rev 1849 - trunk/buscador

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1849 - trunk/buscador
Date: 13:00 on 08 Feb 2005
Author: simon
Date: 2005-02-08 13:00:10 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005)
New Revision: 1849

No longer needed

Deleted: trunk/buscador/
--- trunk/buscador/	2005-02-08 12:59:37 UTC (rev 1848)
+++ trunk/buscador/	2005-02-08 13:00:10 UTC (rev 1849)
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-package Buscador;
-use strict;
-use base 'Apache::MVC';
-use Maypole::Cache;
-Buscador->config->{cache_options}{class} = "Cache::FileCache";
-use Buscador::Config;
-use Maypole::Constants;
-our $home;
-sub debug{1}
-require Email::Store;
-$home = Buscador::Config->home;
-Buscador->config->{cache_options}{class} = "Cache::FileCache";
-Buscador->config->{model} = "Maypole::Model::CDBI::Plain";
-Buscador->setup([ qw/ Email::Store::Mail Email::Store::List 
-Email::Store::Entity Email::Store::Entity::Name Email::Store::Attachment
-Email::Store::Entity::Address Email::Store::NamedEntity / ]); 
-Buscador->config->{rows_per_page} = 10;
-Buscador->config->{template_root} = "$home/templates";
-Buscador->config->{uri_base} = Buscador::Config->uri;
-$Email::Store::Plucene::index_path = "$home/emailstore-index";
-$Plucene::QueryParser::DefaultOperator = "AND";
-sub parse_path {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->{path} ||= "/mail/recent";
-    $self->SUPER::parse_path();
-package Mail::Thread; # Fscking hack!
-sub _get_hdr {                                                                 
-    my ($class, $msg, $hdr) = @_;                                              
-    $msg->simple->header($hdr) || '';                                          
-package Email::Store::Mail;
-use Text::Decorator;
-use Text::Context;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use Mail::Thread::Chronological;
-sub body {
-    my $mail = shift;
-    my $mime = Email::MIME->new($mail->message);
-    my $body = $mail->simple->body;
-    my $charset = $mime->{ct}->{attributes}{charset};
-    if ($charset and $charset !~ /utf-?8/) {
-        eval {
-            require Encode;
-            $body = Encode::decode($charset, $body);
-            Encode::_utf8_off($body);
-        };
-    }
-    $body;
-sub lurker :Exported {
-   my ($self,$r)  = @_;
-   my $mail       = $r->objects->[0];      
-   my $root       = $mail->container->root;
-   my $lurker     = Mail::Thread::Chronological->new;
-   my @root       = $lurker->arrange( $root );
-   $r->{template_args}{root} = \@root;
-sub thread :Exported {
-    my ($self,$r)  = @_;
-   my $mail       = $r->objects->[0];      
-   my $root       = $mail->container->root;
-   $r->{template_args}{thread} = $root;
-sub recent :Exported {
-    my ($self, $r) = @_;
-    $self = $self->do_pager($r);
-    $r->{objects} = [ $self->search_recent ];
-sub format_body {
-    my $mail = shift;
-    my $decorator = Text::Decorator->new($mail->body);
-    my %seen;
-    my @names =
-                grep {!$seen{$_->thing}++}
-                grep {$_->thing =~ / /}
-                grep {$_->score > 6}
-                $mail->named_entities(description => "person");
-    $decorator->add_filter("Quoted", begin => '<div class="level%i">',
-                                     end   => '</div>');
-    $decorator->add_filter("URIFind");
-    $decorator->add_filter("TTBridge" => "html" => "html_entity");
-    $decorator->add_filter("NamedEntity" => @names) if @names;
-    $decorator->format_as("html");
-sub _min  { $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }
-sub _max  { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }
-sub thread_as_html {
-    my $mail = shift;
-    my $cont = $mail->container;
-    my $orig = $cont;
-    my %crumbs;
-    # We can't use ->root here, because we want to keep track of the
-    # breadcrumbs, and this way is more efficient.
