Re: [siesta-dev] wish list

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] wish list
Date: 13:02 on 24 Sep 2002
On Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002, at 12:48 Europe/London, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> On the subject of frobbing nacho, I keep suggesting to Simon (and he
> keeps grimacing reluctantly) that some of the stuff that's living in
> nacho's core should really be moved to a module or two.

He should be grimacing because there should be no code in the front of 
nacho that is big enough to live in modules - it should *already* live 
in the modules that we have.

> I'm saying this with particular reference to the desire for a
> web-based admin system, which would be (theoretically) easier to write
> if it could poach nacho's core in a clean way.

Nachos core {is,should be} the existing Siesta::* module hierarchy.  If 
it isn't than it's time to refactor nacho without mercy.

I'd repeat myself a third time, but that would be overkill :)

Richard Clamp <>

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