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Wow. It works. nacho modify-plugin Archive info-list path 'DBI:mysql:database=dwelle_org;host=mysql.dwelle.org;port=3306;user=USER;password=PASSWORD' ( in Siesta::Plugin::Archive ) use Email::FolderType::Register qw[register_type]; register_type Store => sub { $_[0] =~ m/^DBI/i }; ( in Email::LocalDelivery::Store) package Email::LocalDelivery::Store; sub deliver { my ($class, $mail, @dsns) = @_; my @delivered; for my $dsn (@dsns) { # we should probably really only do this once ;] # there's probably a better way to call Email::Store eval "use Email::Store '$dsn'"; my $stored = Email::Store::Mail->store($mail); push @delivered, $stored; } return @delivered; } No, really, wow. That's all it took. Holy shit. mail is now going host aliases -> .procmailrc -> Siesta -> Archive -> Email::LocalDelivery::Store -> Email::Store -> mysql (and also back out via Send) amazing. PS. There's a little bug in Email::Store::List where it tries to use posting_address instead of post_address, but I fixed that. Simon Wistow wrote: > On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 09:55:15AM -0700, Bowen Dwelle said: > >>Also, I see that Archive uses Email::LocalDelivery, which can store to >>MBox & Maildir -- how about a MySQL mail store (using Email::Store?) ? > > > Shouldn't be too hard - Email::LocalDelivery use Email::FolderType which > has a pluggable mechanism for defining new delivery types. > > So all you need to do is write a new one that understands that a path of > > store://<somestring> > > indicates that you want to use Email::LocalDelivery::Store and which is > a thin shim round Email::Store et voila. > > Simon >There's stuff above here
Generated at 14:00 on 11 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.52