta::Config;
-use constant Cookie => 'siesta_session';
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- PerlModule          Siesta::Web
- <Files *.tt2>
-     SetHandler      perl-script
-     PerlHandler     Siesta::Web
- </Files>
-my $tt;
-sub handler {
-    my $r = shift;
-    my $file = $r->filename;
-    $file =~ /\.tt2$/ or return DECLINED;
-    my $cgi = CGI->new;
-    my $session_id = $cgi->cookie( Cookie );
-    my %session;
-    # try the session in the cookie, or a new one
-    for my $id ($session_id, undef) {
-        eval {
-            tie %session, 'Apache::Session::SharedMem', $id,
-              +{ expires_in => 24 * 60 * 60 }; # 24 hours
-        };
-        last unless $@;
-    }
-    unless ( $session{_session_id} ) {
-        $r->log_reason( "couldn't get session" );
-        return SERVER_ERROR;
-    }
-    my @headers = (
-        [ 'Set-Cookie' =>
-            $cgi->cookie(-name  => Cookie,
-                         -value => $session{_session_id}) ]
-       );
-    my $params = {
-        set_header => sub { push @headers, @_; return },
-        uri        => $r->uri,
-        cgi        => $cgi,
-        session    => \%session,
-    };
-    my $root = $config->root;
-    $tt ||= Template->new(
-        ABSOLUTE     => 1,
-        INCLUDE_PATH => "$root/web-frontend/siesta:$root/web-frontend/lib" );
-    my $out;
-    $tt->process($file, $params, \$out)
-      or do {
-          $r->log_reason( $tt->error );
-          return SERVER_ERROR;
-      };
-    $r->header_out( @$_ ) for @headers;
-    $r->content_type('text/html');
-    $r->send_http_header;
-    $r->print( $out );
-    return OK;

Deleted: trunk/siesta/lib/Template/Plugin/
--- trunk/siesta/lib/Template/Plugin/	2005-01-27 10:07:59 UTC (rev 1793)
+++ trunk/siesta/lib/Template/Plugin/	2005-01-27 10:15:10 UTC (rev 1794)
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-package Template::Plugin::Siesta;
-use strict;
-use base qw( Template::Plugin Class::Accessor::Fast );
-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( errors context success cgi user ));
-use Siesta;
-use Siesta::Message;
-use Siesta::Deferred;
-use CGI ();
-=head1 NAME
-Template::Plugin::Siesta - convenience class for Siesta template pages
-=head1 METHODS
-=item ->new( {foo => 'bar'} )
-creates a new Template::Siesta::Plugin from, using a hashref to
-provide arguments,
-=item ->new( foo => 'bar' )
-creates a new Template::Siesta::Plugin from, using an array of name
-value pairs to provide arguments,
-if the arguments contain an action request then ( see ->action() )
-then the requested action will be performed before returning the new
-sub new {
-    my $referent = shift;
-    my $context  = shift;
-    my %args     = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? %{ $_[0] } : @ _;
-    my $class = ref $referent || $referent;
-    my $self = bless { %args,
-                       errors  => [],
-                       context => $context,
-                       cgi     => CGI->new,
-                   }, $class;
-    $self->_perform_action
-      if $self->action && $self->cgi->param('submit');
-    return $self;
-=item ->action
-if called with no aruments, returns the currently defined action.  if
-called with a string value, sets the action or warns of an error if
-the class cannot ->ACTION_$action
-sub action {
-    my ($self, $action) = @_;
-    if ($action) {
-        if ($self->can("ACTION_$action") ) {
-            $self->{action} = $action;
-        }
-        else {
-            $self->error("Template::Siesta::Plugin - Unknown action $action");
-        }
-    }
-    return $self->{action};
-sub _perform_action {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $action_method = "ACTION_" . $self->action;
-    $self->errors([]); # zero the errors from previous action.
-    $self->success( $self->$action_method() );
-my $MIN_PASS = 6; # should come out of a config I guess ...
-sub ACTION_register {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($pass1) = $self->_getParam('pass1',"(\\w{$MIN_PASS,40})");
-    my ($pass2) = $self->_getParam('pass2',"(\\w{$MIN_PASS,40})");
-    my ($email) = $self->_getParam('email','(\S{6,40})' );
-    unless (defined $pass1) {
-        $self->error("Passwords must be at least $MIN_PASS long");
-        return;
-    }
-    if ( defined($pass1) && defined($pass2) && $pass1 ne $pass2) {
-        $self->error("Password and confirmation must match");
-        return;
-    }
-    my $user = Siesta::Member->load( $email ) ||=
-      Siesta::Member->create({ email => $email, password => $pass1 });
-    # should return a list of the ticked checkboxes need to confirm
-    # they are public lists, as you shouldnt be able to sub to private
-    # lists before you are subscribed I guess.
