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Josts Smokehouse has just sent up black smoke for 0.65, where it was white for 0.63. FAIL 0.65 http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/100380 PASS 0.63 http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/97762 Both Solaris 2.8, both perl 5.8.0, and in both there's Class::DBI::BaseDSN in the prereqs. All the tests fail this way: t/00setup_database..........Base class package "Class::DBI::BaseDSN" is empty. (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first.) at /net/sunu991/disc1/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Siesta-0.65/blib/lib/Siesta/DBI.pm line 4 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /net/sunu991/disc1/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Siesta-0.65/blib/lib/Siesta/DBI.pm line 4. I'm a little stumped, anyone got an insight? -- Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
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