Re: [siesta-dev] Re: your mail

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] Re: your mail
Date: 09:54 on 21 Sep 2002
On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 02:31:44PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 09:37:53PM +0100, Simon Wistow said:
> > Actually the hardest thing is writing the tests :)
> I've refactored my code, done some tests and put in stuff to allow you
> to delete config keys.

And lo, it was a bit odd.

A few days ago I had a more general (as in we can use it for
approvals/unsubscribes, anything that needs feedback to perform an
action really) scheme in my brain.  It's like this:

 if ( message is somehow magic ) {
     do what it says.
 else {
     stash it in the deferred queue.
     send an email out( to => who the message was from,
                        from => foo-request, # foo-request is handled by Domo
                        subject+body => mention deferred queue number );

 # in Domo
 if ( message is a confirm command ) {
     grab the message from the deferred queue.
     make it magical.
     put it back through the pipeline.

But I forgot to make a note of it because my pen had run out of ink -
it only just came back to me when seeing how complex you seem to have
made it.

> We now have challenge/response subscribing. Plz. test. 

Actually do just now, after I installed the new dependency of
Disgest::MD5.  Please to be adding external dependencies to the list
in Makefile.PL.

For those playing the home game, there's a lag between CVS and the
lists running on plough ( as I have to check the code
out, eyeball the commitlogs for incompatible changes, run the tests,
cross my fingers, then make it live.

This gap is going to get a bit longer this weekend as I'm about to
move all my stuff across London.  And then I'll be at work again
trying to look like a hard-working type during the week.

Richard Clamp <>

There's stuff above here

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