-    my @subscriptions = $self->cgi->param('subscribe');
-    foreach my $list_name (@subscriptions) {
-        my $list = Siesta::List->load( $list_name );
-        my $sub_address = $list->address( 'sub' );
-        eval {
-            Siesta->process(
-                action => 'sub',
-                list   => $list_name,
-                mail   => <<END,
-From: $email
-To: $sub_address
-Subject: Web subscription
-Little pig, little pig, let me in
-               );
-        };
-        $self->error( $@ ) if $@;
-    }
-    return 1; # success
-sub ACTION_login {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($email) = $self->_getParam('email', '(\S+)' );
-    my ($pass) =  $self->_getParam('pass',  '(\S+)' );
-    my $user = Siesta::Member->load( $email ) or return;
-    # no null passwords
-    return unless $pass;
-    if ($pass eq $user->password) {
-        return $user;
-    }
-    return;
-sub ACTION_move_plugin {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin->retrieve( $self->_getParam('id', '(\d+)' ))
-      or return;
-    my $list = $plugin->list;
-    return unless $self->user == $list->owner;
-    my ($to) = $self->_getParam( 'to', '(\d+)' );
-    # the rest of the queue
-    my @queue = grep { $_ != $plugin } $list->plugins( $plugin->queue );
-    splice @queue, $to - 1, 0, $plugin;
-    $list->set_plugins( $plugin->queue => map { $_->name } @queue );
-sub ACTION_add_plugin {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $list = Siesta::List->load( $self->_getParam('list', '(\S+)') )
-      or return;
-    return unless $self->user->id == $list->owner->id;
-    my ($queue) = $self->_getParam('queue', '(\S+)');
-    my ($type)  = $self->_getParam('type',  '(\S+)');
-    # mmm, evil tastes sooo good
-    eval {
-        $list->add_plugin( $queue,
-                           ( $self->_getParam('personal', '(\S+)') ? '+' : '') . $type );
-    } or do { $self->error( $@ ); return };
-    return 1;
-sub ACTION_delete_plugin {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($id) = $self->_getParam( 'id', '(\d+)' );
-    my $plugin = Siesta::Plugin->retrieve( $id ) or return;
-    return unless $plugin->list->owner->id == $self->user->id;
-    $plugin->delete;
-    return 1;
-sub ACTION_resume_message {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $message = Siesta::Deferred->retrieve(
-        $self->_getParam( 'id', '(\d+)' )
-       )
-      or return;
-    return unless $self->user->id == $message->who;
-    Siesta::Message->resume( $message->id );
-    return 1;
-sub ACTION_set_pref {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $list = Siesta::List->retrieve( $self->_getParam( 'list',
-                                                         qr/^(\d+)$/ ) )
-      or return;
-    for my $plugin (map { $_->promote } Siesta::Plugin->search({ list => $list })) {
-        for my $pref (keys %{ $plugin->options }) {
-            my $val;
-            if ($plugin->personal &&
-                  ( ($val) = $self->_getParam( "personal_$pref", '(.*)' ) ) ) {
-                $plugin->member( $self->user );
-                $plugin->pref( $pref, $val );
-            }
-            if (( $plugin->list->owner == $self->user ) &&
-                  ( ($val) = $self->_getParam( "list_$pref", '(.*)' ) ) ) {
-                $plugin->member( undef );
-                $plugin->pref( $pref, $val );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _getParam {
-    my ($self,$param,$regex) = @_;
-    my $var = $self->cgi->param($param);
-    if (defined $var) {
-        return $var =~ /$regex/;
-    }
-    return;
-sub user { $_[0]->context->stash->get('session.user') }
-sub available_plugins {
-    [ Siesta->available_plugins ];
-sub lists {
-    [ Siesta::List->retrieve_all ];
-sub list {
-    my ($self, $list) = @_;
-    Siesta::List->load( $list );
-# messages deferred for the current user
-sub deferred {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $id = shift;
-    if ($id) {
-        return Siesta::Deferred->search( who => $self->user, id => $id);
-    }
-    [ Siesta::Deferred->search( who => $self->user ) ];
-=item ->error( $what )
-blow an error
-sub error {
-    my $self = shift;
-    push @{ $self->errors }, @_;
-=item ->errors
-returns a list of errors that ocurred during an action request.
-=item ->success
-Return value of the action

Generated at 11:00 on 27 Jan 2005 by mariachi 0.52