Re: [siesta-dev] Re: your mail

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] Re: your mail
Date: 21:37 on 16 Sep 2002
On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 11:54:19AM +0100, Richard Clamp said:
> Sure, it is, but the current subscribe plugin is a quick-and-dirty
> hack, if you want to make it more stateful then go to it.

I've just done that although it looks ugly because of the all the here
docs. I'll refactor later when I'm not stupid with lack of sleep.

It's fairly simple ....

1. If this is a new user (for this list) then make a new key, stick that
in the configdb and mail them with a 'reply with this in the subject line'.

2. Otherwise check to see if they're already subbed and complain if
they are.

3. Extract the key from the db and check against the subject. Sub them
if it's valid and squawk if it isn't.

Actually the hardest thing is writing the tests :)

It's also made me think that I need someway of deleting config keys. And
also that the key stuck in the database should have a time stamp so that
you can clear them up later.


There's stuff above here

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