Re: [siesta-dev] wish list

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From: Richard Clamp
Subject: Re: [siesta-dev] wish list
Date: 12:30 on 24 Sep 2002
On Tuesday, Sep 24, 2002, at 12:14 Europe/London, Roger Burton West 
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 12:04:30PM +0100, Richard Clamp wrote:
>>   Something to turn the maildir archives into web-browseable ones.
> Does mhonarc not do that? At the very least, I think this should be a
> separate program.

Probably, it only really needs to be a script that wraps maildir2mbox 
and mhonarc.  It shouldn't be a big task, but it will be a big niceness.

>> --- MembersOnly ---< ReplyTo >--- Archive --- Send
>>                   ^         ^
>>                   |         | Danger Will Robinson!
>>                   |
>>                   \  Expand/process one for each member
>> And that's where my head starts to fucking hurt.
> How about:
> If you're running something downstream of an exploder, you need to
> designate one "user" (by whatever means you do this, it might not be a
> real user at all and indeed probably shouldn't be) to get a customised
> copy. So you fire off one "archive" and N "send"s...
> --- MembersOnly ---< ReplyTo >-1- Archive
>                    ^         >-N- Send
>                    |
>                    |
>                    \  Expand/process one for each member

* I'm not sure a Plugin should be an exploder internally, possibly it 
needs some form of interface specification.  "I expect a message per 
user" "I expect a single message".

* Consider:

   --- < ReplyTo  + --- ListHeaders --- Send
                  \ === =========== === Send

Now ListHeaders expects just one input, which it munges.  We could:

  - Operate on a superposition of messages
  - Do some funky proxy-object crap
  - Disallow single mungers after exploded mungers

Now I don't like any of those too much, which is why my head hurts.

Richard Clamp <>

There's stuff above here

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