rev 1846 - trunk/buscador

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1846 - trunk/buscador
Date: 12:58 on 08 Feb 2005
Author: simon
Date: 2005-02-08 12:58:13 +0000 (Tue, 08 Feb 2005)
New Revision: 1846

Various meta information files

Added: trunk/buscador/Changes
--- trunk/buscador/Changes	2005-02-08 12:57:08 UTC (rev 1845)
+++ trunk/buscador/Changes	2005-02-08 12:58:13 UTC (rev 1846)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+0.7 - August 13th 2004 - muttley
+Changes so that you can use the email address and/or name where
+appropriate for /entity/view, /name/view and /address/view and also the
+list name for/list/view
+0.6 - August 2nd 2004 - muttley
+Change so that instead of writing a Buscador::Config file you centrally 
+install and write a buscador.config file
+0.5 - July 28th 2004 - muttley
+Split stuff into seperate modules rathe rthan one massive
+0.4 - July 28th 2004 - muttley
+Add Atom feeds for various things
+0.3 - July 28th 2004 - muttley
+Clean up Date stuff
+0.2 - July 18th 2004 - muttley
+Add in ability to do 
+        /buscador/date/list/2004/07/01/                                                 
+        /buscador/date/list/2004/07/                                                    
+        /buscador/date/list/2004/   
+0.1 - July 15th 2004 - muttley
+Add threads pages - normal and lurker style views
+0.01 - Jul 15th 2004 - muttley
+Initial import of all Simon's stuff.

Added: trunk/buscador/INSTALL
--- trunk/buscador/INSTALL	2005-02-08 12:57:08 UTC (rev 1845)
+++ trunk/buscador/INSTALL	2005-02-08 12:58:13 UTC (rev 1846)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+-=( How to install Buscador )=-
+It's a slightly involved process at the moment. This will change.
+1) Download the tar ball
+and unpack it in a web accessible directory.
+2) Install the prerequisites. 
+You can check by running 
+% perl Makefile.PL
+Consider making a Bundle::Buscador for us. Or a PAR archive or something.
+There are quite a lot.
+Part of the problem, and the reason why you'll get bizarre requests to
+install GD, Graphviz, XML::Writer and Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is because
+Email::Store uses Class::DBI::DATA::Schema which uses SQL::Translator
+which has insane dependencies. Complain to the authors of
+SQL::Translator not us.
+Some users have said they've had test errors from 
+we're harassing authors where appropriate as we speak.
+3) Create the config file
+Make a Buscador::Config file. I did this by creating a
+directory called Buscador with a file inside.
+Mine looks like 
+package Buscador::Config;
+sub home       { "/virtual/" }
+sub uri        { ""; }
+sub image_uri  { ""; }
+sub dsn        { my $home = $_[0]->home; "dbi:SQLite:$home/email.db" }
+Check with a 
+% perl -c
+4) Add in the Apache Config
+I added this into my virtual host config
+   <Location /buscador>
+        PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /virtual/
+        PerlHandler Buscador
+        PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
+   </Location>
+StatINC allows me to develop without restarting Apache every time.
+5) Add in a load of mails
+    % perl -MEmail::Store=dbi:SQLite:email.db -e"Email::Store->setup"
+Then use something like this
+with a mail folder as the first argument.
+6) Restart apache
+Err, that should be it.

Added: trunk/buscador/MANIFEST
--- trunk/buscador/MANIFEST	2005-02-08 12:57:08 UTC (rev 1845)
+++ trunk/buscador/MANIFEST	2005-02-08 12:58:13 UTC (rev 1846)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+MANIFEST            This list of files

Modified: trunk/buscador/TODO
--- trunk/buscador/TODO	2005-02-08 12:57:08 UTC (rev 1845)
+++ trunk/buscador/TODO	2005-02-08 12:58:13 UTC (rev 1846)
@@ -1,2 +1,27 @@
-* Browsing by other kinds of named entity
-* Sort by date/person/subject - Delay until version 2
+* Browsing by other kinds of named entity                     -  X
+* Sort by date/person/subject - Delay until version 2         -  X
+* Rejig Email::Store::Date and date stuff                     - DONE
+* Create non braindead version of SQL::Translator             - DONE
+* Create Bundle                                               -  X
+* Use email addresses in the body to find NamedEntities       - DONE
+* Atom feed for entities                                      - DONE
+* Atom feed for threads                                       - DONE
+* Split into plugins with munging of parse_path - M:P:O       - DONE
+* Plugins should be able to affect setup of Email::Store::*   -  X
+* Central install and config file                             -  X
+* Docs                                                        - half
+* Tests                                                       -  X
+- make sure that all attchments are clickable                 - DONE
+- make foreign chars work                                     - DONE
+- show scrubbed html where appropriate                        - scrub
+- fix troublesome.mail
+- make a good test suite of mails
+- make text/plain default body if no other available

Generated at 13:00 on 08 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.52