Deferred issues

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From: Gabor Szabo
Subject: Deferred issues
Date: 22:32 on 22 Nov 2003

[siesta@pc10 siesta]$ nacho show-deferred
Deferred-Id: 1
Reason: non member post requires approval
Owner: mambo-admin@xxx.xx.xx

 From: Gabor Szabo <>
 To: mambo@xxx.xx.xx
 Subject: Re: Re: [Mambo] outsider post 5
 Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 00:11:28 +0200 (IST)

[siesta@pc10 siesta]$ nacho resume-deferred 1
Siesta::Message->resume is deprected, use resume on a Siesta::Deferred
object instead at nacho line 682
local delivery into '/var/siesta/archive/mambo/' failed at
/usr/local/perl580/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Siesta/Plugin/ line 18.

[siesta@pc10 siesta]$ nacho show-deferred
No deferred messages

so actually while the resume gave an error message it also deleted the
mail from the deferred list. (the mail did not go out to the list)

There are some user rights issues here.
I setup the database as users 'siesta' and set tequila like this:
-r-xr-sr-x    1 root     siesta       1438 Nov  4 07:17 tequila

but in a nearby directory:
ll /var/siesta/archive/
total 12
drwxrwxr-x    5 mail     mail         4096 Nov 19 19:21 mambo
drwxrwxr-x    5 mail     mail         4096 Nov 21 10:55 yapcom
drwxrwxr-x    5 mail     mail         4096 Nov 21 23:04 yapcom-commit

so when I run nacho resume-deferred it cannot push it in the archive
and for some reason does not post it either.

ps. The whole issue of user rights and file owner ship in Siesta is not
yet clear to me and I tried to setup in a similar way as mailman is

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