[siesta-dev] Re: problem with siesta mailing list signup

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: [siesta-dev] Re: problem with siesta mailing list signup
Date: 17:14 on 09 Oct 2002
On Wednesday, Oct 9, 2002, at 17:02 Europe/London, Gavin Estey wrote:

> Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, Oct 9, 2002, at 15:54 Europe/London, Gavin Estey wrote:
>>> looks like things are broke i'm afraid .
>> I just saw a second attempt from you bounce looking through the MTA
>> logs -  could you try a third time CCing me on the mail so I can
>> dissect the headers that you're sending to it.
> Hope that helped. I tried with netscape's mail client and that worked 
> great.
> It looks
> like there is something it doesn't like about the emails that outlook
> express sends...

Yes, it does - I now have a reproducible error.  Thank you.

Okay -dev types, free coffee for the first person who can puzzle out 
why etc/take_3 chokes tequila on plough.

richardc@plough:~/lab/siesta$ tequila siesta-users sub < etc/take_3
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Mail/Header.pm line 218, <STDIN> 
line 33.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Mail/Header.pm line 218, <STDIN> 
line 33.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Siesta/Send/Sendmail.pm line 47, 
<STDIN> line 33.
exim: neither action flags nor mail addresses given
problem closing sendmail  256 at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Siesta/Send/Sendmail.pm line 50, 
<STDIN> line 33.

Actually there's an update to MailTools, which includes Mail::Header - 
so I'll try upgrading that on plough.

Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>

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