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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: stumped
Date: 11:24 on 03 Sep 2003
Josts Smokehouse has just sent up black smoke for 0.65, where it was
white for 0.63.

FAIL 0.65
PASS 0.63

Both Solaris 2.8, both perl 5.8.0, and in both there's
Class::DBI::BaseDSN in the prereqs.

All the tests fail this way:

t/00setup_database..........Base class package "Class::DBI::BaseDSN" is empty.
   (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first.) at
   /net/sunu991/disc1/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Siesta-0.65/blib/lib/Siesta/ line 4
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /net/sunu991/disc1/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Siesta-0.65/blib/lib/Siesta/
line 4.

I'm a little stumped, anyone got an insight?

Richard Clamp <>

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