Re: [siesta-dev] SQLite 'issues'

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] SQLite 'issues'
Date: 11:57 on 27 Aug 2002
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:10:41AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> Ok, that's a good plan. I'm having issues with SQLite with regards to
> permissions. If necessary I can host siesta on dabox which has MySQL
> although I'd still prefer db files.

We'll probably derive one from Siesta::Storage, like
Siesta::Storage::DBI does.  I've still got to write the factory method
but it'll probably be like:

=item ->connect( $driver, [@args] )

instantiate a Siesta::Storage::$driver object


 my $storage = $something->connect( DBI => 'dbi::SQLite:/opt/siesta/foo.db' );
 my $storage = $something->connect( DBM => '/opt/siesta/data/' );


And then will get stashed somewhere for the processing of a message
(needs a slight bit more tweaking in Siesta::List and Siesta::User,
currently they use local instances of Siesta::Storage::DBI)

Yes, the Siesta::Storage api isn't the prettiest, and it's far from
complete, but I only had a rusty knife and half an hour until 6'under

Richard Clamp <>

There's stuff above here

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