[siesta-dev] A couple of possible little issues

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From: Leo Lapworth
Subject: [siesta-dev] A couple of possible little issues
Date: 15:55 on 18 Sep 2002
Hi guys,

Sorry about the last email... anyway..

I've got Siesta running on my box now.. and here are a few
little points I thought you might (or might not) want to
know about.. do with them as you will..




>nacho show-users
Leo Lapworth <leo@xxxxxx.xxx>
Use of uninitialized value in printf at /usr/local/bin/nacho line 132.
Use of uninitialized value in printf at /usr/local/bin/nacho line 132.

leo@xxxxx.xxxx.xxx subscribed by sending an email.


Might want to remove your personal email addresses from examples
as otherwise you'll find your selfs on a lot of lists :) ?


Doesn't have the 'created' date on
nacho show-list <listname>


nacho list-plugin <listname>

doesn't seem to work, might be doing something wrong *shrug*


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