-    while (1) {
-        $crumbs{$cont}++;
-        if ($cont->parent) { $cont = $cont->parent } else { last }
-    }
-    my $html = "<UL class=\"mktree\">\n";
-    my $add_me;
-    my $base = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
-    $add_me = sub {
-        my $c = shift;
-        $html .= "<li ".(exists $crumbs{$c} && "class=\"liOpen\"").">";
-        # Bypass has-a because we might not really have it!
-        my $mess = Email::Store::Mail->retrieve($c->message->id);
-        if (!$mess) { $html .= "<i>message not available</i>" } 
-        elsif ($c == $orig) { $html .= "<b> this message </b>" }
-        else { 
-            $html .= qq{<A HREF="${base}mail/view/}.$mess->id.q{">}.
-        $mess->subject."</A>\n";
-        $html .= "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp<SMALL>".eval {$mess->addressings(role =>"From")->first->name->name}."</SMALL>\n";
-        }
-        if ($c->children) {
-            $html .="<ul>\n";
-            $add_me->($_) for $c->children;
-            $html .= "</ul>\n";
-        }
-        $html .= "</li>\n";
-    };
-    $add_me->($cont);
-    $html .="</ul>";
-    return $html;
-sub search :Exported {
-    return shift->SUPER::search(@_) if caller ne "Maypole::Model::Base";
-    my ($self, $r) = @_;
-    $self = $self->do_pager($r);
-    $r->objects([ $self->plucene_search( $r->{query}{terms} ) ]);
-} # Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?
-sub _unlucene {
-    my ($asset_terms) = @_;
-    use Data::Dumper;
-    return map {
-        $_->{query}     eq "SUBQUERY" ? _unlucene($_->{subquery})
-            : $_->{query} ne "PHRASE"   ? $_->{term}
-            : (split /\s+/, $_->{term})    } 
-            grep 
-                { $_->{type} ne "PROHIBITED" and (!exists($_->{field}) or $_->{field} eq "text")}
-            @{$asset_terms};
-sub parsed_query {
-    my ($q) = @_;
-    my $parser = Plucene::QueryParser->new({
-            analyzer => Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer->new(),
-            default  => "text",
-        });
-    $parser->parse($q, 1);
-sub contextualize_result {
-    my ($mail, $terms) = @_;
-    my @terms = _unlucene(parsed_query($terms));
-    my $body = $mail->body;
-    Text::Context->new($body, @terms)->as_html( start=> "<b>", end => "</b>" ) 
-    || encode_entities($mail->original);
-package Email::Store::Mail;
-__PACKAGE__->set_sql(recent_posts => qq{
-    SELECT mail.message_id
-    FROM list_post, mail_date, mail
-    WHERE 
-         list_post.list = ?
-     AND mail.message_id = list_post.mail
-     AND mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
-__PACKAGE__->set_sql(recent => qq{
-    SELECT mail.message_id
-    FROM mail_date, mail
-    WHERE mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
-__PACKAGE__->set_sql(mentioned_entity => qq{
-    SELECT DISTINCT mail.message_id 
-    FROM named_entity, mail, mail_date
-    WHERE
-        description = ?
-    AND mail.message_id = mail_date.mail
-    AND thing = ?
-    AND mail.message_id = named_entity.mail
-package Email::Store::List;
-sub view :Exported {
-    my ($self, $r, $list) = @_;
-    my $pager = Email::Store::Mail->do_pager($r);
-    $r->{template_args}{recent} = [ $pager->search_recent_posts($list->id) ];
-# This is an evil hack
-Email::Store::Entity::Name->set_sql(most_common => qq{
-    SELECT name id, count(*) total
-        FROM addressing
-    WHERE entity = ?
-    GROUP BY name
-    ORDER BY total
-    LIMIT 1
-Email::Store::Entity::Address->set_sql(most_common => qq{
-    SELECT address id, count(*) total
-        FROM addressing
-    WHERE entity = ?
