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On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 05:28:40PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote: > http://www.research.ibm.com/remail/threadarcs.html > > Personally I don't like it but I thought I'd mention it. It intrigued me enough to put together a perl implementation. The paper about it was quite interesting reading too. Code here: http://unixbeard.net/svn/richardc/perl/Mail-Thread-Arc/lib/Mail/Thread/Arc.pm Sample output here: http://unixbeard.net/~richardc/mta/ I'll probably refine it a bit over the next couple of days, add in rollover colour changing on the arc and the like - if I can figure out how to do it in SVG. Expect it on CPAN soonish. -- Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
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