Notification: We offer low rates

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From: Elsie Reeder
Subject: Notification: We offer low rates
Date: 19:23 on 07 Mar 2005

 We tried contacting you awhile ago about your low interest morta(ge rate.

 You have qualified for the lowest rate in years...

 You could get over $380,000 for as little as $500 a month!

 Ba(d credit? Doesn't matter, low rates are fixed no matter what!

 To get a free, no obli,gation consultation click below:

 Best Regards,

 Chuck Valle
 to be remov(ed:

 this process takes one week, so please be patient. we do our 
 best to take your email/s off but you have to fill out a rem/ove
 or else you will continue to recieve email/s.

Generated at 13:00 on 23 May 2005 by mariachi 0.52