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The whole config/db system is starting to feel a bit byzantine, trying to work out what methods are available and where I should get variables from and stuff was tricky and it's kept me scratching my head most of this morning. I wasn't sure if I should be inheriting from Storage or Ima::DBI or what. I've committed some framework for the config system. Currently it uses three different tables (list_config user_config listuser_config) but this could be changed to use one table with a flag field that defines what type it is (list, user, listuser) Unfortunately it doesn't work at the moment - Ima::DBI complains ... t/08config................ok 2/5 Can't locate object method "db_config" via package "Siesta::Config::User" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Ima/DBI.pm line 423. Help and comments much appreciated. Simon -- : third time's a charm
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