rev 1907 - in trunk/buscador/templates: . date list mail

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From: simon
Subject: rev 1907 - in trunk/buscador/templates: . date list mail
Date: 15:39 on 18 Feb 2005
Author: simon
Date: 2005-02-18 15:39:47 +0000 (Fri, 18 Feb 2005)
New Revision: 1907

XHTML compliance

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/date/list
--- trunk/buscador/templates/date/list	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/date/list	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
 [% INCLUDE searchbox %]
 [% FOR mail = mails %]
     [% summary(mail); %]
 [% END %]
 [% INCLUDE footer %]

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/date/month
--- trunk/buscador/templates/date/month	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/date/month	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@
 [% MACRO print_day(day) BLOCK %]
-<td class="header" width="83" height="83" align="center">[% day %]</td>
+<td class="header" style="width: 83px; height: 83px; text-align: center;">[% day %]</td>
 [% END %]
 [% MACRO cell(date, event) BLOCK %]
-<td class="[% IF event; 'event'; ELSE; 'noevent'; END %]" width="83" height="83" align="center">
+<td class="[% IF event; 'event'; ELSE; 'noevent'; END %]" style="width: 83px; height: 83px; text-align: center;">
 [% IF date; "<a href='$url/$date'>"; ordinate(date); "</a>"; IF event; "<br />($event)"; END; ELSE; '&nbsp;'; END %]
 [% END %]
-<div align="center">
+<div style="text-align: center;">
 <p><a href="[% base %]/date/view/[% date.strftime("%Y") %]"><b>[% date.strftime("%Y") %]</b></a></p>
 <table border="0" class="calendar" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
+<tr style="height: 83px;">
 [% FOR day = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday' , 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ] ; print_day(day); END -%]
+<trstyle="height: 83px;">
 [%- SET pad = 0 -%]
 [%- SET counter = 0 -%]
 [%- WHILE date.day_of_week > pad; pad = pad + 1; cell(0,0);  END -%]
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     [% counter = counter + 1 %]
     [%- IF pad==7 %]
-    <tr>
+    <tr style="height: 83;">
     [% pad = 0 -%]
     [%- END -%]
     [% cell(counter, days.shift) %]
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
 [%- WHILE pad<7;  pad = pad + 1; cell(0,0); END -%]
-    <td class="cal_nav" colspan="3"><div align="left"><a href="[% base %]/date/view/[% last_month.strftime("%Y/%m") %]">&lt; [% last_month.fullmonth %]</a></div></td>
+    <td class="cal_nav" colspan="3"><div style="text-align: left;"><a href="[% base %]/date/view/[% last_month.strftime("%Y/%m") %]">&lt; [% last_month.fullmonth %]</a></div></td>
     <td class="cal_nav">&nbsp;</td>
-    <td class="cal_nav" colspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="[% base %]/date/view/[% next_month.strftime("%Y/%m") %]">[% next_month.fullmonth %] &gt;</a></div></td>
+    <td class="cal_nav" colspan="3"><div style="text-align: right;"><a href="[% base %]/date/view/[% next_month.strftime("%Y/%m") %]">[% next_month.fullmonth %] &gt;</a></div></td>

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/date/year
--- trunk/buscador/templates/date/year	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/date/year	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
                    'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ];
-<div align="center">
+<div style="text-align: center;">
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@
 [% count = 0 %]
 <table border="0" class="calendar" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
 [% FOR month = months %]
-    <tr height="40"><td width="166" class="[% month ? 'event' : 'noevent' %]" align="center">
+    <tr style="height: 40;"><td style="width: 166px; height: 40px; text-align: center;" class="[% month ? 'event' : 'noevent' %]">
         <a href="[% base | remove('/$') %]/date/list/[% year %]/[% count + 1 | format("%.2d") %]">[% mapping.$count %]</a>
         [% IF month %]<br/>([% month %])[% END %]
     [% count = count + 1 %]
 [% END %]
 [% INCLUDE footer %]

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/list/view
--- trunk/buscador/templates/list/view	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/list/view	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
         <h3>[% mailday %]</h3>
     [% END %]
     [% previous = mailday %]
     [% summary_link(mail) %]
-    [% mail.original |html %]
+    <p>[% mail.original | html %]</p>
 [% END %]
-[% make_atom("list/atom/[% %]") %]
+[% make_atom("list/atom/$") %]
 [% INCLUDE footer %]

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/macros
--- trunk/buscador/templates/macros	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/macros	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
 [% %] ([% addressing.address.address %])
 <td> &nbsp; </td><td>
 [% summary(addressing.mail,1) %] 

