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PUT THIS ONE ON YOUR HOT LIST. You don't saw what was happen ? Thursday volume of ACEN has exceeded all records. Pick ACEN High $1.035 Last sale on $0.75. Vol 561,673 As you can see, investors finally valued the product and started to invest. In the morning it will start to increase again, because the company is too far from the real. Check your Level 2 market data. You will see that this one is set for an explosion. With the huge publicity that is on the way THIS is where you want to be. Company news will come soon. There you want to catch your defects before they go into the field. > Hey Mike, The only question is whether that testing occurs in a test environment or in the field. > Change things fast or lose business bigtime. The only question is whether that testing occurs in a test environment or in the field. > Change things fast or lose business bigtime.
Generated at 05:01 on 02 Mar 2007 by mariachi 0.52