Re: [siesta-dev] the time is nigh

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] the time is nigh
Date: 07:19 on 16 Sep 2002
On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 07:04:34AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 06:52:22AM +0100, Richard Clamp said:
> > We're mostly there on the Hit List, asides from the docs, the
> > coverage[1], and a bit more untangling in Storage::DBI.
> If I get time today I'll seperate out the config stuff into some other
> module. Siesta::Config ok? 

Possibly not.  Siesta::Config is now generated from, so I
want it to be just constants as much as is possible.

Can't it go into methods on users, plugins, and lists as I suggested
before?  I don't remember there being a good reason not to, but maybe
I just asked the question wrongly.

> With code duplication I presume you mean stuff like (bad pseudo code)
> my $thing = Siesta::$class->new($id);
> unless ($thing) {
> 	# insert
> } else {
> 	# update
> }

Yes, I deleted/refactored all that yesterday afternoon though.

cvs up early, cvs up often.

Richard Clamp <>

There's stuff above here

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