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/mail/lurker
--- trunk/buscador/templates/mail/lurker	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/mail/lurker	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -20,44 +20,43 @@
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">[% y = 0 %]
-    [% FOREACH row = root %]
-        [% y = loop.count %] 
-        <tr height="24" class="[% loop.count % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2" %]" id="row_[% loop.count %]" 
-        onMouseOver="rollIn(this)" onMouseOut="rollOut(this)">
-        [% FOREACH cell = row %]
-            [% tmp = loop.count ; x = loop.count - 1 %]
-            [% IF cell.message %]
-                [% message = cell.message %]
-                [% IF root.$y && root.$y.$x && root.$y.$x != ' ' && root.$y.$x != '-' %][%# something beneath us %]
-                    [% IF row.$tmp && row.$tmp != ' ' && row.$tmp != '|' %]
-                       [% img = 'message-top-bottom-right' %]
-                    [% ELSE %]
-                       [% img = 'message-top-bottom' %]
-                    [% END %] 
-                [% ELSE %] 
-                    [% img = 'message-terminal' %]
-                [% END %]
-                <td width="24"><a name="[% %]" href="[% base | remove('/$') %]/mail/view/[% %]"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/[% img %].png" height="24" width="24" alt="*" border="0"></a></td>
-             [% ELSE %]
-                [% IF cell == '+' || cell == 'L' %][%# may really be a tee, or a corner %]
-                    [% cell = row.$tmp.match('[+{-]') ? 'T' : 'L' %]
-                [% END %]
-                <td width="24"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/[% mapping.$cell %].png" height="24" width="24" alt="[% cell %]"></td>
-             [% END %]
-        [% END %]
-        <td width="48"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/blank.png" width="48" height="24"></td>
-        <td rowspan="2"><small> [% IF message.subject %][% summary_link(message) %]<i>[% %]</i><br/>[% message.original %][% END %]</small></td>
+<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">[%- y = 0 -%]
+    [%- FOREACH row = root -%]
+        [%- y = loop.count -%] 
+        <tr height="24" class="[% loop.count % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2" %]" id="row_[% loop.count %]" onMouseOver="rollIn(this)" onMouseOut="rollOut(this)">
+        [%- FOREACH cell = row -%]
+            [%- tmp = loop.count ; x = loop.count - 1 -%]
+            [%- IF cell.message -%]
+                [%- message = cell.message -%]
+                [%- IF root.$y && root.$y.$x && root.$y.$x != ' ' && root.$y.$x != '-' -%][%# something beneath us %]
+                    [%- IF row.$tmp && row.$tmp != ' ' && row.$tmp != '|' -%]
+                       [%- img = 'message-top-bottom-right' -%]
+                    [%- ELSE -%]
+                       [%- img = 'message-top-bottom' -%]
+                    [%- END -%] 
+                [%- ELSE -%] 
+                    [%- img = 'message-terminal' -%]
+                [%- END -%]
+                <td width="24" style="height: 24px;"><a name="[% %]" href="[% base | remove('/$') %]/mail/view/[% %]"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/[% img %].png" height="24" width="24" alt="*" border="0"></a></td>
+             [%- ELSE -%]
+                [%- IF cell == '+' || cell == 'L' -%][%# may really be a tee, or a corner %]
+                    [%- cell = row.$tmp.match('[+{-]') ? 'T' : 'L' -%]
+                [%- END -%]
+                <td width="24" height="24"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/[% mapping.$cell %].png" height="24" width="24" alt="[% cell %]"></td>
+             [%- END -%]
+        [%- END -%]
+        <td width="48" height="24"><img src="[% config.img_base %]/blank.png" width="48" height="24"></td>
+        <td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: top; height: 24px;"><small> [% IF message.subject %][% summary_link(message) %]<i>[% %]</i><br/>[% message.original %][% END %]</small></td>
         <tr class="[% loop.count % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2" %]">
-        [% FOREACH cell = row %]
-        [% x = loop.count - 1 %]
-        [% IF cell != ' ' && root.$y && root.$y.$x && !root.$y.$x.match('[ +-]') %][%# something beneath %]
-               <td width="24" background="[% config.img_base %]/vertical.png">&nbsp;</td>
-        [% ELSE %]
+        [%- FOREACH cell = row -%]
+        [%- x = loop.count - 1 %]
+          [%- IF cell != ' ' && root.$y && root.$y.$x && !root.$y.$x.match('[ +-]') -%][%# something beneath %]
+               <td width="24" height="24"background="[% config.img_base %]/vertical.png">&nbsp;</td>
+          [%- ELSE -%]
            <td width="24"></td>
-            [% END %]
-        [% END %]
+          [%- END -%]
+        [%- END -%]

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/mail/thread_view
--- trunk/buscador/templates/mail/thread_view	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/mail/thread_view	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 [% BLOCK display_thread_rec; %]
-<li class="thread" id="m_[% %]">
+<li class="thread" id="m_[% | replace('@','_') %]">
 [%- IF thread.message -%]
         [%- summary_link(thread.message) %] <i>

Modified: trunk/buscador/templates/mail/view_macros
--- trunk/buscador/templates/mail/view_macros	2005-02-18 15:39:32 UTC (rev 1906)
+++ trunk/buscador/templates/mail/view_macros	2005-02-18 15:39:47 UTC (rev 1907)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
         <td class="field"> Lists </td>
             [% FOR list = mail.lists %]
-                <a HREF="[%base | remove('/$')%]/list/view/[]">[%list%]</a>
+                <a href="[%base | remove('/$')%]/list/view/[]">[%list%]</a>
                 [% ", " UNLESS mail.lists.last == list %]
             [% END %]

Generated at 18:00 on 18 Feb 2005 by mariachi 0.52