Not strickly Siesta

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From: Roderick A. Anderson
Subject: Not strickly Siesta
Date: 19:44 on 02 Aug 2004
At long last I have got around to doing (trying) a serious installing. 
Everything goes in pretty smooth and error I see appear to not affect
the basic installation.

The real problem (or my perception) is sendmail and it's shell access so
the aliases will work.  I've done this before but it has been months if
not years ago and the notes have disappeared or fallen out of my
memory.  Anyone have quick way to get them working.  I'm getting two
different messages back.  One about not relaying (a misconfiguration of
Siesta on my part probably) and the infamous 'unknown mailer error 20'.

The 'do not relay' looks like Siesta is trying to connect to the SMTP
portion of sendmail as the sender instead of as mail or root.

The specifics for the second error follow.

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|/usr/bin/tequila post     nilug"
    (expanded from: <>)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
problem closing sendmail  17152 at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Siesta/Send/ line 56, <STDIN>
line 23.
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 20

Any and all help and/or pointers are appreciated.


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