-    GROUP BY address
-    ORDER BY total
-    LIMIT 1
-my $sorted = qq{
-    FROM addressing, mail_date
-    WHERE %s = ?
-     AND addressing.mail = mail_date.mail
-Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(name_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "name"));
-Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(entity_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "entity"));
-Email::Store::Addressing->set_sql(address_sorted => sprintf($sorted, "address"));
-package Email::Store::Entity::Name;
-sub view :Exported {
-    my ($class, $r, $name) = @_;
-    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
-    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
-        [ $pager->search_name_sorted($name->id) ];
-sub mentioned_mails {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my %mails;
-    return unless $self->name;
-    for ($self->addressings) {
-        $mails{$_->mail->id} = {
-            mail => $_->mail,
-            role => $_->role
-        }
-    }
-    my @ment = 
-        grep {!exists $mails{$_->id}}
-    Email::Store::Mail->search_mentioned_entity("person", $self->name);
-    #for (@ment) {
-    #    $mails{$_->id} ||= {
-    #        mail => $_,
-    #        role => "mentioned"
-    #    }
-    #}
-    #sort {$b->{mail}->date cmp $a->{mail}->date} values %mails;
-package Email::Store::Entity::Address;
-sub view :Exported {
-    my ($class, $r, $self) = @_;
-    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
-    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
-        [$pager->search_address_sorted($self->id) ];
-package Email::Store::Entity;
-sub view :Exported {
-    my ($class, $r, $self) = @_;
-    my $pager = Email::Store::Addressing->do_pager($r);
-    $r->{template_args}{sorted_addressings} =
-        [$pager->search_entity_sorted($self->id)];
-sub most_common_name { Email::Store::Entity::Name->search_most_common(shift->id)->first }
-sub most_common_address { Email::Store::Entity::Address->search_most_common(shift->id)->first }
-package Email::Store::Addressing;
-use Class::DBI::Pager;
-sub do_pager {
-    my ($self, $r) = @_;
-    if ( my $rows = $r->config->{rows_per_page}) {
-        return $r->{template_args}{pager} = $self->pager($rows, $r->query->{page});
-    } else { return $self }
-package Email::Store::Attachment;
-sub view :Exported {
-    my ($self, $r, $att) = @_;
-    $r->{content_type} = $att->content_type;
-    $r->{output} = $att->payload;
-package Text::Decorator::Filter::NamedEntity; 
-$INC{"Text/Decorator/Filter/"}++; # for ->require
-use Text::Decorator::Group;
-use base 'Text::Decorator::Filter';
-use HTML::Entities;
-sub filter_node {
-    my ($class, $args, $node) = @_;
-    my (@entities) = @$args;
-    # Prepare it.
-    $node->{representations}{html} = $node->format_as("html");
-    my $test = join "|", map {quotemeta($_->thing)} @entities;
-    my $base = Buscador->config->{uri_base};
-    return $node unless $node->{representations}{html} =~ m{\b($test)\b}ims;
-    for my $entity (@entities) {
-        my ($name) = Email::Store::Entity::Name->search(name => $entity->thing);
-        if ($name) {
-            my $nn = encode_entities($name->name);
-            my $id = $name->id;
-            $node->{representations}{html} =~ s{\b\Q$nn\E\b}
-                {<A HREF="${base}name/view/$id" class="personknown"> <SUP><IMG SRC="/personknown.gif"> </SUP>$nn</A>}gmsi;
-#        } elsif ($entity->score >= 20) { # Have to be damned sure
-#            my $nn = encode_entities($entity->thing);
-#            $node->{representations}{html} =~ s{\b\Q$nn\E\b}
-#                {<span class="personunknown"> <SUP><IMG SRC="/personunknown.gif"> </SUP>$nn</span>}gims;
-        }
-    }   
-    return $node;

Generated at 14:00 on 08 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.52